Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.GameContent.UI.States.UIGamepadHelper Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

UILinkPoint[,] CreateUILinkPointGrid (ref int currentID, List< SnapPoint > pointsForGrid, int pointsPerLine, UILinkPoint topLinkPoint, UILinkPoint leftLinkPoint, UILinkPoint rightLinkPoint, UILinkPoint bottomLinkPoint)
void LinkVerticalStrips (UILinkPoint[] stripOnLeft, UILinkPoint[] stripOnRight, int leftStripStartOffset)
void LinkVerticalStripRightSideToSingle (UILinkPoint[] strip, UILinkPoint theSingle)
void RemovePointsOutOfView (List< SnapPoint > pts, UIElement containerPanel, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
void LinkHorizontalStripBottomSideToSingle (UILinkPoint[] strip, UILinkPoint theSingle)
void LinkHorizontalStripUpSideToSingle (UILinkPoint[] strip, UILinkPoint theSingle)
void LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle (UILinkPoint[] strip, UILinkPoint theSingle)
UILinkPoint[] CreateUILinkStripVertical (ref int currentID, List< SnapPoint > currentStrip)
UILinkPoint[] CreateUILinkStripHorizontal (ref int currentID, List< SnapPoint > currentStrip)
void TryMovingBackIntoCreativeGridIfOutOfIt (int start, int currentID)
void MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint (List< UILinkPoint > lostrefpoints)
List< SnapPointGetOrderedPointsByCategoryName (List< SnapPoint > pts, string name)
void PairLeftRight (UILinkPoint leftSide, UILinkPoint rightSide)
void PairUpDown (UILinkPoint upSide, UILinkPoint downSide)
UILinkPoint MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint (int id, SnapPoint snap)
UILinkPoint GetLinkPoint (int id, UIElement element)
UILinkPoint TryMakeLinkPoint (ref int id, SnapPoint snap)
UILinkPoint[] GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName (ref int currentID, List< SnapPoint > pts, string categoryName)
void MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint (int idRangeStartInclusive, int idRangeEndExclusive)
void CullPointsOutOfElementArea (SpriteBatch spriteBatch, List< SnapPoint > pointsAtMiddle, UIElement container)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file UIGamepadHelper.cs.

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