Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
This is the complete list of members for System.Math, including all inherited members.
Abs(double value) | System.Math | |
Abs(float value) | System.Math | |
Abs(short value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Abs(int value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Abs(long value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Abs(nint value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Abs(sbyte value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Abs(decimal value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Acos(double d) | System.Math | |
Acosh(double d) | System.Math | |
Asin(double d) | System.Math | |
Asinh(double d) | System.Math | |
Atan(double d) | System.Math | |
Atan2(double y, double x) | System.Math | |
Atanh(double d) | System.Math | |
BigMul(int a, int b) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
BigMul(ulong a, ulong b, out ulong low) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
BigMul(long a, long b, out long low) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
BitDecrement(double x) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
BitIncrement(double x) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Cbrt(double d) | System.Math | |
Ceiling(double a) | System.Math | |
Ceiling(decimal d) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(byte value, byte min, byte max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(decimal value, decimal min, decimal max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(double value, double min, double max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(short value, short min, short max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(int value, int min, int max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(long value, long min, long max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(nint value, nint min, nint max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(sbyte value, sbyte min, sbyte max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(float value, float min, float max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(ushort value, ushort min, ushort max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(uint value, uint min, uint max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(ulong value, ulong min, ulong max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Clamp(nuint value, nuint min, nuint max) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
CopySign(double x, double y) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Cos(double d) | System.Math | |
Cosh(double value) | System.Math | |
DivRem(int a, int b, out int result) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(long a, long b, out long result) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(sbyte left, sbyte right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(byte left, byte right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(short left, short right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(ushort left, ushort right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(int left, int right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(uint left, uint right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(long left, long right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(ulong left, ulong right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(nint left, nint right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
DivRem(nuint left, nuint right) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
E | System.Math | static |
Exp(double d) | System.Math | |
Floor(double d) | System.Math | |
Floor(decimal d) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
FusedMultiplyAdd(double x, double y, double z) | System.Math | |
IEEERemainder(double x, double y) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
ILogB(double x) | System.Math | |
Log(double d) | System.Math | |
Log(double a, double newBase) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Log10(double d) | System.Math | |
Log2(double x) | System.Math | |
Max(byte val1, byte val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(decimal val1, decimal val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(double val1, double val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(short val1, short val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(int val1, int val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(long val1, long val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(nint val1, nint val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(sbyte val1, sbyte val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(float val1, float val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(ushort val1, ushort val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(uint val1, uint val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(ulong val1, ulong val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Max(nuint val1, nuint val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
MaxMagnitude(double x, double y) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(byte val1, byte val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(decimal val1, decimal val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(double val1, double val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(short val1, short val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(int val1, int val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(long val1, long val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(nint val1, nint val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(sbyte val1, sbyte val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(float val1, float val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(ushort val1, ushort val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(uint val1, uint val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(ulong val1, ulong val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Min(nuint val1, nuint val2) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
MinMagnitude(double x, double y) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
ModF(double x, double *intptr) | System.Math | private |
PI | System.Math | static |
Pow(double x, double y) | System.Math | |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
Quotient | System.Math | static |
ReciprocalEstimate(double d) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
ReciprocalSqrtEstimate(double d) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Round(decimal d) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Round(decimal d, int decimals) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Round(decimal d, MidpointRounding mode) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Round(decimal d, int decimals, MidpointRounding mode) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Round(double a) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Round(double value, int digits) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Round(double value, MidpointRounding mode) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Round(double value, int digits, MidpointRounding mode) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
roundPower10Double | System.Math | privatestatic |
ScaleB(double x, int n) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Sign(decimal value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Sign(double value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Sign(short value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Sign(int value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Sign(long value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Sign(nint value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Sign(sbyte value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Sign(float value) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Sin(double a) | System.Math | |
SinCos(double x, double *sin, double *cos) | System.Math | private |
Sinh(double value) | System.Math | |
Sqrt(double d) | System.Math | |
Tan(double a) | System.Math | |
Tanh(double value) | System.Math | |
Tau | System.Math | static |
ThrowAbsOverflow() | System.Math | inlineprivatestatic |
ThrowMinMaxException< T >(T min, T max) | System.Math | inlineprivatestatic |
Truncate(decimal d) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
Truncate(double d) | System.Math | inlinestatic |
unsafe(double Sin, double Cos) SinCos(double x) | System.Math | inlinestatic |