Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.Player Class Reference


class  BuilderAccToggleIDs
struct  ChannelCancelKey
struct  CompositeArmData
struct  DirectionalInputSyncCache
class  Hooks
struct  ItemCheckContext
struct  ItemSpaceStatus
struct  OverheadMessage
struct  RabbitOrderFrameHelper
class  RandomTeleportationAttemptSettings
class  SavedPlayerDataWithAnnoyingRules
class  SelectionRadial
struct  SetMatchRequest
class  Settings
class  SmartCursorSettings
struct  SpecialToolUsageSettings

Public Types

enum  CompositeArmStretchAmount { Full , None , Quarter , ThreeQuarters }

Public Member Functions

delegate void DashStartAction (int dashDirection)
void RotateRelativePoint (ref float x, ref float y)
Vector2 RotatedRelativePointOld (Vector2 pos, bool rotateForward=true)
Vector2 RotatedRelativePoint (Vector2 pos, bool reverseRotation=false, bool addGfxOffY=true)
bool CanDemonHeartAccessoryBeShown ()
bool CanMasterModeAccessoryBeShown ()
int GetAmountOfExtraAccessorySlotsToShow ()
EntityShadowInfo GetAdvancedShadow (int shadowIndex)
void UpdateAdvancedShadows ()
void ResetAdvancedShadows ()
void SetCompositeArmFront (bool enabled, CompositeArmStretchAmount stretch, float rotation)
void SetCompositeArmBack (bool enabled, CompositeArmStretchAmount stretch, float rotation)
void SetTalkNPC (int npcIndex, bool fromNet=false)
void SetItemTime (int frames)
void ApplyItemTime (Item sItem)
void ApplyItemTime (Item sItem, float multiplier)
void SetDummyItemTime (int frames)
void MatchItemTimeToItemAnimation ()
bool InOpposingTeam (Player otherPlayer)
bool TeamChangeAllowed ()
void HealEffect (int healAmount, bool broadcast=true)
void ManaEffect (int manaAmount)
void InterruptItemUsageIfOverTile (int tileTypeToBeOver)
Vector2 GetHairDrawOffset (int hairID, bool hatHair)
Vector2 GetHelmetDrawOffset ()
Vector2 GetBeardDrawOffsetFromHelmet ()
Vector2 GetFaceHeadOffsetFromHelmet ()
Vector2 GetHelmetOffsetAddonFromFaceHead (Vector2 headOffset)
Vector2 GetLegsDrawOffset ()
void AccumulateGolfingScore (int score)
void ToggleInv ()
void ToggleCreativeMenu ()
void dropItemCheck ()
void DropSelectedItem ()
void DropSelectedItem (int slot, ref Item theItemWeDrop)
void PlayDroppedItemAnimation (int time)
int FindBuffIndex (int type)
void AddBuff (int type, int timeToAdd, bool quiet=true, bool foodHack=false)
void DelBuff (int b)
void ClearBuff (int type)
int CountBuffs ()
void QuickHeal ()
Item QuickHeal_GetItemToUse ()
void QuickMana ()
Item QuickMana_GetItemToUse ()
void TrySwitchingLoadout (int loadoutIndex)
void QuickBuff ()
void QuickMount ()
bool CanFitSpace (int heightBoost)
Item QuickMount_GetItemToUse ()
void ClearGrapplingBlacklist ()
bool IsBlacklistedForGrappling (Point p)
void UpdateBlacklistedTilesForGrappling ()
void QuickGrapple ()
Item QuickGrapple_GetItemToUse ()
void StatusToNPC (int type, int i)
void StatusToPlayerPvP (int type, int i)
void Ghost ()
void OnHit (float x, float y, Entity victim)
void OpenPresent (int itemType)
void OpenLegacyPresent (int itemType)
void QuickSpawnItem (IEntitySource source, int item, int stack=1)
void OpenBossBag (int type)
void OpenFishingCrate (int crateItemID)
int CountItem (int type, int stopCountingAt=0)
bool ConsumeItem (int type, bool reverseOrder=false, bool includeVoidBag=false)
void OpenShadowLockbox (int boxType)
void OpenLockBox (int lockboxItemType)
void OpenHerbBag (int bagType)
void OpenCanofWorms (int sourceItemType)
void OpenOyster (int sourceItemType)
void OpenGoodieBag (int itemType)
void UpdateDyes ()
int ArmorSetDye ()
IEntitySource GetProjectileSource_Buff (int buffIndex)
IEntitySource GetProjectileSource_Item (Item item)
IEntitySource GetItemSource_OpenItem (int itemType)
IEntitySource GetItemSource_Death ()
IEntitySource GetItemSource_Misc (int itemSourceId)
IEntitySource GetProjectileSource_Item_WithPotentialAmmo (Item item, int ammoItemId)
IEntitySource GetProjectileSource_SetBonus (int projectileSourceId)
IEntitySource GetProjectileSource_OnHit (Entity victim, int projectileSourceId)
IEntitySource GetProjectileSource_OnHurt (Entity attacker, int projectileSourceId)
IEntitySource GetProjectileSource_Accessory (Item item)
IEntitySource GetProjectileSource_Misc (int projectileSourceId)
IEntitySource GetProjectileSource_TileInteraction (int tileCoordsX, int tileCoordsY)
IEntitySource GetItemSource_TileInteraction (int tileCoordsX, int tileCoordsY)
IEntitySource GetNPCSource_TileInteraction (int tileCoordsX, int tileCoordsY)
IEntitySource GetItemSource_OnHit (Entity victim, int itemSourceId)
void UpdateBuffs (int i)
void TryToResetHungerToNeutral ()
void UpdateHungerBuffs ()
void UpdateStarvingState (bool withEmote)
void BuffHandle_SpawnPetIfNeededAndSetTime (int buffIndex, ref bool petBool, int petProjID, int buffTimeToGive=18000)
void BuffHandle_SpawnPetIfNeeded (ref bool petBool, int petProjID, int buffIndex)
void Counterweight (Vector2 hitPos, int dmg, float kb)
int beeType ()
int beeDamage (int dmg)
float beeKB (float KB)
void Yoraiz0rEye ()
bool IsItemSlotUnlockedAndUsable (int slot)
void RefreshInfoAccs ()
void RefreshInfoAccsFromTeamPlayers ()
void RefreshInfoAccsFromItemType (int accType)
void RefreshMechanicalAccsFromItemType (int accType)
void UpdatePermanentBoosters ()
void UpdateEquips (int i)
void DoBootsEffect (Utils.TileActionAttempt theEffectMethod)
bool DoBootsEffect_PlaceFlamesOnTile (int X, int Y)
bool DoBootsEffect_PlaceFlowersOnTile (int X, int Y)
WingStats GetWingStats (int wingID)
void UpdateArmorSets (int i)
void UpdateSocialShadow ()
void UpdateTeleportVisuals ()
void ForceUpdateBiomes ()
bool CanSeeShimmerEffects ()
void UpdateBiomes ()
void ManageSpecialBiomeVisuals (string biomeName, bool inZone, Vector2 activationSource=default(Vector2))
void GetHairSettings (out bool fullHair, out bool hatHair, out bool hideHair, out bool backHairDraw, out bool drawsBackHairWithoutHeadgear)
void UpdateDead ()
void UpdatePet (int i)
void UpdatePetLight (int i)
void TogglePet ()
void ToggleLight ()
bool IsWithinSnappngRangeToTile (int x, int y, int distanceInPixels)
void SmartInteractLookup ()
void SmartSelectLookup ()
void AddCoinLuck (Vector2 coinPosition, int coinAmount)
int RollLuck (int range)
void ResetEffects ()
void UpdateImmunity ()
void UpdateLifeRegen ()
void UpdateManaRegen ()
void UpdateJumpHeight ()
void FindPulley ()
void HorizontalMovement ()
int CollideWithNPCs (Rectangle myRect, float Damage, float Knockback, int NPCImmuneTime, int PlayerImmuneTime)
void ApplyDamageToNPC (NPC npc, int damage, float knockback, int direction, bool crit)
void OnKillNPC (ref NPCKillAttempt attempt, object externalKillingBlowSource)
void GiveImmuneTimeForCollisionAttack (int time)
bool CanNPCBeHitByPlayerOrPlayerProjectile (NPC npc, Projectile projectile=null)
void JumpMovement ()
void DashMovement ()
void WallslideMovement ()
void CarpetMovement ()
void DoubleJumpVisuals ()
void WingMovement ()
void MoonLeechRope ()
void WOFTongue ()
void StatusFromNPC (NPC npc)
void GrappleMovement ()
void DoQueenSlimeHookTeleport (Vector2 targetPosition)
void StickyMovement ()
bool HasLockedInventory ()
bool IsStackingItems ()
List< int > GetNearbyContainerProjectilesList ()
void UpdateNearbyInteractibleProjectilesList ()
bool IsProjectileInteractibleAndInInteractionRange (Projectile proj, ref Vector2 compareSpot)
bool useVoidBag ()
void QuickStackAllChests ()
void CheckDrowning ()
void CheckCrackedBrickBreak ()
void CheckIceBreak ()
void SlopeDownMovement ()
void ShimmerCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats, bool noCollision)
void HoneyCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats)
void WaterCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats)
void DryCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats)
void SlopingCollision (bool fallThrough, bool ignorePlats)
void FloorVisuals (bool Falling)
void ResetFloorFlags ()
void BordersMovement ()
void CollectTaxes ()
void GamepadEnableGrappleCooldown ()
void TryInterruptingItemUsage ()
void UpdateHairDyeDust ()
void Update (int i)
void UpdateLuck ()
void TryOpeningFullscreenMap ()
void UpdateLuckFactors ()
void RecalculateLuck ()
void UpdateMiscCounter ()
void WingFrame (bool wingFlap)
bool ShouldDrawWingsThatAreAlwaysAnimated ()
bool IsInInteractionRangeToMultiTileHitbox (int chestPointX, int chestPointY)
void ResetVisibleAccessories ()
void UpdateArmorLights ()
void Update_NPCCollision ()
bool CanParryAgainst (Rectangle blockingPlayerRect, Rectangle enemyRect, Vector2 enemyVelocity)
void ItemCheck_ManageRightClickFeatures ()
void ItemCheck_ManageRightClickFeatures_ShieldRaise (bool theGeneralCheck)
void TryTogglingShield (bool shouldGuard)
void ScrollHotbar (int Offset)
List< int > GetListOfProjectilesToInteractWithHack ()
void LockGamepadTileInteractions ()
void LookForTileInteractions ()
bool InInteractionRange (int interactX, int interactY, TileReachCheckSettings settings)
bool IsInTileInteractionRange (int targetX, int targetY, TileReachCheckSettings settings)
void TileInteractionsCheck (int myX, int myY)
void PetAnimal (int animalNpcIndex)
bool CanSnapToPosition (Vector2 offset)
void StopVanityActions (bool multiplayerBroadcast=true)
void CloseSign ()
void RemoveAllGrapplingHooks ()
void RemoveAllFishingBobbers ()
Color ChatColor ()
bool CanAcceptItemIntoInventory (Item item)
void Heal (int amount)
int GetItemGrabRange (Item item)
bool SellItem (Item item, int stack=-1)
void RefreshItems (bool onlyIfVariantChanged=true)
void GetItemExpectedPrice (Item item, out long calcForSelling, out long calcForBuying)
bool BuyItem (long price, int customCurrency=-1)
void AdjTiles ()
bool IsTileTypeInInteractionRange (int targetTileType, TileReachCheckSettings settings)
void DisplayDollUpdate ()
bool IsColorfulDye (int dye)
bool ShouldDrawFootball ()
void PlayerFrame ()
void SetArmorEffectVisuals (Player drawPlayer)
void Teleport (Vector2 newPos, int Style=0, int extraInfo=0)
void DoPotionOfReturnTeleportationAndSetTheComebackPoint ()
void DoPotionOfReturnReturnToOriginalUsePosition ()
void AutoFinchStaff ()
void Spawn (PlayerSpawnContext context)
bool Spawn_GetPositionAtWorldSpawn (ref int floorX, ref int floorY)
void SetImmuneTimeForAllTypes (int time)
void ShadowDodge ()
void BrainOfConfusionDodge ()
void NinjaDodge ()
void ApplyArmorSoundAndDustChanges ()
double Hurt (PlayerDeathReason damageSource, int Damage, int hitDirection, bool pvp=false, bool quiet=false, bool Crit=false, int cooldownCounter=-1, bool dodgeable=true)
void KillMeForGood ()
void KillMe (PlayerDeathReason damageSource, double dmg, int hitDirection, bool pvp=false)
void DropTombstone (long coinsOwned, NetworkText deathText, int hitDirection)
bool CanPullItem (Item item, ItemSpaceStatus status)
ItemSpaceStatus ItemSpace (Item newItem)
bool ItemSpaceForCofveve (Item newItem)
bool CanItemSlotAccept (Item theSlot, Item theItemToAccept)
bool CanGoIntoAmmoOnPickup (Item theSlot, Item theItemToAccept)
void DoCoins (int i)
Item FillAmmo (int plr, Item newItem, GetItemSettings settings)
Item GetItem (int plr, Item newItem, GetItemSettings settings)
void PlaceThing (ref ItemCheckContext context)
Item GetBestPickaxe ()
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_ConsumeFlexibleWandMaterial ()
int BiomeTorchPlaceStyle (int style)
int BiomeTorchHoldStyle (int style)
int BiomeCampfirePlaceStyle (int style)
int BiomeCampfireHoldStyle (int itemType)
Item FindPaintOrCoating ()
void ChangeDir (int dir)
Rectangle getRect ()
void HorsemansBlade_SpawnPumpkin (int npcIndex, int dmg, float kb)
void PutItemInInventoryFromItemUsage (int type, int theSelectedItem=-1)
bool SummonItemCheck (Item item)
PlayerFishingConditions GetFishingConditions ()
bool HasUnityPotion ()
void TakeUnityPotion ()
void UnityTeleport (Vector2 telePos)
void SporeSac (Item sourceItem)
void VolatileGelatin (Item sourceItem)
bool CanHit (Entity ent)
Rectangle GetItemDrawFrame (int type)
float GetAdjustedItemScale (Item item)
void ApplyMeleeScale (ref float scale)
Vector2 ApplyRangeCompensation (float rangeCompensation, Vector2 startPos, Vector2 targetPos)
void ItemCheck ()
bool HasNPCBannerBuff (int bannerType)
void ResetMeleeHitCooldowns ()
void UpdateMeleeHitCooldowns ()
bool CanHitNPCWithMeleeHit (int npcIndex)
void SetMeleeHitCooldown (int npcIndex, int timeInFrames)
void TakeDamageFromJellyfish (int npcIndex)
void ApplyAttackCooldown ()
void ApplyAttackCooldown (int frames)
bool[] GetTileCutIgnorance (bool allowRegrowth, bool fromTrap)
void LimitPointToPlayerReachableArea (ref Vector2 pointPoisition)
void PickWall (int x, int y, int damage)
bool IsTargetTileInItemRange (Item sItem)
void PlayGuitarChord (float range)
void PlayDrums (float range)
bool CanDoWireStuffHere (int x, int y)
Vector2 GetFarthestSpawnPositionOnLine (Vector2 startPos, float speedX, float speedY)
int SpawnMinionOnCursor (IEntitySource projectileSource, int ownerIndex, int minionProjectileId, int originalDamageNotScaledByMinionDamage, float KnockBack, Vector2 offsetFromCursor=default(Vector2), Vector2 velocityOnSpawn=default(Vector2))
bool TryPlacingAGolfBallNearANearbyTee (Vector2 placePosition)
void GetPreferredGolfBallToUse (out int projType)
bool CanVisuallyHoldItem (Item item)
Vector2 GetFrontHandPosition (CompositeArmStretchAmount stretch, float rotation)
Vector2 GetBackHandPosition (CompositeArmStretchAmount stretch, float rotation)
void ItemCheck_ApplyUseStyle (float mountOffset, Item sItem, Rectangle heldItemFrame)
void FlipItemLocationAndRotationForGravity ()
void StartChanneling ()
void StartChanneling (Item item)
void TryUpdateChannel (Projectile projectile)
void TryCancelChannel (Projectile projectile)
void FindSentryRestingSpot (int checkProj, out int worldX, out int worldY, out int pushYUp)
void UpdateMaxTurrets ()
float GetWeaponKnockback (Item sItem, float KnockBack)
int GetWeaponCrit (Item sItem)
int GetWeaponDamage (Item sItem)
bool HasAmmo (Item sItem, bool canUse)
void PickAmmo (Item sItem, ref int projToShoot, ref float speed, ref bool canShoot, ref int Damage, ref float KnockBack, out int usedAmmoItemId, bool dontConsume=false)
void GetOtherPlayersPickTile (int x, int y, int pickDamage)
void PickTile (int x, int y, int pickPower)
bool isNearFairy ()
bool isNearNPC (int type, float range=-1f)
bool HasEnoughPickPowerToHurtTile (int x, int y)
bool ItemFitsWeaponRack (Item i)
void PlaceWeapon (int x, int y)
bool ItemFitsItemFrame (Item i)
Color GetImmuneAlpha (Color newColor, float alphaReduction)
Color GetImmuneAlphaPure (Color newColor, float alphaReduction)
Color GetDeathAlpha (Color newColor)
void addDPS (int dmg)
void checkDPSTime ()
int getDPS ()
long DropCoins ()
void DropItems ()
void TryDroppingSingleItem (IEntitySource source, Item theItem)
object Clone ()
void CopyVisuals (Player other)
Player clientClone ()
void FindSpawn ()
void RemoveSpawn ()
void ChangeSpawn (int x, int y)
void SetPlayerDataToOutOfClassFields ()
Player SerializedClone ()
void FixLoadedData ()
Color GetHairColor (bool useLighting=true)
bool HasItem (int type)
bool HasItem (int type, Item[] collection)
bool HasItemInInventoryOrOpenVoidBag (int type)
bool HasItemInAnyInventory (int type)
int FindItem (int netid)
int FindItem (List< int > netids)
int FindItem (bool[] validtypes)
int FindItem (int type, Item[] collection)
int FindItemInInventoryOrOpenVoidBag (int type, out bool inVoidBag)
 Player ()
void MagicConch ()
void Shellphone_Spawn ()
void DemonConch ()
void TeleportationPotion ()
Vector2 CheckForGoodTeleportationSpot (ref bool canSpawn, int teleportStartX, int teleportRangeX, int teleportStartY, int teleportRangeY, RandomTeleportationAttemptSettings settings)
void GetAnglerReward (NPC angler, int questItemType)
bool DropAnglerAccByMissing (List< int > itemIdsOfAccsWeWant, float totalChance, out bool botheredRollingForADrop, out int itemIdToDrop)
void GetDyeTraderReward (NPC dyeTrader)
bool CheckMana (int amount, bool pay=false, bool blockQuickMana=false)
void TryPortalJumping ()
bool ConsumeSolarFlare ()
void KeyDoubleTap (int keyDir)
void UpdateForbiddenSetLock ()
void CommandForbiddenStorm ()
void KeyHoldDown (int keyDir, int holdTime)
void MinionNPCTargetAim (bool doNotDisableIfTheTargetIsTheSame)
void MinionRestTargetAim ()
void UpdateMinionTarget ()
void NebulaLevelup (int type)
void UpdateTouchingTiles ()
float AngleTo (Vector2 Destination)
float AngleFrom (Vector2 Source)
float Distance (Vector2 Other)
float DistanceSQ (Vector2 Other)
Vector2 DirectionTo (Vector2 Destination)
Vector2 DirectionFrom (Vector2 Source)
bool WithinRange (Vector2 Target, float MaxRange)

Static Public Member Functions

static byte FindClosest (Vector2 Position, int Width, int Height)
static float GetClosestPlayersLuck (Point Position)
static float GetClosestPlayersLuck (Vector2 Position)
static float GetClosestRollLuck (Vector2 position, int range)
static float GetClosestRollLuck (int x, int y, int range)
static Tile GetFloorTile (int x, int y)
static int GetFloorTileType (int x, int y)
static int GetMouseScrollDelta ()
static int SetMatch (SetMatchRequest request, ref bool somethingSpecial)
static bool CanPlayerSmashWall (int X, int Y)
static bool WouldSpotOverlapWithSentry (int worldX, int worldY, bool lightningAura)
static bool CheckSpawn (int x, int y)
static void SavePlayer (PlayerFileData playerFile, bool skipMapSave=false)
static void ClearPlayerTempInfo ()
static void InternalSaveMap (bool isCloudSave)
static PlayerFileData LoadPlayer (string playerPath, bool cloudSave)
static void FixLoadedData_EliminiateDuplicateAccessories (Item[] armorArray)
static PlayerFileData GetFileData (string file, bool cloudSave)
static float GetAnglerRewardRarityMultiplier (int questsDone)

Public Attributes

int emoteTime
CreativeUnlocksTracker creativeTracker
OverheadMessage chatOverhead
SelectionRadial DpadRadial = new SelectionRadial()
SelectionRadial CircularRadial = new SelectionRadial(SelectionRadial.SelectionMode.RadialCircular)
SelectionRadial QuicksRadial = new SelectionRadial(SelectionRadial.SelectionMode.RadialQuicks)
bool alchemyTable
int HotbarOffset
bool GoingDownWithGrapple
byte spelunkerTimer
bool[] hideInfo = new bool[13]
int[] builderAccStatus = new int[BuilderAccToggleIDs.Count]
long lostCoins
string lostCoinString = ""
int soulDrain
float drainBoost
bool dd2Accessory
string name = ""
int taxMoney
int taxTimer
int numberOfDeathsPVE
int numberOfDeathsPVP
float basiliskCharge
Vector2 lastDeathPostion
DateTime lastDeathTime
bool showLastDeath
bool usedAegisCrystal
bool usedAegisFruit
bool usedArcaneCrystal
bool usedGalaxyPearl
bool usedGummyWorm
bool usedAmbrosia
int extraAccessorySlots = 2
bool extraAccessory
int tankPet = -1
bool tankPetReset
int stringColor
int counterWeight
bool yoyoString
bool yoyoGlove
int beetleOrbs
float beetleCounter
int beetleCountdown
bool beetleDefense
bool beetleOffense
bool beetleBuff
int solarShields
int solarCounter
Vector2[] solarShieldPos = new Vector2[3]
Vector2[] solarShieldVel = new Vector2[3]
bool solarDashing
bool solarDashConsumedFlare
int nebulaLevelLife
int nebulaLevelMana
int nebulaManaCounter
int nebulaLevelDamage
bool manaMagnet
bool lifeMagnet
bool treasureMagnet
bool chiselSpeed
bool lifeForce
bool calmed
bool inferno
float flameRingRot
float flameRingScale = 1f
byte flameRingFrame
byte flameRingAlpha
int netManaTime
int netLifeTime
bool netMana
bool netLife
Vector2[] beetlePos = new Vector2[3]
Vector2[] beetleVel = new Vector2[3]
int beetleFrame
int beetleFrameCounter
float manaSickReduction
bool manaSick
int afkCounter
bool stairFall
int loadStatus
Vector2[] itemFlamePos = new Vector2[7]
int itemFlameCount
bool outOfRange
float lifeSteal = 99999f
float ghostDmg
bool teleporting
float teleportTime
int teleportStyle
bool sloping
bool chilled
bool dazed
bool frozen
bool stoned
bool lastStoned
bool ichor
bool webbed
bool tipsy
bool noBuilding
int ropeCount
int manaRegenBonus
float manaRegenDelayBonus
int dashType
int dash
int dashTime
int timeSinceLastDashStarted
int dashDelay
int eocDash
int eocHit
float accRunSpeed
bool cordage
int gem = -1
int gemCount
BitsByte ownedLargeGems
byte meleeEnchant
byte pulleyDir
bool pulley
int pulleyFrame
float pulleyFrameCounter
bool blackBelt
bool sliding
int slideDir
int snowBallLauncherInteractionCooldown
bool iceSkate
bool carpet
int spikedBoots
int carpetFrame = -1
float carpetFrameCounter
bool canCarpet
int carpetTime
int miscCounter
int infernoCounter
int insanityShadowCooldown
int starCloakCooldown
bool sandStorm
bool crimsonRegen
bool ghostHeal
bool ghostHurt
bool sticky
bool slippy
bool slippy2
bool powerrun
bool runningOnSand
bool flapSound
bool iceBarrier
bool dangerSense
byte luckPotion
byte oldLuckPotion
float endurance
float whipRangeMultiplier
float whipUseTimeMultiplier
bool loveStruck
bool stinky
bool resistCold
bool electrified
bool dryadWard
bool panic
Item brainOfConfusionItem
int brainOfConfusionDodgeAnimationCounter
byte iceBarrierFrame
byte iceBarrierFrameCounter
bool shadowDodge
float shadowDodgeCount
bool palladiumRegen
bool onHitDodge
bool onHitRegen
bool onHitPetal
bool onHitTitaniumStorm
int titaniumStormCooldown
bool hasTitaniumStormBuff
int petalTimer
int shadowDodgeTimer
int boneGloveTimer
int phantomPhoneixCounter
int fishingSkill
bool cratePotion
bool sonarPotion
bool accFishingLine
bool accFishingBobber
bool accTackleBox
bool accLavaFishing
int maxMinions = 1
int numMinions
float slotsMinions
bool pygmy
bool raven
bool slime
bool hornetMinion
bool impMinion
bool twinsMinion
bool spiderMinion
int nextCycledSpiderMinionType
bool pirateMinion
bool sharknadoMinion
bool UFOMinion
bool DeadlySphereMinion
bool stardustMinion
bool stardustGuardian
bool stardustDragon
bool batsOfLight
bool babyBird
bool vampireFrog
bool stormTiger
int highestStormTigerGemOriginalDamage
bool smolstar
bool empressBlade
bool flinxMinion
bool abigailMinion
int highestAbigailCounterOriginalDamage
float wingTime
int wings
int wingsLogic
int wingTimeMax
int wingFrame
int wingFrameCounter
int skinVariant
bool ghost
int ghostFrame
int ghostFrameCounter
int miscTimer
int environmentBuffImmunityTimer
int _framesLeftEligibleForDeadmansChestDeathAchievement
bool pvpDeath
BitsByte zone1 = (byte)0
BitsByte zone2 = (byte)0
BitsByte zone3 = (byte)0
BitsByte zone4 = (byte)0
BitsByte zone5 = (byte)0
bool boneArmor
bool frostArmor
bool honey
bool crystalLeaf
int crystalLeafCooldown
PortableStoolUsage portableStoolInfo
bool preventAllItemPickups
bool dontHurtCritters
bool hasLucyTheAxe
bool dontHurtNature
int[] doubleTapCardinalTimer = new int[4]
int[] holdDownCardinalTimer = new int[4]
bool defendedByPaladin
bool hasPaladinShield
float[] speedSlice = new float[60]
float townNPCs
double headFrameCounter
double bodyFrameCounter
double legFrameCounter
int netSkip
int oldSelectItem
bool immune
bool immuneNoBlink
int immuneTime
int immuneAlphaDirection
int immuneAlpha
int team
bool hbLocked
float maxRegenDelay
int sign = -1
bool editedChestName
int reuseDelay
int aggro
float nearbyActiveNPCs
bool creativeInterface
bool mouseInterface
bool lastMouseInterface
int noThrow
int changeItem = -1
int selectedItem
Item[] armor = new Item[20]
Item[] dye = new Item[10]
Item[] miscEquips = new Item[5]
Item[] miscDyes = new Item[5]
Item trashItem = new Item()
float itemRotation
int itemWidth
int itemHeight
Vector2 itemLocation
bool poundRelease
float ghostFade
float ghostDir = 1f
int[] buffType = new int[maxBuffs]
int[] buffTime = new int[maxBuffs]
bool[] buffImmune = new bool[BuffID.Count]
int heldProj = -1
int breathCD
int breathMax = 200
int breath = 200
int lavaCD
int lavaMax
int lavaTime
bool ignoreWater
bool armorEffectDrawShadow
bool armorEffectDrawShadowSubtle
bool armorEffectDrawOutlines
bool armorEffectDrawShadowLokis
bool armorEffectDrawShadowBasilisk
bool armorEffectDrawOutlinesForbidden
bool armorEffectDrawShadowEOCShield
bool socialShadowRocketBoots
bool socialGhost
bool shroomiteStealth
bool ashWoodBonus
bool socialIgnoreLight
int stealthTimer
float stealth = 1f
int beardGrowthTimer
bool isDisplayDollOrInanimate
bool isFullbright
bool isHatRackDoll
bool isFirstFractalAfterImage
float firstFractalAfterImageOpacity
string setBonus = ""
Item[] inventory = new Item[59]
bool[] inventoryChestStack = new bool[59]
Item lastVisualizedSelectedItem
Chest bank = new Chest(bank: true)
Chest bank2 = new Chest(bank: true)
Chest bank3 = new Chest(bank: true)
Chest bank4 = new Chest(bank: true)
BitsByte voidVaultInfo
float headRotation
float bodyRotation
float legRotation
Vector2 headPosition
Vector2 bodyPosition
Vector2 legPosition
Vector2 headVelocity
Vector2 bodyVelocity
Vector2 legVelocity
float fullRotation
Vector2 fullRotationOrigin = Vector2.Zero
int fartKartCloudDelay
int nonTorch = -1
float gfxOffY
float stepSpeed = 1f
bool dead
int respawnTimer
long lastTimePlayerWasSaved
int attackCD
int potionDelay
byte difficulty
byte wetSlime
HitTile hitTile
HitTile hitReplace
int jump
int head = -1
int body = -1
int legs = -1
sbyte handon = -1
sbyte handoff = -1
sbyte back = -1
sbyte front = -1
sbyte shoe = -1
sbyte waist = -1
sbyte shield = -1
sbyte neck = -1
sbyte face = -1
sbyte balloon = -1
sbyte backpack = -1
sbyte tail = -1
sbyte faceHead = -1
sbyte faceFlower = -1
sbyte balloonFront = -1
sbyte beard = -1
bool[] hideVisibleAccessory = new bool[10]
BitsByte hideMisc = (byte)0
Rectangle headFrame
Rectangle bodyFrame
Rectangle legFrame
Rectangle hairFrame
DirectionalInputSyncCache LocalInputCache
bool controlLeft
bool controlRight
bool controlUp
bool controlDown
bool controlJump
bool controlUseItem
bool controlUseTile
bool controlThrow
bool controlInv
bool controlHook
bool controlTorch
bool controlMap
bool controlSmart
bool controlMount
bool releaseJump
bool releaseUp
bool releaseUseItem
bool releaseUseTile
bool releaseInventory
bool releaseHook
bool releaseThrow
bool releaseQuickMana
bool releaseQuickHeal
bool releaseLeft
bool releaseRight
bool releaseSmart
bool releaseMount
bool releaseDown
bool controlQuickMana
bool controlQuickHeal
bool controlCreativeMenu
bool releaseCreativeMenu
bool tileInteractionHappened
bool tileInteractAttempted
bool controlDownHold
bool isOperatingAnotherEntity
bool autoReuseAllWeapons
bool isControlledByFilm
bool tryKeepingHoveringDown
bool tryKeepingHoveringUp
int altFunctionUse
bool mapZoomIn
bool mapZoomOut
bool mapAlphaUp
bool mapAlphaDown
bool mapFullScreen
bool mapStyle
bool releaseMapFullscreen
bool releaseMapStyle
int leftTimer
int rightTimer
bool delayUseItem
bool cursorItemIconEnabled
bool cursorItemIconReversed
int cursorItemIconID
int cursorItemIconPush
string cursorItemIconText = ""
int runSoundDelay
float opacityForAnimation = 1f
Vector2[] shadowPos = new Vector2[3]
float[] shadowRotation = new float[3]
Vector2[] shadowOrigin = new Vector2[3]
int[] shadowDirection = new int[3]
int shadowCount
float manaCost = 1f
bool fireWalk
bool channel
int step = -1
bool skipAnimatingValuesInPlayerFrame
RabbitOrderFrameHelper rabbitOrderFrame
bool creativeGodMode
int availableAdvancedShadowsCount
CompositeArmData compositeFrontArm
CompositeArmData compositeBackArm
int anglerQuestsFinished
int golferScoreAccumulated
int bartenderQuestLog
bool downedDD2EventAnyDifficulty
int armorPenetration
int statDefense
int statLifeMax = 100
int statLifeMax2 = 100
int statLife = 100
int statMana
int statManaMax
int statManaMax2
int lifeRegen
int lifeRegenCount
float lifeRegenTime
int manaRegen
int manaRegenCount
float manaRegenDelay
bool manaRegenBuff
bool noKnockback
bool spaceGun
float gravDir = 1f
bool chloroAmmoCost80
bool huntressAmmoCost90
bool ammoCost80
bool ammoCost75
int stickyBreak
bool magicQuiver
bool magmaStone
bool lavaRose
bool hasMoltenQuiver
int phantasmTime
bool ammoBox
bool ammoPotion
bool chaosState
bool strongBees
bool sporeSac
bool shinyStone
bool empressBrooch
bool volatileGelatin
int volatileGelatinCounter
bool hasMagiluminescence
bool shadowArmor
bool dontStarveShader
bool eyebrellaCloud
int yoraiz0rEye
bool yoraiz0rDarkness
bool hasUnicornHorn
bool hasAngelHalo
bool hasRainbowCursor
bool leinforsHair
bool stardustMonolithShader
bool nebulaMonolithShader
bool vortexMonolithShader
bool solarMonolithShader
bool moonLordMonolithShader
bool bloodMoonMonolithShader
bool shimmerMonolithShader
int overrideFishingBobber = -1
bool unlockedBiomeTorches
bool ateArtisanBread
bool unlockedSuperCart
bool enabledSuperCart = true
bool suspiciouslookingTentacle
bool crimsonHeart
bool lightOrb
bool blueFairy
bool redFairy
bool greenFairy
bool bunny
bool turtle
bool eater
bool penguin
bool HasGardenGnomeNearby
bool magicLantern
bool rabid
bool sunflower
bool wellFed
bool puppy
bool grinch
bool miniMinotaur
bool flowerBoots
bool fairyBoots
bool hellfireTreads
bool moonLordLegs
bool arcticDivingGear
bool coolWhipBuff
bool wearsRobe
bool minecartLeft
bool onWrongGround
bool onTrack
int cartRampTime
bool cartFlip
float trackBoost
Vector2 lastBoost = Vector2.Zero
Mount mount
bool blackCat
bool spider
bool squashling
bool petFlagDD2Gato
bool petFlagDD2Ghost
bool petFlagDD2Dragon
bool petFlagUpbeatStar
bool petFlagSugarGlider
bool petFlagBabyShark
bool petFlagLilHarpy
bool petFlagFennecFox
bool petFlagGlitteryButterfly
bool petFlagBabyImp
bool petFlagBabyRedPanda
bool petFlagPlantero
bool petFlagDynamiteKitten
bool petFlagBabyWerewolf
bool petFlagShadowMimic
bool petFlagVoltBunny
bool petFlagKingSlimePet
bool petFlagEyeOfCthulhuPet
bool petFlagEaterOfWorldsPet
bool petFlagBrainOfCthulhuPet
bool petFlagSkeletronPet
bool petFlagQueenBeePet
bool petFlagDestroyerPet
bool petFlagTwinsPet
bool petFlagSkeletronPrimePet
bool petFlagPlanteraPet
bool petFlagGolemPet
bool petFlagDukeFishronPet
bool petFlagLunaticCultistPet
bool petFlagMoonLordPet
bool petFlagFairyQueenPet
bool petFlagPumpkingPet
bool petFlagEverscreamPet
bool petFlagIceQueenPet
bool petFlagMartianPet
bool petFlagDD2OgrePet
bool petFlagDD2BetsyPet
bool petFlagQueenSlimePet
bool petFlagBerniePet
bool petFlagGlommerPet
bool petFlagDeerclopsPet
bool petFlagPigPet
bool petFlagChesterPet
bool petFlagJunimoPet
bool petFlagBlueChickenPet
bool petFlagSpiffo
bool petFlagCaveling
bool petFlagDirtiestBlock
bool companionCube
bool babyFaceMonster
bool magicCuffs
bool coldDash
bool sailDash
bool desertDash
bool desertBoots
bool eyeSpring
bool snowman
bool scope
bool dino
bool skeletron
bool hornet
bool zephyrfish
bool tiki
bool parrot
bool truffle
bool sapling
bool cSapling
bool wisp
bool lizard
bool archery
bool poisoned
bool venom
bool blind
bool blackout
bool headcovered
bool frostBurn
bool onFrostBurn
bool onFrostBurn2
bool burned
bool shimmering
int timeShimmering
float shimmerTransparency
ShimmerUnstuckHelper shimmerUnstuckHelper
bool suffocating
byte suffocateDelay
bool dripping
bool drippingSlime
bool drippingSparkleSlime
bool onFire
bool onFire2
bool onFire3
bool noItems
bool cursed
bool hungry
bool starving
bool heartyMeal
bool windPushed
bool wereWolf
bool wolfAcc
bool hideMerman
bool hideWolf
bool forceMerman
bool forceWerewolf
bool rulerGrid
bool rulerLine
bool bleed
bool confused
bool accMerman
bool merman
bool trident
bool brokenArmor
bool silence
bool slow
bool gross
bool tongued
bool kbGlove
bool autoReuseGlove
bool meleeScaleGlove
bool kbBuff
bool remoteVisionForDrone
Item starCloakItem
Item starCloakItem_manaCloakOverrideItem
Item starCloakItem_starVeilOverrideItem
Item starCloakItem_beeCloakOverrideItem
bool longInvince
bool pStone
bool manaFlower
bool moonLeech
bool vortexDebuff
bool trapDebuffSource
bool witheredArmor
bool witheredWeapon
bool slowOgreSpit
bool parryDamageBuff
bool ballistaPanic
bool JustDroppedAnItem
int meleeCrit = 4
int magicCrit = 4
int rangedCrit = 4
float meleeDamage = 1f
float magicDamage = 1f
float rangedDamage = 1f
float rangedMultDamage = 1f
float arrowDamageAdditiveStack
float arrowDamage = 1f
float bulletDamage = 1f
float rocketDamage = 1f
float minionDamage = 1f
float minionKB
float meleeSpeed = 1f
float summonerWeaponSpeedBonus
float moveSpeed = 1f
float pickSpeed = 1f
float wallSpeed = 1f
float tileSpeed = 1f
bool autoPaint
bool autoActuator
int SpawnX = -1
int SpawnY = -1
int[] spX = new int[200]
int[] spY = new int[200]
string[] spN = new string[200]
int[] spI = new int[200]
int lastTileRangeX
int lastTileRangeY
float gravity = defaultGravity
float maxFallSpeed = 10f
float maxRunSpeed = 3f
float runAcceleration = 0.08f
float runSlowdown = 0.2f
bool adjWater
bool adjHoney
bool adjLava
bool oldAdjWater
bool oldAdjHoney
bool oldAdjLava
bool[] adjTile = new bool[TileID.Count]
bool[] oldAdjTile = new bool[TileID.Count]
byte hairDye
Color hairDyeColor = Color.Transparent
float hairDyeVar
int skinDyePacked
Color hairColor = new Color(215, 90, 55)
Color skinColor = new Color(255, 125, 90)
Color eyeColor = new Color(105, 90, 75)
Color shirtColor = new Color(175, 165, 140)
Color underShirtColor = new Color(160, 180, 215)
Color pantsColor = new Color(255, 230, 175)
Color shoeColor = new Color(160, 105, 60)
int hair
bool hostile
SoundPlaySet hermesStepSound = new SoundPlaySet()
Vector2 instantMovementAccumulatedThisFrame
int accCompass
int accWatch
int accDepthMeter
bool accFishFinder
bool accWeatherRadio
bool accJarOfSouls
bool accCalendar
int lastCreatureHit = -1
bool accThirdEye
byte accThirdEyeCounter
byte accThirdEyeNumber
bool accStopwatch
bool accOreFinder
bool accCritterGuide
byte accCritterGuideCounter
byte accCritterGuideNumber
bool accDreamCatcher
bool hasFootball
bool drawingFootball
bool ActuationRodLock
bool ActuationRodLockSetting
bool InfoAccMechShowWires
DateTime dpsStart
DateTime dpsEnd
DateTime dpsLastHit
int dpsDamage
bool dpsStarted
string displayedFishingInfo = ""
bool discountEquipped
bool discountAvailable
bool hasLuckyCoin
Item boneGloveItem
bool goldRing
bool accDivingHelm
bool accFlipper
bool hasLuck_LuckyCoin
bool hasLuck_LuckyHorseshoe
bool hasJumpOption_Cloud
bool canJumpAgain_Cloud
bool isPerformingJump_Cloud
bool hasJumpOption_Sandstorm
bool canJumpAgain_Sandstorm
bool isPerformingJump_Sandstorm
bool hasJumpOption_Blizzard
bool canJumpAgain_Blizzard
bool isPerformingJump_Blizzard
bool hasJumpOption_Fart
bool canJumpAgain_Fart
bool isPerformingJump_Fart
bool hasJumpOption_Sail
bool canJumpAgain_Sail
bool isPerformingJump_Sail
bool hasJumpOption_Unicorn
bool canJumpAgain_Unicorn
bool isPerformingJump_Unicorn
bool hasJumpOption_Santank
bool canJumpAgain_Santank
bool isPerformingJump_Santank
bool hasJumpOption_WallOfFleshGoat
bool canJumpAgain_WallOfFleshGoat
bool isPerformingJump_WallOfFleshGoat
bool hasJumpOption_Basilisk
bool canJumpAgain_Basilisk
bool isPerformingJump_Basilisk
bool isPerformingPogostickTricks
bool autoJump
bool justJumped
float jumpSpeedBoost
int extraFall
bool canFloatInWater
bool hasFloatingTube
bool frogLegJumpBoost
bool skyStoneEffects
bool spawnMax
int blockRange
int[] grappling = new int[20]
int grapCount
int rocketTime
int rocketTimeMax = 7
int rocketDelay
int rocketDelay2
int rocketSoundDelay
bool rocketRelease
bool rocketFrame
int rocketBoots
int vanityRocketBoots
bool canRocket
bool jumpBoost
bool noFallDmg
int swimTime
bool killGuide
bool killClothier
float equipmentBasedLuckBonus
float lastEquipmentBasedLuckBonus
bool hasCreditsSceneMusicBox
bool lavaImmune
bool gills
bool slowFall
bool findTreasure
bool biomeSight
bool invis
bool detectCreature
bool nightVision
bool enemySpawns
float thorns
bool turtleArmor
bool turtleThorns
bool cactusThorns
bool spiderArmor
bool anglerSetSpawnReduction
bool CanSeeInvisibleBlocks
bool setSolar
bool setVortex
bool setNebula
int nebulaCD
bool setStardust
bool setForbidden
bool setForbiddenCooldownLocked
bool setSquireT3
bool setHuntressT3
bool setApprenticeT3
bool setMonkT3
bool setSquireT2
bool setHuntressT2
bool setApprenticeT2
bool setMonkT2
int maxTurrets = 1
int maxTurretsOld = 1
bool vortexStealthActive
bool waterWalk
bool waterWalk2
int forcedGravity
bool gravControl
bool gravControl2
Item honeyCombItem
int wireOperationsCooldown
int lastChest
TrackedProjectileReference piggyBankProjTracker
TrackedProjectileReference voidLensChest
int chest = -1
int chestX
int chestY
int fallStart
int fallStart2
int potionDelayTime = Item.potionDelay
int restorationDelayTime = Item.restorationDelay
int mushroomDelayTime = Item.mushroomDelay
bool isPettingAnimal
bool isTheAnimalBeingPetSmall
PlayerSittingHelper sitting
PlayerSleepingHelper sleeping
PlayerEyeHelper eyeHelper
PlayerInteractionAnchor tileEntityAnchor
DoorOpeningHelper doorHelper
ShoppingSettings currentShoppingSettings = ShoppingSettings.NotInShop
int cHead
int cBody
int cLegs
int cHandOn
int cHandOff
int cBack
int cFront
int cShoe
int cWaist
int cShield
int cNeck
int cFace
int cFaceHead
int cFaceFlower
int cBalloon
int cBalloonFront
int cWings
int cCarpet
int cFloatingTube
int cBackpack
int cTail
int cShieldFallback
int cGrapple
int cMount
int cMinecart
int cPet
int cLight
int cYorai
int cPortableStool
int cUnicornHorn
int cAngelHalo
int cBeard
int cMinion
int cLeinShampoo
int cFlameWaker
int[] ownedProjectileCounts = new int[ProjectileID.Count]
bool[] npcTypeNoAggro = new bool[NPCID.Count]
int lastPortalColorIndex
int _portalPhysicsTime
bool portalPhysicsFlag
int lastTeleportPylonStyleUsed
float MountFishronSpecialCounter
Vector2 MinionRestTargetPoint = Vector2.Zero
int MinionAttackTargetNPC = -1
List< PointTouchedTiles = new List<Point>()
int itemAnimation
int itemAnimationMax
int itemTime
int itemTimeMax
int toolTime
bool equippedAnyTileRangeAcc
bool equippedAnyTileSpeedAcc
bool equippedAnyWallSpeedAcc
bool behindBackWall
int _funkytownAchievementCheckCooldown
float torchLuck
bool happyFunTorchTime
int ladyBugLuckTimeLeft
float luck
float luckMinimumCap = -0.7f
float luckMaximumCap = 1f
float coinLuck
bool luckNeedsSync
int disableVoidBag = -1
PlayerMovementAccsCache movementAbilitiesCache
float wingAccRunSpeed = -1f
float wingRunAccelerationMult = 1f
bool hasRaisableShield
bool shieldRaised
int shieldParryTimeLeft
int shield_parry_cooldown
int[] hurtCooldowns = new int[5]
int[] meleeNPCHitCooldown = new int[200]
float musicDist
EquipmentLoadout[] Loadouts
int CurrentLoadoutIndex
SavedPlayerDataWithAnnoyingRules savedPerPlayerFieldsThatArentInThePlayerClass
int whoAmI
bool active
Vector2 position
Vector2 velocity
Vector2 oldPosition
Vector2 oldVelocity
int oldDirection
int direction = 1
int width
int height
bool wet
bool shimmerWet
bool honeyWet
byte wetCount
bool lavaWet

Static Public Attributes

static int taxRate = 3600
static int crystalLeafDamage = 100
static int crystalLeafKB = 10
const int maxSolarShields = 3
const int nebulaMaxLevel = 3
static int manaSickTime = 300
static int manaSickTimeMax = 600
static float manaSickLessDmg = 0.25f
static int nameLen = 20
const int SupportedSlotsArmor = 3
const int SupportedSlotsAccs = 7
const int SupportedSlotSets = 10
const int InitialAccSlotCount = 5
const int miscSlotPet = 0
const int miscSlotLight = 1
const int miscSlotCart = 2
const int miscSlotMount = 3
const int miscSlotHook = 4
const int SupportedMiscSlotCount = 5
static readonly int maxBuffs = 44
const int fartKartCloudDelayMax = 20
static bool deadForGood = false
const int respawnTimerMax = 3600
const int defaultWidth = 20
const int defaultHeight = 42
const int shadowMax = 3
static readonly float PhilosopherStoneDurationMultiplier = 0.75f
static int tileRangeX = 5
static int tileRangeY = 4
static int tileTargetX
static int tileTargetY
static float defaultGravity = 0.4f
static int jumpHeight = 15
static float jumpSpeed = 5.01f
static int defaultItemGrabRange = 42
static int BlockInteractionWithProjectiles = 3
const int SafeItemAnimationTimeForPreventingExploits = 20
static float airLightDecay = 1f
static float solidLightDecay = 1f
const int ChairSittingMaxDistance = 40
static int FlexibleWandRandomSeed
static int FlexibleWandCycleOffset
static Point FlexibleWandLastPosition
static bool lastPound = true
static int musicNotes = 6

Package Attributes

long entityId


Vector2 BlehOldPositionFixer [get]
float HeightOffsetVisual [get]
float HeightOffsetHitboxCenter [get]
float MountXOffset [get]
int HeightOffsetBoost [get]
int HeightMapOffset [get]
Rectangle HitboxForBestiaryNearbyCheck [get]
bool IsStandingStillForSpecialEffects [get]
Vector2 MountedCenter [get, set]
bool TileReplacementEnabled [get]
override Vector2 VisualPosition [get]
bool CCed [get]
float miscCounterNormalized [get]
bool Male [get, set]
bool ZoneDungeon [get, set]
bool ZoneCorrupt [get, set]
bool ZoneHallow [get, set]
bool ZoneMeteor [get, set]
bool ZoneJungle [get, set]
bool ZoneSnow [get, set]
bool ZoneCrimson [get, set]
bool ZoneWaterCandle [get, set]
bool ZonePeaceCandle [get, set]
bool ZoneTowerSolar [get, set]
bool ZoneTowerVortex [get, set]
bool ZoneTowerNebula [get, set]
bool ZoneTowerStardust [get, set]
bool ZoneDesert [get, set]
bool ZoneGlowshroom [get, set]
bool ZoneUndergroundDesert [get, set]
bool ZoneSkyHeight [get, set]
bool ZoneOverworldHeight [get, set]
bool ZoneDirtLayerHeight [get, set]
bool ZoneRockLayerHeight [get, set]
bool ZoneUnderworldHeight [get, set]
bool ZoneBeach [get, set]
bool ZoneRain [get, set]
bool ZoneSandstorm [get, set]
bool ZoneOldOneArmy [get, set]
bool ZoneGranite [get, set]
bool ZoneMarble [get, set]
bool ZoneHive [get, set]
bool ZoneGemCave [get, set]
bool ZoneLihzhardTemple [get, set]
bool ZoneGraveyard [get, set]
bool ZoneShadowCandle [get, set]
bool ZoneShimmer [get, set]
bool ShoppingZone_AnyBiome [get]
bool ShoppingZone_BelowSurface [get]
bool ShoppingZone_Forest [get]
Vector2 Directions [get]
Item HeldItem [get]
int breathCDMax [get]
bool ShouldFloatInWater [get]
bool CanBeTalkedTo [get]
bool IsVoidVaultEnabled [get, set]
bool DeadOrGhost [get]
bool TryingToHoverUp [get]
bool TryingToHoverDown [get]
Vector2 DefaultSize [get]
bool UsingBiomeTorches [get, set]
bool UsingSuperCart [get, set]
float bowEffectiveDamage [get]
float gunEffectiveDamage [get]
float specialistEffectiveDamage [get]
bool ShouldNotDraw [get]
int talkNPC [get, private set]
bool isLockedToATile [get]
bool PortalPhysicsEnabled [get]
bool MountFishronSpecial [get]
bool HasMinionRestTarget [get]
bool HasMinionAttackTargetNPC [get]
bool ItemTimeIsZero [get]
bool ItemAnimationJustStarted [get]
float NormalizedLuck [get]
bool SlimeDontHyperJump [get]
Vector2MouthPosition [get]
Vector2HandPosition [get]
Vector2 Center [get, set]
Vector2 Left [get, set]
Vector2 Right [get, set]
Vector2 Top [get, set]
Vector2 TopLeft [get, set]
Vector2 TopRight [get, set]
Vector2 Bottom [get, set]
Vector2 BottomLeft [get, set]
Vector2 BottomRight [get, set]
Vector2 Size [get, set]
Rectangle Hitbox [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void SetItemAnimation (int frames)
void ApplyItemAnimation (Item sItem)
void DropSelectedItem_InterruptActionsThatUseAnimations ()
bool AddBuff_ActuallyTryToAddTheBuff (int type, int time)
void AddBuff_RemoveOldMeleeBuffsOfMatchingType (int type)
void AddBuff_RemoveOldPetBuffsOfMatchingType (int type)
bool AddBuff_TryUpdatingExistingBuffTime (int type, int time)
int AddBuff_DetermineBuffTimeToAdd (int type, int time1)
Item QuickBuff_PickBestFoodItem ()
int QuickBuff_FindFoodPriority (int buffType)
bool QuickBuff_ShouldBotherUsingThisBuff (int attemptedType)
void QuickMinecart ()
bool QuickMinecartSnap ()
void TrySyncingInput ()
void TryGettingDevArmor (IEntitySource source)
void UpdateItemDye (bool isNotInVanitySlot, bool isSetToHidden, Item armorItem, Item dyeItem)
void UpdateProjectileCaches (int i)
void ResetProjectileCaches ()
void UpdateAbigailStatus ()
void UpdateStormTigerStatus ()
int GetDesiredStormTigerMinionRank ()
bool UpdateEquips_CanItemGrantBenefits (int itemSlot, Item item)
void GrantArmorBenefits (Item armorPiece)
void GrantPrefixBenefits (Item item)
void SpawnHallucination (Item item)
void ApplyEquipVanity (int itemSlot, Item currentItem)
void DoEyebrellaRainEffect ()
void ApplyEquipFunctional (int itemSlot, Item currentItem)
void ApplyWilsonBeard (Item currentItem)
void ApplyMusicBox (Item currentItem)
void UpdateGraveyard (bool now=false)
void TrySpawningFaelings ()
void TryOpeningInGameOptionsBasedOnInput ()
void SmartInteractLookup_PrepareCommonlyUsedInfo (out Vector2 mousevec, out int LX, out int HX, out int LY, out int HY)
void SmartSelectLookup_GetTargetTile (out int tX, out int tY)
void SmartSelect_PickToolForStrategy (int tX, int tY, int toolStrategy, bool wetTile)
void SmartSelect_SelectItem (int t)
void SmartSelect_GetToolStrategy (int tX, int tY, out int toolStrategy, out bool wetTile)
void SmartSelect_GetAvailableToolRanges (out int pickRange, out int axeRange, out int hammerRange, out int cannonRange, out int extractItemRange, out int paintScraperRange)
void EndOngoingTorchGodEvent ()
void TryRecalculatingTorchLuck ()
void RelightTorches ()
void TorchAttack ()
void UpdateTorchLuck_ConsumeCountersAndCalculate ()
void UpdateCoinLuck ()
float CalculateCoinLuck ()
float GetLadyBugLuck ()
void UpdateLadyBugLuckTime ()
void TryToPoop ()
void TryUsingDiggerCart ()
void SpawnFastRunParticles ()
void MowTheLawn ()
void MowGrassTile (Vector2 thePos)
void SolarDashStart (int dashDirection)
void DoCommonDashHandle (out int dir, out bool dashing, DashStartAction dashStartAction=null)
void GetGrapplingForces (Vector2 fromPosition, out int? preferredPlayerDirectionToSet, out float preferedPlayerVelocityX, out float preferedPlayerVelocityY)
void RefreshMovementAbilities (bool doubleJumps=true)
void RefreshDoubleJumps ()
void TryFloatingInFluid ()
bool TouchBlockSurfaceCenter (int x, int y, Tile tile, out int exitNormalX, out int exitNormalY, out Vector2 surfaceCenter)
void MakeFloorDust (bool Falling, int type, int paintColor)
bool CanMoveForwardOnRope (int dir, int x, int y)
void TryToToggleSmartCursor (ref bool smartCursorWanted)
void TryToShimmerUnstuck ()
void ShimmerUnstuck ()
Vector2TryFindingShimmerFreeSpot ()
void AdjustRemainingPotionSickness ()
Collision.HurtTile GetHurtTile ()
void ApplyTouchDamage (int tileId, int x, int y)
void CapAttackSpeeds ()
float TurnAttackSpeedToUseTimeMultiplier (float speed)
void ResetControls ()
void UpdateControlHolds ()
void UpdatePortableStoolUsage ()
void ResizeHitbox ()
void UpdateReleaseUseTile ()
void GetMinecartDamage (float currentSpeed, out int damage, out float knockback)
void WingAirLogicTweaks ()
void RocketBootVisuals ()
void WingAirVisuals ()
void HandleBeingInChestRange ()
void PurgeDD2EnergyCrystals ()
void HandleHotbar ()
void ItemCheckWrapped (int i)
void ForceForwardCursor (bool state)
void ForceSmartSelectCursor (bool state)
void TryInteractingWithMinecartTrackInNearbyArea (int selectedTargetX, int selectedTargetY)
void TileInteractionsCheckLongDistance (int myX, int myY)
void TileInteractionsUse (int myX, int myY)
void GetPettingInfo (int animalNpcIndex, out int targetDirection, out Vector2 playerPositionWhenPetting, out bool isPetSmall)
void TryAllowingSnappingToPosition (ref bool canSnapToPosition, Vector2 pos1, Vector2 pos2)
void StopPettingAnimal ()
void UpdatePettingAnimal ()
void OpenChest (int x, int y, int newChest)
void LaunchMinecartHook (int myX, int myY)
void TileInteractionsMouseOver (int myX, int myY)
void TileInteractionsMouseOver_Containers (int myX, int myY)
void TryLandingOnDetonator ()
void TryBouncingBlocks (bool Falling)
void GrabItems (int i)
void PullItem_ToVoidVault (Item itemToPickUp)
void PullItem_Common (Item itemToPickUp, float xPullSpeed)
void PullItem_Pickup (Item itemToPickUp, float speed, int acc)
Item PickupItem (int playerIndex, int worldItemArrayIndex, Item itemToPickUp)
void RefreshItems (Item[] array, bool onlyIfVariantChanged)
void CancelAllJumpVisualEffects ()
void CancelAllBootRunVisualEffects ()
void UpdateFishingBobber (Item item)
void UpdateBootVisualEffects (Item item)
void UpdateVisibleAccessories ()
bool ItemIsVisuallyIncompatible (Item item)
bool IsVisibleCapeBad (int accFrontSlot)
void UpdateVisibleAccessory (int itemSlot, Item item)
void Spawn_SetPositionAtWorldSpawn ()
bool Spawn_IsAreaAValidWorldSpawn (int floorX, int floorY)
void Spawn_SetPosition (int floorX, int floorY)
void PutHallowedArmorSetBonusOnCooldown ()
int GetRespawnTime (bool pvp)
bool GetItem_VoidVault (int plr, Item[] inventory, Item newItem, GetItemSettings settings, Item returnItem)
bool CanVoidVaultAccept (Item item)
bool GetItem_FillIntoOccupiedSlot_VoidBag (int plr, Item[] inv, Item newItem, GetItemSettings settings, Item returnItem, int i)
bool GetItem_FillIntoOccupiedSlot (int plr, Item newItem, GetItemSettings settings, Item returnItem, int i)
bool GetItem_FillEmptyInventorySlot_VoidBag (int plr, Item[] inv, Item newItem, GetItemSettings settings, Item returnItem, int i)
bool GetItem_FillEmptyInventorySlot (int plr, Item newItem, GetItemSettings settings, Item returnItem, int i)
void PlaceThing_Walls ()
void PlaceThing_Walls_FillEmptySpace ()
void PlaceThing_Tiles ()
bool ModifyFlexibleWandPlacementInfo (ref int tileType, ref int tileStyle, ref int? forcedRandom)
bool PlaceThing_TryReplacingWalls (bool canUse)
bool PlaceThing_ValidWallForReplacement ()
bool PlaceThing_TryReplacingTiles (bool canUse)
bool PlaceThing_ValidTileForReplacement ()
bool PlaceThing_CheckSpecificValidtyCaseForBlockSwap (int tileTypeBeingPlaced, int tileTypeCurrentlyPlaced)
TileObject PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt (bool newObjectType, TileObject data, int tileToCreate)
int[,] PlaceThing_Tiles_GetAutoAccessoryCache ()
int PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_GetLegacyTileStyle (int style)
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_UnslopeForSolids ()
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_KillGrassForSolids ()
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_AutoPaintAndActuate (int[,] typeCaches, int tileToCreate)
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_SpinSmartPlatform ()
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_TriggerLogicLamp ()
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_SpinBedsAndBaths ()
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_SpinChairs ()
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_SpinTraps ()
void PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_AdjustPlants ()
bool PlaceThing_Tiles_PlaceIt_StaffOfRegrowthCheck (bool placed)
bool PlaceThing_Tiles_BlockPlacementForAssortedThings (bool canPlace)
bool PlaceThing_Tiles_CheckLavaBlocking ()
bool PlaceThing_Tiles_CheckRopeUsability (bool canUse)
bool PlaceThing_Tiles_CheckFlexibleWand (bool canUse)
bool PlaceThing_Tiles_CheckWandUsability (bool canUse)
bool PlaceThing_Tiles_CheckGamepadTorchUsability (bool canUse)
void PlaceThing_LockChest ()
void PlaceThing_ItemInExtractinator (ref ItemCheckContext context)
void PlaceThing_XMasTreeTops ()
void PlaceThing_CannonBall ()
void PlaceThing_PaintScrapper ()
void PlaceThing_PaintScrapper_LongMoss (int x, int y)
void PlaceThing_PaintScrapper_TryScrapping (int x, int y)
void PlaceThing_PaintRoller ()
void PlaceThing_Paintbrush ()
void TryPainting (int x, int y, bool paintingAWall=false, bool applyItemAnimation=true)
void ApplyCoating (int x, int y, bool paintingAWall, bool applyItemAnimation, Item targetItem)
void ApplyPaint (int x, int y, bool paintingAWall, bool applyItemAnimation, Item targetItem)
void ShootFromCannon (int x, int y)
void ExtractinatorUse (int extractType, int extractinatorBlockType)
void DropItemFromExtractinator (int itemType, int stack)
void Fishing_GetBait (out int baitPower, out int baitType)
void Fishing_GetBestFishingPole (out int fishingPolePower, out int fishingPoleType)
void PayDD2CrystalsBeforeUse (Item item)
bool CheckDD2CrystalPaymentLock (Item item)
int GetRequiredDD2CrystalsToUse (Item item)
void UpdatePlacementPreview (Item sItem)
void FigureOutWhatToPlace (Tile targetTile, Item sItem, out int tileToCreate, out int previewPlaceStyle, out bool? overrideCanPlace, out int? forcedRandom)
void ItemCheck_OwnerOnlyCode (ref ItemCheckContext context, Item sItem, int weaponDamage, Rectangle heldItemFrame)
void ItemCheck_EmitFoodParticles (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_EmitDrinkParticles (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseBossSpawners (int onWhichPlayer, Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseEventItems (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_ReleaseCritter (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_MeleeHitPVP (Item sItem, Rectangle itemRectangle, int damage, float knockBack)
void Volcano_TrySpawningVolcano (NPC npc, Item sItem, float damage, float knockBack, Rectangle itemRectangle)
void TentacleSpike_TrySpiking (NPC npc, Item sItem, float damage, float knockBack)
void BloodButcherer_TryButchering (NPC npc, Item sItem, float damage, float knockBack)
void BatBat_TryLifeLeeching (Entity entity)
void ItemCheck_MeleeHitNPCs (Item sItem, Rectangle itemRectangle, int originalDamage, float knockBack)
void ProcessHitAgainstNPC (Item sItem, Rectangle itemRectangle, int originalDamage, float knockBack, int npcIndex)
void ApplyNPCOnHitEffects (Item sItem, Rectangle itemRectangle, int damage, float knockBack, int npcIndex, int dmgRandomized, int dmgDone)
void ItemCheck_EmitHammushProjectiles (int i, Item sItem, Rectangle itemRectangle, int damage)
bool[] ItemCheck_GetTileCutIgnoreList (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_CutTiles (Item sItem, Rectangle itemRectangle, bool[] shouldIgnore)
Rectangle ItemCheck_CatchCritters (Item sItem, Rectangle itemRectangle)
void GetPointOnSwungItemPath (float spriteWidth, float spriteHeight, float normalizedPointOnPath, float itemScale, out Vector2 location, out Vector2 outwardDirection)
Rectangle ItemCheck_EmitUseVisuals (Item sItem, Rectangle itemRectangle)
void ItemCheck_GetMeleeHitbox (Item sItem, Rectangle heldItemFrame, out bool dontAttack, out Rectangle itemRectangle)
void ItemCheck_UseDemonHeart (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseMinecartPowerUp (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseArtisanLoaf (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseTorchGodsFavor (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_TryDestroyingDrones (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseManaCrystal (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseLifeFruit (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseLifeCrystal (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseCombatBook (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UsePetLicenses (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UsePeddlersSatchel (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseShimmerPermanentItems (Item sItem)
void LicenseOrExchangePet (Item sItem, ref bool petBoughtFlag, int npcType, string textKeyForLicense, int netMessageData)
void ItemCheck_UseTeleportRod (Item sItem)
bool IsTilePoundable (Tile targetTile)
void UseShovel (Player user, Item item, int sX, int sY)
void DamageTileWithShovel (Player user, Item item, int x, int y)
void ItemCheck_UseMiningTools (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseMiningTools_ActuallyUseMiningTool (Item sItem, out bool canHitWalls, int x, int y)
bool IsBottomOfTreeTrunkNoRoots (int x, int y)
void TryReplantingTree ()
void ItemCheck_UseMiningTools_TryHittingWall (Item sItem, int wX, int wY)
void ItemCheck_UseMiningTools_TryPoundingTile (Item sItem, int tileHitId, ref bool hitWall, int x, int y)
void ItemCheck_UseBuckets (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_PlayInstruments (Item sItem)
bool GetSparkleGuitarTarget (out List< NPC > validTargets)
bool GetZenithTarget (Vector2 searchCenter, float maxDistance, out int npcTargetIndex)
void ItemCheck_UseWiringTools (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_UseLawnMower (Item sItem)
void DestroyOldestProximityMinesOverMinesCap (int minesCap)
void ItemCheck_Shoot (int i, Item sItem, int weaponDamage)
Point FindSharpTearsSpot (Vector2 targetSpot)
bool FindSharpTearsOpening (int x, int y, bool acceptLeft, bool acceptRight, bool acceptUp, bool acceptDown)
void ItemCheck_MinionAltFeatureUse (Item sItem, bool cShoot)
void ItemCheck_TurretAltFeatureUse (Item sItem, bool cShoot)
void EmitMaxManaEffect ()
void ItemCheck_EmitHeldItemLight (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_ApplyHoldStyle (float mountOffset, Item sItem, Rectangle heldItemFrame)
void ItemCheck_ApplyManaRegenDelay (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_StartActualUse (Item sItem)
void FreeUpPetsAndMinions (Item sItem)
void ApplyPotionDelay (Item sItem)
void ApplyLifeAndOrMana (Item item)
bool ItemCheck_CheckCanUse (Item sItem)
bool ItemCheck_CheckUsabilityOfProjectiles (bool canUse)
bool ItemCheck_CheckFishingBobbers (bool canUse)
void ItemCheck_CheckFishingBobber_PullBobber (Projectile bobber, int baitTypeUsed)
void ItemCheck_CheckFishingBobber_PickAndConsumeBait (Projectile bobber, out bool pullTheBobber, out int baitTypeUsed)
bool ItemCheck_PayMana (Item sItem, bool canUse)
void ItemCheck_TryPlacingWearablesOnMannequins (Item sItem)
void ApplyReuseDelay ()
void ItemCheck_HackHoldStyles (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_HandleMPItemAnimation (Item sItem)
void TryAllowingItemReuse (Item sItem)
void ItemCheck_HandleMount ()
void ItemCheck_ApplyPetBuffs (Item sItem)
bool PickAmmo_TryFindingSpecificMatches (int launcher, int ammo, out int pickedProjectileId)
void ClearMiningCacheAt (int x, int y, int hitTileCacheType)
int GetPickaxeDamage (int x, int y, int pickPower, int hitBufferIndex, Tile tileTarget)
bool DoesPickTargetTransformOnKill (HitTile hitCounter, int damage, int x, int y, int pickPower, int bufferIndex, Tile tileTarget)
void CloneLoadouts (Player clonePlayer)
void SaveTemporaryItemSlotContents (BinaryWriter writer)
void LoadTemporaryItemSlotContents (BinaryReader reader)
void FixLoadedData_Items (Item[] items)
void GetAnglerReward_MainReward (IEntitySource source, int questsDone, float rarityReduction, int questItemType, ref GetItemSettings anglerRewardSettings)
void GetAnglerReward_Decoration (IEntitySource source, int questsDone, float rarityReduction, ref GetItemSettings anglerRewardSettings)
void GetAnglerReward_Bait (IEntitySource source, int questsDone, float rarityReduction, ref GetItemSettings anglerRewardSettings)
void GetAnglerReward_Money (IEntitySource source, int questsDone, float rarityReduction, ref GetItemSettings anglerRewardSettings)
void RemoveAnglerAccOptionsFromRewardPool (List< int > itemIdsOfAccsWeWant, Item itemToTestAgainst)

Static Private Member Functions

static void OpenInventory ()
static int ClampHotbarOffset (int Offset)
static bool IsHoveringOverABottomSideOfABed (int myX, int myY)
static bool TryPurchasing (long price, List< Item[]> inv, List< Point > slotCoins, List< Point > slotsEmpty, List< Point > slotEmptyBank, List< Point > slotEmptyBank2, List< Point > slotEmptyBank3, List< Point > slotEmptyBank4)
static int Spawn_DescendFromDefaultSpace (int x, int y)
static void Spawn_ForceClearArea (int floorX, int floorY)
static bool AllowShimmerDodge (PlayerDeathReason damageSource, int cooldownCounter, bool dodgeable)
static void PlaceThing_Tiles_BlockPlacementForRepeatedPumpkins (ref bool canPlace, ref TileObject data)
static void PlaceThing_Tiles_BlockPlacementForRepeatedCoralAndBeachPiles (ref bool canPlace, ref TileObject data)
static void PlaceThing_Tiles_BlockPlacementForRepeatedPigronatas (ref bool canPlace, ref TileObject data)
static void PlaceThing_Tiles_BlockPlacementIfOverPlayers (ref bool canPlace, ref TileObject data)
static ItemTrader TryGettingItemTraderFromBlock (Tile targetBlock)
static float Fishing_GetPowerMultiplier ()
static void ItemCheck_UseMiningTools_TryFindingWallToHammer (out int wX, out int wY)
static bool ItemCheck_IsValidDirtRodTarget (Tile t)
static bool CheckSpawn_Internal (int x, int y)
static void InternalSavePlayerFile (PlayerFileData playerFile)
static void Serialize (PlayerFileData playerFile, Player newPlayer, BinaryWriter fileIO)
static void Deserialize (PlayerFileData data, Player newPlayer, BinaryReader fileIO, int release, out bool gotToReadName)
static void AdjustRespawnTimerForWorldJoining (Player newPlayer)
static void LoadPlayer_LastMinuteFixes (Player newPlayer)

Private Attributes

bool dontConsumeWand
bool _wasInShimmerZone
int _timeSinceLastImmuneGet
int _immuneStrikes
ChannelCancelKey _channelShotCache
EntityShadowInfo[] _advancedShadows = new EntityShadowInfo[60]
int _lastAddedAvancedShadow
bool shimmerImmune
bool _batbatCanHeal
bool _spawnTentacleSpikes
bool _spawnBloodButcherer
bool _spawnVolcanoExplosion
bool _spawnMuramasaCut
HashSet< Point_blackListedTileCoordsForGrappling = new HashSet<Point>()
bool makeStrongBee
float _stormShaderObstruction = 1f
float _shaderObstructionInternalValue = 1f
int graveImmediateTime
float _deerclopsBlizzardSmoothedEffect
int _lastSmartCursorToolStrategy = -1
bool[] nearbyTorch = new bool[TorchID.Count]
bool dryCoralTorch
int luckyTorchCounter
int nearbyTorches
Vector2 _nextTorchLuckCheckCenter
int torchFunTimer
int torchGodCooldown
int numberOfTorchAttacksMade
int[] unlitTorchX = new int[maxTorchAttacks]
int[] unlitTorchY = new int[maxTorchAttacks]
int _quickGrappleCooldown
bool _forceForwardCursor
Point _inputMouseCoordsForward
Point _mainMouseCoordsForward
bool _forceSmartSelectCursor
Point _inputMouseCoordsSmartSelect
Point _mainMouseCoordsSmartSelect
Point _tileTargetSmartSelect
bool botherWithUnaimedMinecartTracks = true
List< int > _projectilesToInteractWith = new List<int>()
int _lockTileInteractionsTimer
Item[] _temporaryItemSlots = new Item[4]

Static Private Attributes

static byte[] ENCRYPTION_KEY = new UnicodeEncoding().GetBytes("h3y_gUyZ")
static bool disabledBlizzardGraphic = false
static bool disabledBlizzardSound = false
static float _blizzardSoundVolume
static SlotId _strongBlizzardSound = SlotId.Invalid
static SlotId _insideBlizzardSound = SlotId.Invalid
const int MaxAdvancedShadows = 60
static float itemGrabSpeed = 0.45f
static float itemGrabSpeedMax = 4f
static List< NPC_hallucinationCandidates = new List<NPC>()
static SmartInteractSystem _smartInteractSys = new SmartInteractSystem()
static int maxTorchAttacks = 200
static int[] _torchAttackPosX = new int[400]
static int[] _torchAttackPosY = new int[400]
static Point[] _tentacleSpikesMax5 = new Point[5]
static Point[] _bloodButchererMax5 = new Point[5]
static List< Projectile_oldestProjCheckList = new List<Projectile>()
const int SaveSlotIndex_MouseItem = 0
const int SaveSlotIndex_CreativeSacrifice = 1
const int SaveSlotIndex_GuideItem = 2
const int SaveSlotIndex_TinkererItem = 3
const int SaveSlotIndexCount = 4
static readonly PlayerFileData _visualCloneDummyData = new PlayerFileData()
static readonly MemoryStream _visualCloneStream = new MemoryStream()
static readonly BinaryWriter _visualCloneWriter = new BinaryWriter(_visualCloneStream)
static readonly BinaryReader _visualCloneReader = new BinaryReader(_visualCloneStream)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file Player.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: