Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.GameContent.UI.States.UICharacterCreation Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 UICharacterCreation (Player player)
override void Draw (SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
void TryMovingCategory (int direction)
delegate void MouseEvent (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
delegate void ScrollWheelEvent (UIScrollWheelEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
delegate void ElementEvent (UIElement affectedElement)
delegate void UIElementAction (UIElement element)
void SetSnapPoint (string name, int id, Vector2? anchor=null, Vector2? offset=null)
bool GetSnapPoint (out SnapPoint point)
virtual void ExecuteRecursively (UIElementAction action)
void Append (UIElement element)
void Remove ()
void RemoveChild (UIElement child)
void RemoveAllChildren ()
virtual void Update (GameTime gameTime)
Rectangle GetClippingRectangle (SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
virtual List< SnapPoint > GetSnapPoints ()
virtual void Recalculate ()
UIElement GetElementAt (Vector2 point)
virtual bool ContainsPoint (Vector2 point)
virtual Rectangle GetViewCullingArea ()
void SetPadding (float pixels)
virtual void RecalculateChildren ()
CalculatedStyle GetInnerDimensions ()
CalculatedStyle GetDimensions ()
CalculatedStyle GetOuterDimensions ()
void CopyStyle (UIElement element)
virtual void LeftMouseDown (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void LeftMouseUp (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void LeftClick (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void LeftDoubleClick (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void RightMouseDown (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void RightMouseUp (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void RightClick (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void RightDoubleClick (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void MouseOver (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void MouseOut (UIMouseEvent evt)
virtual void ScrollWheel (UIScrollWheelEvent evt)
void Activate ()
virtual void OnActivate ()
void DrawDebugHitbox (BasicDebugDrawer drawer, float colorIntensity=0f)
void Deactivate ()
virtual void OnDeactivate ()
void Initialize ()
virtual void OnInitialize ()
virtual int CompareTo (object obj)
int CompareTo (object? obj)
int CompareTo (T? other)

Public Attributes

StyleDimension Top
StyleDimension Left
StyleDimension Width
StyleDimension Height
StyleDimension MaxWidth = StyleDimension.Fill
StyleDimension MaxHeight = StyleDimension.Fill
StyleDimension MinWidth = StyleDimension.Empty
StyleDimension MinHeight = StyleDimension.Empty
bool IgnoresMouseInteraction
bool OverflowHidden
SamplerState OverrideSamplerState
float PaddingTop
float PaddingLeft
float PaddingRight
float PaddingBottom
float MarginTop
float MarginLeft
float MarginRight
float MarginBottom
float HAlign
float VAlign
bool UseImmediateMode

Static Public Attributes

const int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 20

Protected Member Functions

virtual void DrawSelf (SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
virtual void DrawChildren (SpriteBatch spriteBatch)

Protected Attributes

readonly List< UIElementElements = new List<UIElement>()


UIElement Parent [get, private set]
int UniqueId [get, private set]
IEnumerable< UIElementChildren [get]
bool IsMouseHovering [get, private set]


MouseEvent OnLeftMouseDown
MouseEvent OnLeftMouseUp
MouseEvent OnLeftClick
MouseEvent OnLeftDoubleClick
MouseEvent OnRightMouseDown
MouseEvent OnRightMouseUp
MouseEvent OnRightClick
MouseEvent OnRightDoubleClick
MouseEvent OnMouseOver
MouseEvent OnMouseOut
ScrollWheelEvent OnScrollWheel
ElementEvent OnUpdate

Private Types

enum  CategoryId {
  CharInfo , Clothing , HairStyle , HairColor ,
  Eye , Skin , Shirt , Undershirt ,
  Pants , Shoes , Count
enum  HSLSliderId { Hue , Saturation , Luminance }

Private Member Functions

void BuildPage ()
void MakeCharPreview (UIPanel container)
void MakeHairsylesMenu (UIElement middleInnerPanel)
void MakeClothStylesMenu (UIElement middleInnerPanel)
void MakeCategoriesBar (UIElement categoryContainer)
void UpdateHelpGlyphs (UIElement element)
UIColoredImageButton CreateColorPicker (CategoryId id, string texturePath, float xPositionStart, float xPositionPerId)
UIColoredImageButton CreatePickerWithoutClick (CategoryId id, string texturePath, float xPositionStart, float xPositionPerId)
void MakeInfoMenu (UIElement parentContainer)
void UpdateDifficultyDescription (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void MakeHSLMenu (UIElement parentContainer)
UIColoredSlider CreateHSLSlider (HSLSliderId id)
UIColoredSlider CreateHSLSliderButtonBase (HSLSliderId id)
void UpdateHSL_H ()
void UpdateHSL_S ()
void UpdateHSL_L ()
float GetHSLSliderPosition (HSLSliderId id)
void UpdateHSLValue (HSLSliderId id, float value)
Color GetHSLSliderColorAt (HSLSliderId id, float pointAt)
void ApplyPendingColor (Color pendingColor)
void UpdateHexText (Color pendingColor)
void MakeBackAndCreatebuttons (UIElement outerContainer)
void Click_GoBack (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void FadedMouseOver (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void FadedMouseOut (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_ColorPicker (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_ClothStyles (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_HairStyles (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_CharInfo (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_CharClothStyle (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_CharGenderMale (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_CharGenderFemale (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void UpdateSelectedGender ()
void Click_CopyHex (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_PasteHex (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_CopyPlayerTemplate (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_PastePlayerTemplate (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_RandomizePlayer (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_Naming (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void Click_NamingAndCreating (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void OnFinishedNaming (string name)
void OnCanceledNaming ()
void OnFinishedNamingAndCreating (string name)
void FinishCreatingCharacter ()
void SetupPlayerStatsAndInventoryBasedOnDifficulty ()
bool GetHexColor (string hexString, out Vector3 hsl)
void Click_RandomizeSingleColor (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)
void UnselectAllCategories ()
void SelectColorPicker (CategoryId selection)
void UpdateColorPickers ()
void SetupGamepadPoints (SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
void MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint ()
UILinkPoint GetAndSet (int ptid, SnapPoint snap)
bool PointWithName (SnapPoint a, string comp)
int SortPoints (SnapPoint a, SnapPoint b)
CalculatedStyle GetDimensionsBasedOnParentDimensions (CalculatedStyle parentDimensions)

Static Private Member Functions

static string GetHexText (Color pendingColor)
static Vector3 GetRandomColorVector ()
static Color ScaledHslToRgb (Vector3 hsl)
static Color ScaledHslToRgb (float hue, float saturation, float luminosity)
static Vector3 RgbToScaledHsl (Color color)

Private Attributes

int[] _validClothStyles = new int[10] { 0, 2, 1, 3, 8, 4, 6, 5, 7, 9 }
readonly Player _player
UIColoredImageButton[] _colorPickers
CategoryId _selectedPicker
Vector3 _currentColorHSL
UIColoredImageButton _clothingStylesCategoryButton
UIColoredImageButton _hairStylesCategoryButton
UIColoredImageButton _charInfoCategoryButton
UIElement _topContainer
UIElement _middleContainer
UIElement _hslContainer
UIElement _hairstylesContainer
UIElement _clothStylesContainer
UIElement _infoContainer
UIText _hslHexText
UIText _difficultyDescriptionText
UIElement _copyHexButton
UIElement _pasteHexButton
UIElement _randomColorButton
UIElement _copyTemplateButton
UIElement _pasteTemplateButton
UIElement _randomizePlayerButton
UIColoredImageButton _genderMale
UIColoredImageButton _genderFemale
UICharacterNameButton _charName
UIText _helpGlyphLeft
UIText _helpGlyphRight
UIGamepadHelper _helper
List< int > _foundPoints = new List<int>()
bool _isInitialized
CalculatedStyle _innerDimensions
CalculatedStyle _dimensions
CalculatedStyle _outerDimensions
SnapPoint _snapPoint

Static Private Attributes

static readonly RasterizerState OverflowHiddenRasterizerState
static int _idCounter = 0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file UICharacterCreation.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: