Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Math Class Reference

Public Member Functions

static double Abs (double value)
static float Abs (float value)
static double Acos (double d)
static double Acosh (double d)
static double Asin (double d)
static double Asinh (double d)
static double Atan (double d)
static double Atanh (double d)
static double Atan2 (double y, double x)
static double Cbrt (double d)
static double Ceiling (double a)
static double Cos (double d)
static double Cosh (double value)
static double Exp (double d)
static double Floor (double d)
static double FusedMultiplyAdd (double x, double y, double z)
static int ILogB (double x)
static double Log (double d)
static double Log2 (double x)
static double Log10 (double d)
static double Pow (double x, double y)
static double Sin (double a)
static double Sinh (double value)
static double Sqrt (double d)
static double Tan (double a)
static double Tanh (double value)

Static Public Member Functions

static unsafe (double Sin, double Cos) SinCos(double x)
static short Abs (short value)
static int Abs (int value)
static long Abs (long value)
static nint Abs (nint value)
static sbyte Abs (sbyte value)
static decimal Abs (decimal value)
static long BigMul (int a, int b)
static unsafe ulong BigMul (ulong a, ulong b, out ulong low)
static long BigMul (long a, long b, out long low)
static double BitDecrement (double x)
static double BitIncrement (double x)
static double CopySign (double x, double y)
static int DivRem (int a, int b, out int result)
static long DivRem (long a, long b, out long result)
static sbyte sbyte Remainder DivRem (sbyte left, sbyte right)
static byte byte Remainder DivRem (byte left, byte right)
static short short Remainder DivRem (short left, short right)
static ushort ushort Remainder DivRem (ushort left, ushort right)
static int int Remainder DivRem (int left, int right)
static uint uint Remainder DivRem (uint left, uint right)
static long long Remainder DivRem (long left, long right)
static ulong ulong Remainder DivRem (ulong left, ulong right)
static nint nint Remainder DivRem (nint left, nint right)
static nuint nuint Remainder DivRem (nuint left, nuint right)
static decimal Ceiling (decimal d)
static byte Clamp (byte value, byte min, byte max)
static decimal Clamp (decimal value, decimal min, decimal max)
static double Clamp (double value, double min, double max)
static short Clamp (short value, short min, short max)
static int Clamp (int value, int min, int max)
static long Clamp (long value, long min, long max)
static nint Clamp (nint value, nint min, nint max)
static sbyte Clamp (sbyte value, sbyte min, sbyte max)
static float Clamp (float value, float min, float max)
static ushort Clamp (ushort value, ushort min, ushort max)
static uint Clamp (uint value, uint min, uint max)
static ulong Clamp (ulong value, ulong min, ulong max)
static nuint Clamp (nuint value, nuint min, nuint max)
static decimal Floor (decimal d)
static double IEEERemainder (double x, double y)
static double Log (double a, double newBase)
static byte Max (byte val1, byte val2)
static decimal Max (decimal val1, decimal val2)
static double Max (double val1, double val2)
static short Max (short val1, short val2)
static int Max (int val1, int val2)
static long Max (long val1, long val2)
static nint Max (nint val1, nint val2)
static sbyte Max (sbyte val1, sbyte val2)
static float Max (float val1, float val2)
static ushort Max (ushort val1, ushort val2)
static uint Max (uint val1, uint val2)
static ulong Max (ulong val1, ulong val2)
static nuint Max (nuint val1, nuint val2)
static double MaxMagnitude (double x, double y)
static byte Min (byte val1, byte val2)
static decimal Min (decimal val1, decimal val2)
static double Min (double val1, double val2)
static short Min (short val1, short val2)
static int Min (int val1, int val2)
static long Min (long val1, long val2)
static nint Min (nint val1, nint val2)
static sbyte Min (sbyte val1, sbyte val2)
static float Min (float val1, float val2)
static ushort Min (ushort val1, ushort val2)
static uint Min (uint val1, uint val2)
static ulong Min (ulong val1, ulong val2)
static nuint Min (nuint val1, nuint val2)
static double MinMagnitude (double x, double y)
static double ReciprocalEstimate (double d)
static double ReciprocalSqrtEstimate (double d)
static decimal Round (decimal d)
static decimal Round (decimal d, int decimals)
static decimal Round (decimal d, MidpointRounding mode)
static decimal Round (decimal d, int decimals, MidpointRounding mode)
static double Round (double a)
static double Round (double value, int digits)
static double Round (double value, MidpointRounding mode)
static unsafe double Round (double value, int digits, MidpointRounding mode)
static int Sign (decimal value)
static int Sign (double value)
static int Sign (short value)
static int Sign (int value)
static int Sign (long value)
static int Sign (nint value)
static int Sign (sbyte value)
static int Sign (float value)
static decimal Truncate (decimal d)
static unsafe double Truncate (double d)
static double ScaleB (double x, int n)

Static Public Attributes

const double E = 2.718281828459045
const double PI = 3.141592653589793
const double Tau = Math.PI * 2.0
static sbyte Quotient
static byte Quotient
static short Quotient
static ushort Quotient
static int Quotient
static uint Quotient
static long Quotient
static ulong Quotient
static nint Quotient
static nuint Quotient

Private Member Functions

static unsafe double ModF (double x, double *intptr)
static unsafe void SinCos (double x, double *sin, double *cos)

Static Private Member Functions

static void ThrowAbsOverflow ()
static void ThrowMinMaxException< T > (T min, T max)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly double[] roundPower10Double

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file Math.cs.

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