Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SamplerState Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 SamplerState ()
override string ToString ()
virtual void Dispose ()

Static Public Attributes

static readonly SamplerState PointWrap = new SamplerState(TextureFilter.Point, TextureAddressMode.Wrap, "SamplerState.PointWrap")
static readonly SamplerState PointClamp = new SamplerState(TextureFilter.Point, TextureAddressMode.Clamp, "SamplerState.PointClamp")
static readonly SamplerState LinearWrap = new SamplerState(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureAddressMode.Wrap, "SamplerState.LinearWrap")
static readonly SamplerState LinearClamp = new SamplerState(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureAddressMode.Clamp, "SamplerState.LinearClamp")
static readonly SamplerState AnisotropicWrap = new SamplerState(TextureFilter.Anisotropic, TextureAddressMode.Wrap, "SamplerState.AnisotropicWrap")
static readonly SamplerState AnisotropicClamp = new SamplerState(TextureFilter.Anisotropic, TextureAddressMode.Clamp, "SamplerState.AnisotropicClamp")

Protected Member Functions

override void Dispose ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool P_0)
void raise_Disposing (object value0, EventArgs value1)

Protected Attributes

GraphicsDevice _parent

Package Functions

unsafe void Apply (GraphicsDevice device, int samplerIndex)
void ThrowIfBound ()

Package Attributes

TextureFilter cachedFilter
TextureAddressMode cachedAddressU
TextureAddressMode cachedAddressV
TextureAddressMode cachedAddressW
int cachedMaxAnisotropy
int cachedMaxMipLevel
float cachedMipMapLevelOfDetailBias
bool isBound
uint filterMinFlag
uint filterMagFlag
uint filterMipFlag
uint nonClampAddressUFlag
uint nonClampAddressVFlag
ulong _internalHandle
bool isDisposed


float MipMapLevelOfDetailBias [get, set]
int MaxMipLevel [get, set]
int MaxAnisotropy [get, set]
TextureAddressMode AddressW [get, set]
TextureAddressMode AddressV [get, set]
TextureAddressMode AddressU [get, set]
TextureFilter Filter [get, set]
bool IsDisposed [get]
object Tag [get, set]
string Name [get, set]
GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice [get]
EventHandler< EventArgsDisposing

Private Member Functions

void SetDefaults ()
 SamplerState (TextureFilter filter, TextureAddressMode address, string name)
void _007ESamplerState ()
void _0021GraphicsResource ()
void _007EGraphicsResource ()

Private Attributes

string _localName
object _localTag
EventHandler< EventArgs_003Cbacking_store_003EDisposing

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file SamplerState.cs.

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