Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.Entity Class Referenceabstract

Public Member Functions

float AngleTo (Vector2 Destination)
float AngleFrom (Vector2 Source)
float Distance (Vector2 Other)
float DistanceSQ (Vector2 Other)
Vector2 DirectionTo (Vector2 Destination)
Vector2 DirectionFrom (Vector2 Source)
bool WithinRange (Vector2 Target, float MaxRange)

Public Attributes

int whoAmI
bool active
Vector2 position
Vector2 velocity
Vector2 oldPosition
Vector2 oldVelocity
int oldDirection
int direction = 1
int width
int height
bool wet
bool shimmerWet
bool honeyWet
byte wetCount
bool lavaWet

Package Attributes

long entityId


virtual Vector2 VisualPosition [get]
Vector2 Center [get, set]
Vector2 Left [get, set]
Vector2 Right [get, set]
Vector2 Top [get, set]
Vector2 TopLeft [get, set]
Vector2 TopRight [get, set]
Vector2 Bottom [get, set]
Vector2 BottomLeft [get, set]
Vector2 BottomRight [get, set]
Vector2 Size [get, set]
Rectangle Hitbox [get, set]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file Entity.cs.

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