Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.GameContent.Events.DD2Event Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static void Save (BinaryWriter writer)
static void Load (BinaryReader reader, int gameVersionNumber)
static void ResetProgressEntirely ()
static void ReportEventProgress ()
static void SyncInvasionProgress (int toWho)
static void SpawnNPC (ref int newNPC)
static void UpdateTime ()
static void StartInvasion (int difficultyOverride=-1)
static void StopInvasion (bool win=false)
static void LoseInvasionMessage ()
static void CheckProgress (int slainMonsterID)
static void StartVictoryScene ()
static void ReportLoss ()
static void SpawnMonsterFromGate (Vector2 gateBottom)
static void SummonCrystal (int x, int y, int whoAsks)
static void SummonCrystalDirect (int x, int y, int whoAsks)
static bool WouldFailSpawningHere (int x, int y)
static void FailureMessage (int client)
static void WipeEntities ()
static void ClearAllTowersInGame ()
static void ClearAllDD2HostilesInGame ()
static void ClearAllDD2EnergyCrystalsInGame ()
static void ClearAllDD2EnergyCrystalsInChests ()
static void AnnounceGoblinDeath (NPC n)
static bool CanRaiseGoblinsHere (Vector2 spot)
static void RaiseGoblins (NPC caller, Vector2 spot)
static void FindArenaHitbox ()
static bool ShouldBlockBuilding (Vector2 worldPosition)
static void DropMedals (int numberOfMedals)
static bool ShouldDropCrystals ()
static bool IsStandActive (int x, int y)
static void RequestToSkipWaitTime (int x, int y)
static void AttemptToSkipWaitTime ()

Static Public Attributes

static bool DownedInvasionT1
static bool DownedInvasionT2
static bool DownedInvasionT3
static bool LostThisRun
static bool WonThisRun
static int LaneSpawnRate = 60
static bool Ongoing
static Rectangle ArenaHitbox
static int OngoingDifficulty


static bool ReadyToFindBartender [get]
static bool DownedInvasionAnyDifficulty [get]
static int TimeLeftBetweenWaves [get, set]
static bool EnemySpawningIsOnHold [get]
static bool EnemiesShouldChasePlayers [get]
static bool ReadyForTier2 [get]
static bool ReadyForTier3 [get]

Static Private Member Functions

static void WinInvasionInternal ()
static void FindProperDifficulty ()
static void GetInvasionStatus (out int currentWave, out int requiredKillCount, out int currentKillCount, bool currentlyInCheckProgress=false)
static short[] GetEnemiesForWave (int wave)
static int GetMonsterPointsWorth (int slainMonsterID)
static void SummonBetsy ()
static void DropStarterCrystals ()
static void SetEnemySpawningOnHold (int forHowLong)
static short[] Difficulty_1_GetEnemiesForWave (int wave)
static int Difficulty_1_GetRequiredWaveKills (ref int waveNumber, ref int currentKillCount, bool currentlyInCheckProgress)
static void Difficulty_1_SpawnMonsterFromGate (Vector2 gateBottom)
static int Difficulty_1_GetMonsterPointsWorth (int slainMonsterID)
static short[] Difficulty_2_GetEnemiesForWave (int wave)
static int Difficulty_2_GetRequiredWaveKills (ref int waveNumber, ref int currentKillCount, bool currentlyInCheckProgress)
static int Difficulty_2_GetMonsterPointsWorth (int slainMonsterID)
static void Difficulty_2_SpawnMonsterFromGate (Vector2 gateBottom)
static short[] Difficulty_3_GetEnemiesForWave (int wave)
static int Difficulty_3_GetRequiredWaveKills (ref int waveNumber, ref int currentKillCount, bool currentlyInCheckProgress)
static int Difficulty_3_GetMonsterPointsWorth (int slainMonsterID)
static void Difficulty_3_SpawnMonsterFromGate (Vector2 gateBottom)
static IEntitySource GetSpawnSource_OldOnesArmy ()

Static Private Attributes

static readonly Color INFO_NEW_WAVE_COLOR = new Color(175, 55, 255)
static readonly Color INFO_START_INVASION_COLOR = new Color(50, 255, 130)
static readonly Color INFO_FAILURE_INVASION_COLOR = new Color(255, 0, 0)
const int INVASION_ID = 3
static bool _downedDarkMageT1
static bool _downedOgreT2
static bool _spawnedBetsyT3
static int _arenaHitboxingCooldown
static List< Vector2_deadGoblinSpots = new List<Vector2>()
static int _crystalsDropping_lastWave
static int _crystalsDropping_toDrop
static int _crystalsDropping_alreadyDropped
static int _timeLeftUntilSpawningBegins

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file DD2Event.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: