Terraria v1.4.4.9
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Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 RenderTarget2D (GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, int width, int height, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool mipMap, SurfaceFormat preferredFormat, DepthFormat preferredDepthFormat, int preferredMultiSampleCount, RenderTargetUsage usage)
 RenderTarget2D (GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, int width, int height, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool mipMap, SurfaceFormat preferredFormat, DepthFormat preferredDepthFormat)
 RenderTarget2D (GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, int width, int height)
void SaveAsJpeg (Stream stream, int width, int height)
void SaveAsPng (Stream stream, int width, int height)
void SetData< T > (T[] data)
void SetData< T > (T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount)
void SetData< T > (int level, Rectangle? rect, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount)
void GetData< T > (T[] data)
void GetData< T > (T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount)
void GetData< T > (int level, Rectangle? rect, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount)
virtual void Dispose ()
override string ToString ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Texture2D FromStream (GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Stream stream, int width, int height, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool zoom)
static Texture2D FromStream (GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Stream stream)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void raise_ContentLost (object value0, EventArgs value1)
override void Dispose ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool P_0)
unsafe void InitializeDescription (SurfaceFormat? format)
unsafe void InitializeDescription (SurfaceFormat format)
unsafe void CreateTexture (GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, int width, int height, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool mipMap, uint usage, _D3DPOOL pool, SurfaceFormat format)
unsafe int CreateStateWrapper ()
void raise_Disposing (object value0, EventArgs value1)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void ValidateCreationParameters (ProfileCapabilities profile, int width, int height, SurfaceFormat format, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool mipMap)

Protected Attributes

int _width
int _height
bool _shouldNotRecreate
SurfaceFormat _format
int _levelCount
GraphicsDevice _parent

Package Functions

void CreateRenderTarget (GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, int width, int height, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool mipMap, SurfaceFormat preferredFormat, DepthFormat preferredDepthFormat, int preferredMultiSampleCount, RenderTargetUsage usage)
override int SaveDataForRecreation ()
unsafe override int RecreateAndPopulateObject ()
override void ReleaseNativeObject ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool disposeManagedResource)
virtual void SetContentLost ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool isContentLost)
unsafe int CopyOrRestoreData ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool isStoring)
unsafe void CleanupSavedData ()
unsafe override IDirect3DBaseTexture9 * GetComPtr ()
unsafe int CompareTo (Texture other)

Static Package Functions

static unsafe void CopyData< T > (void *pData, int pitch, T[] data, int dataIndex, int elementCount, _D3DSURFACE_DESC *pSurface, uint dwLockWidth, uint dwLockHeight, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool isSetting)
static unsafe Texture2D GetManagedObject (IDirect3DTexture9 *pInterface, GraphicsDevice pDevice, uint pool)
static byte GetExpectedByteSizeFromFormat (_D3DFORMAT format)
static unsafe void GetAndValidateSizes< T > (_D3DSURFACE_DESC *pSurface, uint *pdwFormatSize, uint *pdwElementSize)
static unsafe void GetAndValidateRect (_D3DSURFACE_DESC *__unnamed000, uint *pdwLockWidth, uint *pdwLockHeight, Rectangle? rect)
static unsafe void ValidateTotalSize (_D3DSURFACE_DESC *__unnamed000, uint dwLockWidth, uint dwLockHeight, uint dwFormatSize, uint dwElementSize, uint elementCount)
static bool CheckCompressedTexture (_D3DFORMAT format)
static unsafe void SwapBgr (void *pDest, void *pSrc, uint dwSize)
static bool IsPowerOfTwo (uint dwNumber)

Package Attributes

RenderTargetHelper helper
bool _contentLost
unsafe IDirect3DTexture9 * pComPtr
bool alreadyRecreated
bool isActiveRenderTarget
bool renderTargetContentsDirty
unsafe StateTrackerTexturepStateTracker
ulong _internalHandle
bool isDisposed


bool IsContentLost [get]
RenderTargetUsage RenderTargetUsage [get]
int MultiSampleCount [get]
DepthFormat DepthStencilFormat [get]
virtual EventHandler< EventArgsContentLost
override bool MustClamp [get]
Rectangle Bounds [get]
int Height [get]
int Width [get]
int LevelCount [get]
SurfaceFormat Format [get]
bool IsDisposed [get]
object Tag [get, set]
string Name [get, set]
GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice [get]
EventHandler< EventArgsDisposing

Private Member Functions

void _007ERenderTarget2D ()
int IGraphicsResource. SaveDataForRecreation ()
int IGraphicsResource. RecreateAndPopulateObject ()
void IGraphicsResource. ReleaseNativeObject ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool disposeManagedResource)
void IDynamicGraphicsResource. SetContentLost ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool isContentLost)
unsafe void CopyData< T > (int level, Rectangle? rect, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount, uint options, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool isSetting)
void SaveAsImage (Stream stream, SharedConstants.XnaImageFormat __unnamed001, int width, int height)
Color[] GetDataAsColor< T > (Converter< T, Color > toColor)
Color[] GetDataAsColor< T > ()
void OnObjectCreation ()
void _0021Texture2D ()
void _007ETexture2D ()
void _0021GraphicsResource ()
void _007EGraphicsResource ()

Private Attributes

EventHandler< EventArgs_003Cbacking_store_003EContentLost
IntPtr[] pFaceData
string _localName
object _localTag
EventHandler< EventArgs_003Cbacking_store_003EDisposing

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file RenderTarget2D.cs.

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