terraria-cpp2il v1.4.4.9
Terraria mobile dump, with CallAnalysis (see source code). Dump with reconstucted method: https://infinitynichto.github.io/terraria-cpp2il-methodrecon
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UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar:
+ Collaboration diagram for UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar:


class  ScrollEvent

Public Types

enum  Direction { LeftToRight , RightToLeft , BottomToTop , TopToBottom }
enum  Transition { None , ColorTint , SpriteSwap , Animation }

Public Member Functions

virtual void SetValueWithoutNotify (float input)
virtual void Rebuild (CanvasUpdate executing)
virtual void LayoutComplete ()
virtual void GraphicUpdateComplete ()
virtual void OnBeginDrag (PointerEventData eventData)
virtual void OnDrag (PointerEventData eventData)
override void OnPointerDown (PointerEventData eventData)
override void OnPointerUp (PointerEventData eventData)
override void OnMove (AxisEventData eventData)
override Selectable FindSelectableOnLeft ()
override Selectable FindSelectableOnRight ()
override Selectable FindSelectableOnUp ()
override Selectable FindSelectableOnDown ()
virtual void OnInitializePotentialDrag (PointerEventData eventData)
void SetDirection (Scrollbar.Direction direction, bool includeRectLayouts)
virtual bool IsInteractable ()
Selectable FindSelectable (Vector3 dir)
virtual void OnPointerEnter (PointerEventData eventData)
virtual void OnPointerExit (PointerEventData eventData)
virtual void OnSelect (BaseEventData eventData)
virtual void OnDeselect (BaseEventData eventData)
virtual void Select ()
virtual bool IsActive ()
bool IsDestroyed ()
bool IsInvoking ()
bool IsInvoking (string methodName)
void CancelInvoke ()
void CancelInvoke (string methodName)
void Invoke (string methodName, float time)
void InvokeRepeating (string methodName, float time, float repeatRate)
Coroutine StartCoroutine (string methodName)
Coroutine StartCoroutine (string methodName, [DefaultValue("null")] object value)
Coroutine StartCoroutine (IEnumerator routine)
Coroutine StartCoroutine_Auto (IEnumerator routine)
void StopCoroutine (IEnumerator routine)
void StopCoroutine (Coroutine routine)
void StopCoroutine (string methodName)
void StopAllCoroutines ()
Component GetComponent (Type type)
T GetComponent< T > ()
Component GetComponentInChildren (Type t, bool includeInactive)
T GetComponentInChildren< T > ()
T[] GetComponentsInChildren< T > (bool includeInactive)
void GetComponentsInChildren< T > (bool includeInactive, List< T > result)
void GetComponentsInChildren< T > (List< T > results)
Component GetComponentInParent (Type t, bool includeInactive)
T GetComponentInParent< T > ()
T[] GetComponentsInParent< T > (bool includeInactive)
void GetComponentsInParent< T > (bool includeInactive, List< T > results)
T[] GetComponentsInParent< T > ()
void GetComponents (Type type, List< Component > results)
void GetComponents< T > (List< T > results)
T[] GetComponents< T > ()
unsafe int GetInstanceID ()
override int GetHashCode ()
override bool Equals (object other)
static void Destroy (Object obj, [DefaultValue("0.0F")] float t)
static void DestroyImmediate (Object obj, [DefaultValue("false")] bool allowDestroyingAssets)
static Object[] FindObjectsOfType (Type type, bool includeInactive)
static void DontDestroyOnLoad ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] Object target)
override string ToString ()
bool IsDestroyed ()

Static Public Member Functions

static int AllSelectablesNoAlloc (Selectable[] selectables)
static void print (object message)
static implicit operator bool (Object exists)
static Object Instantiate (Object original, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
static Object Instantiate (Object original)
static T Instantiate< T > (T original)
static T Instantiate< T > (T original, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
static void Destroy (Object obj)
static void DestroyImmediate (Object obj)
static T[] FindObjectsOfType< T > ()
static bool operator== (Object x, Object y)
static bool operator!= (Object x, Object y)

Protected Types

enum  SelectionState {
  Normal , Highlighted , Pressed , Selected ,

Protected Member Functions

 Scrollbar ()
override void OnEnable ()
override void OnDisable ()
virtual void Update ()
override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange ()
IEnumerator ClickRepeat (PointerEventData eventData)
IEnumerator ClickRepeat (Vector2 screenPosition, Camera camera)
override void Awake ()
override void OnCanvasGroupChanged ()
override void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties ()
override void OnTransformParentChanged ()
virtual void InstantClearState ()
virtual void DoStateTransition (Selectable.SelectionState state, bool instant)
bool IsHighlighted ()
bool IsPressed ()
virtual void Start ()
virtual void OnDestroy ()
virtual void OnBeforeTransformParentChanged ()
virtual void OnCanvasHierarchyChanged ()

Protected Attributes

int m_CurrentIndex

Static Protected Attributes

static Selectable[] s_Selectables
static int s_SelectableCount

Package Functions

string GetScriptClassName ()
void GetComponentFastPath (Type type, IntPtr oneFurtherThanResultValue)
static Object FindObjectFromInstanceID (int instanceID)

Static Package Attributes

static int OffsetOfInstanceIDInCPlusPlusObject


RectTransform handleRect [get, set]
Scrollbar.Direction direction [get, set]
float value [get, set]
float size [get, set]
int numberOfSteps [get, set]
Scrollbar.ScrollEvent onValueChanged [get, set]
float stepSize [get, set]
Scrollbar.Axis axis [get, set]
bool reverseValue [get, set]
class< ClickRepeatIDisposable [set]
static Selectable[] allSelectablesArray [get, set]
static int allSelectableCount [get, set]
static List< SelectableallSelectables [get, set]
Navigation navigation [get, set]
Selectable.Transition transition [get, set]
ColorBlock colors [get, set]
SpriteState spriteState [get, set]
AnimationTriggers animationTriggers [get, set]
Graphic targetGraphic [get, set]
bool interactable [get, set]
bool isPointerInside [get, set]
bool isPointerDown [get, set]
bool hasSelection [get, set]
Image image [get, set]
Animator animator [get, set]
Selectable.SelectionState currentSelectionState [get, set]
bool useGUILayout [get, set]
bool enabled [get, set]
bool isActiveAndEnabled [get, set]
Transform transform [get, set]
GameObject gameObject [get, set]
string name [get, set]
HideFlags hideFlags [set]
Transform transform [get]

Private Types

enum  Axis { Horizontal , Vertical }

Private Member Functions

void UpdateCachedReferences ()
void Set (float input, bool sendCallback=true)
void UpdateVisuals ()
void UpdateDrag (PointerEventData eventData)
void DoUpdateDrag (Vector2 handleCorner, float remainingSize)
bool MayDrag (PointerEventData eventData)
Transform UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement. get_transform ()
void OnSetProperty ()
void OnApplicationFocus (bool hasFocus)
void Navigate (AxisEventData eventData, Selectable sel)
void StartColorTween (Color targetColor, bool instant)
void DoSpriteSwap (Sprite newSprite)
void TriggerAnimation (string triggername)
void EvaluateAndTransitionToSelectionState ()
static bool IsInvoking ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] MonoBehaviour self, string methodName)
static void CancelInvoke ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] MonoBehaviour self, string methodName)
static void Internal_CancelInvokeAll ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] MonoBehaviour self)
static bool Internal_IsInvokingAll ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] MonoBehaviour self)
static void InvokeDelayed ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] MonoBehaviour self, string methodName, float time, float repeatRate)
static bool IsObjectMonoBehaviour ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] Object obj)
Coroutine StartCoroutineManaged (string methodName, object value)
Coroutine StartCoroutineManaged2 (IEnumerator enumerator)
void StopCoroutineManaged (Coroutine routine)
void StopCoroutineFromEnumeratorManaged (IEnumerator routine)
void GetComponentsForListInternal (Type searchType, object resultList)
IntPtr GetCachedPtr ()
static string ToString (Object obj)
static int GetOffsetOfInstanceIDInCPlusPlusObject ()
static Object Internal_CloneSingle ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] Object data)
static string GetName ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] Object obj)
static void SetName ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] Object obj, string name)
static Object Internal_InstantiateSingle_Injected (Object data, ref Vector3 pos, ref Quaternion rot)

Static Private Member Functions

static Vector3 GetPointOnRectEdge (RectTransform rect, Vector2 dir)
static bool CompareBaseObjects (Object lhs, Object rhs)
static bool IsNativeObjectAlive (Object o)
static void CheckNullArgument (object arg, string message)
static Object Internal_InstantiateSingle ([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] Object data, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)

Private Attributes

RectTransform m_HandleRect
Scrollbar.Direction m_Direction
float m_Value
float m_Size
int m_NumberOfSteps
Scrollbar.ScrollEvent m_OnValueChanged
RectTransform m_ContainerRect
Vector2 m_Offset
DrivenRectTransformTracker m_Tracker
Coroutine m_PointerDownRepeat
bool isPointerDownAndNotDragging
bool m_DelayedUpdateVisuals
class< ClickRepeatd__58: IEnumerator<object>
class< ClickRepeatIEnumerator
bool m_EnableCalled
Navigation m_Navigation
Selectable.Transition m_Transition
ColorBlock m_Colors
SpriteState m_SpriteState
AnimationTriggers m_AnimationTriggers
bool m_Interactable
Graphic m_TargetGraphic
bool m_GroupsAllowInteraction
bool< isPointerInsidek__BackingField
bool< isPointerDownk__BackingField
bool< hasSelectionk__BackingField
readonly List< CanvasGroupm_CanvasGroupCache
IntPtr m_CachedPtr

Static Private Attributes

const string objectIsNullMessage = "The Object you want to instantiate is null."
const string cloneDestroyedMessage = "Instantiate failed because the clone was destroyed during creation. This can happen if DestroyImmediate is called in MonoBehaviour.Awake."

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17 of file Scrollbar.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: