Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches

◆ DrawInfoAccs()

void Terraria.Main.DrawInfoAccs ( )

Definition at line 43718 of file Main.cs.

43719 {
43720 if (!CanShowInfoAccs)
43721 {
43722 return;
43723 }
43724 bool flag = false;
43725 bool flag2 = false;
43726 bool flag3 = false;
43727 bool flag4 = false;
43728 bool flag5 = false;
43729 bool flag6 = false;
43730 bool flag7 = false;
43731 bool flag8 = false;
43732 bool flag9 = false;
43733 bool flag10 = false;
43734 bool flag11 = false;
43735 bool flag12 = false;
43736 int num = -1;
43737 int num2 = -10;
43738 int num3 = 0;
43739 string text = "";
43740 float num4 = 215f;
43741 int startX = 0;
43742 if (GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Russian).IsActive)
43743 {
43744 startX = -50;
43745 num4 += 50f;
43746 }
43748 for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
43749 {
43750 string text2 = "";
43751 string text3 = "";
43754 if (player[myPlayer].accWatch > 0 && !flag && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[0] || playerInventory))
43755 {
43756 num = 0;
43757 text3 = Lang.inter[95].Value;
43758 string textValue = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.TimeAtMorning");
43759 double num5 = time;
43760 if (!dayTime)
43761 {
43762 num5 += 54000.0;
43763 }
43764 num5 = num5 / 86400.0 * 24.0;
43765 double num6 = 7.5;
43766 num5 = num5 - num6 - 12.0;
43767 if (num5 < 0.0)
43768 {
43769 num5 += 24.0;
43770 }
43771 if (num5 >= 12.0)
43772 {
43773 textValue = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.TimePastMorning");
43774 }
43775 int num7 = (int)num5;
43776 double num8 = num5 - (double)num7;
43777 num8 = (int)(num8 * 60.0);
43778 string text4 = string.Concat(num8);
43779 if (num8 < 10.0)
43780 {
43781 text4 = "0" + text4;
43782 }
43783 if (num7 > 12)
43784 {
43785 num7 -= 12;
43786 }
43787 if (num7 == 0)
43788 {
43789 num7 = 12;
43790 }
43791 if (player[myPlayer].accWatch == 1)
43792 {
43793 text4 = "00";
43794 }
43795 else if (player[myPlayer].accWatch == 2)
43796 {
43797 text4 = ((!(num8 < 30.0)) ? "30" : "00");
43798 }
43799 text2 = num7 + ":" + text4 + " " + textValue;
43800 flag = true;
43801 }
43802 else if (player[myPlayer].accWeatherRadio && !flag5 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[1] || playerInventory))
43803 {
43804 num = 1;
43805 text3 = Lang.inter[96].Value;
43806 string text5 = "";
43807 text5 = (IsItStorming ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.Storm") : (((double)maxRaining > 0.6) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.HeavyRain") : (((double)maxRaining >= 0.2) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.Rain") : ((maxRaining > 0f) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.LightRain") : ((cloudBGActive > 0f) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.Overcast") : ((numClouds > 90) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.MostlyCloudy") : ((numClouds > 55) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.Cloudy") : ((numClouds <= 15) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.Clear") : Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.PartlyCloudy")))))))));
43808 text2 = text5;
43809 int num9 = (int)(windSpeedCurrent * 50f);
43810 if (num9 < 0)
43811 {
43812 text2 += Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.EastWind", Math.Abs(num9));
43813 }
43814 else if (num9 > 0)
43815 {
43816 text2 += Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.WestWind", num9);
43817 }
43818 if (Sandstorm.Happening)
43819 {
43820 if (GlobalTimeWrappedHourly % 10f >= 5f)
43821 {
43822 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.Sandstorm");
43823 }
43824 text2 += " +";
43825 }
43826 flag5 = true;
43827 }
43828 else if (player[myPlayer].accCalendar && !flag8 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[7] || playerInventory))
43829 {
43830 num = ((bloodMoon && !dayTime) ? 8 : ((!eclipse || !dayTime) ? 7 : 8));
43831 text3 = Lang.inter[102].Value;
43832 if (moonPhase == 0)
43833 {
43834 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.FullMoon");
43835 }
43836 else if (moonPhase == 1)
43837 {
43838 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.WaningGibbous");
43839 }
43840 else if (moonPhase == 2)
43841 {
43842 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.ThirdQuarter");
43843 }
43844 else if (moonPhase == 3)
43845 {
43846 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.WaningCrescent");
43847 }
43848 else if (moonPhase == 4)
43849 {
43850 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.NewMoon");
43851 }
43852 else if (moonPhase == 5)
43853 {
43854 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.WaxingCrescent");
43855 }
43856 else if (moonPhase == 6)
43857 {
43858 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.FirstQuarter");
43859 }
43860 else if (moonPhase == 7)
43861 {
43862 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.WaxingGibbous");
43863 }
43864 flag8 = true;
43865 }
43866 else if (player[myPlayer].accFishFinder && !flag4 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[2] || playerInventory))
43867 {
43868 bool flag13 = false;
43869 num = 2;
43870 text3 = Lang.inter[97].Value;
43871 for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
43872 {
43873 if (projectile[j].active && projectile[j].owner == myPlayer && projectile[j].bobber)
43874 {
43875 flag13 = true;
43876 break;
43877 }
43878 }
43879 if (flag13)
43880 {
43881 text2 = player[myPlayer].displayedFishingInfo;
43882 }
43883 else
43884 {
43885 PlayerFishingConditions fishingConditions = player[myPlayer].GetFishingConditions();
43886 text2 = ((fishingConditions.BaitItemType != 2673) ? (player[myPlayer].displayedFishingInfo = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.FishingPower", fishingConditions.FinalFishingLevel)) : Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.FishingWarning"));
43887 }
43888 flag4 = true;
43889 }
43890 else if (player[myPlayer].accOreFinder && !flag10 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[10] || playerInventory))
43891 {
43892 num = 10;
43893 text3 = Lang.inter[104].Value;
43894 if (SceneMetrics.bestOre <= 0)
43895 {
43896 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.NoTreasureNearby");
43897 infoTextColor = color;
43898 }
43899 else
43900 {
43901 int baseOption = 0;
43902 int num10 = SceneMetrics.bestOre;
43903 if (SceneMetrics.ClosestOrePosition.HasValue)
43904 {
43905 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point value = SceneMetrics.ClosestOrePosition.Value;
43906 Tile tileSafely = Framing.GetTileSafely(value);
43907 if (tileSafely.active())
43908 {
43910 num10 = tileSafely.type;
43912 {
43913 baseOption = 0;
43914 }
43915 }
43916 }
43917 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.OreDetected", Lang.GetMapObjectName(MapHelper.TileToLookup(num10, baseOption)));
43918 }
43919 flag10 = true;
43920 }
43921 else if (player[myPlayer].accCritterGuide && !flag11 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[11] || playerInventory))
43922 {
43923 flag11 = true;
43924 num = 11;
43925 text3 = Lang.inter[105].Value;
43926 int num11 = 1300;
43927 int num12 = 0;
43928 int num13 = -1;
43929 if (player[myPlayer].accCritterGuideCounter <= 0)
43930 {
43931 player[myPlayer].accCritterGuideCounter = 15;
43932 for (int k = 0; k < 200; k++)
43933 {
43934 if (npc[k].active && npc[k].rarity > num12 && (npc[k].Center - player[myPlayer].Center).Length() < (float)num11)
43935 {
43936 num13 = k;
43937 num12 = npc[k].rarity;
43938 }
43939 }
43940 player[myPlayer].accCritterGuideNumber = (byte)num13;
43941 }
43942 else
43943 {
43944 player[myPlayer].accCritterGuideCounter--;
43945 num13 = player[myPlayer].accCritterGuideNumber;
43946 }
43947 if (num13 >= 0 && num13 < 200 && npc[num13].active && npc[num13].rarity > 0)
43948 {
43949 text2 = npc[num13].GivenOrTypeName;
43951 }
43952 else
43953 {
43954 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.NoRareCreatures");
43955 infoTextColor = color;
43956 }
43957 }
43958 else if (player[myPlayer].accThirdEye && !flag6 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[5] || playerInventory))
43959 {
43960 flag6 = true;
43961 num = 5;
43962 text3 = Lang.inter[100].Value;
43963 int num14 = 2000;
43964 if (player[myPlayer].accThirdEyeCounter == 0)
43965 {
43966 player[myPlayer].accThirdEyeNumber = 0;
43967 player[myPlayer].accThirdEyeCounter = 15;
43968 for (int l = 0; l < 200; l++)
43969 {
43970 if (npc[l].active && !npc[l].friendly && npc[l].damage > 0 && npc[l].lifeMax > 5 && !npc[l].dontCountMe && (npc[l].Center - player[myPlayer].Center).Length() < (float)num14)
43971 {
43972 player[myPlayer].accThirdEyeNumber++;
43973 }
43974 }
43975 }
43976 else
43977 {
43978 player[myPlayer].accThirdEyeCounter--;
43979 }
43980 if (player[myPlayer].accThirdEyeNumber != 0)
43981 {
43982 text2 = ((player[myPlayer].accThirdEyeNumber != 1) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.EnemiesNearby", player[myPlayer].accThirdEyeNumber) : Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.OneEnemyNearby"));
43983 }
43984 else
43985 {
43986 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.NoEnemiesNearby");
43987 infoTextColor = color;
43988 }
43989 }
43990 else if (player[myPlayer].accJarOfSouls && !flag7 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[6] || playerInventory))
43991 {
43992 flag7 = true;
43993 num = 6;
43994 text3 = Lang.inter[101].Value;
43995 int lastCreatureHit = player[myPlayer].lastCreatureHit;
43996 if (lastCreatureHit <= 0)
43997 {
43998 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.NoKillCount");
43999 infoTextColor = color;
44000 }
44001 else
44002 {
44003 text2 = Lang.GetNPCNameValue(Item.BannerToNPC(lastCreatureHit)) + ": " + NPC.killCount[lastCreatureHit];
44004 }
44005 }
44006 else if (player[myPlayer].accDreamCatcher && !flag12 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[12] || playerInventory))
44007 {
44008 num = 12;
44009 text3 = Lang.inter[106].Value;
44010 player[myPlayer].checkDPSTime();
44011 int dPS = player[myPlayer].getDPS();
44012 flag12 = true;
44013 if (dPS == 0)
44014 {
44015 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.NoDPS");
44016 infoTextColor = color;
44017 }
44018 else
44019 {
44020 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.DPS", player[myPlayer].getDPS());
44021 }
44022 }
44023 else if (player[myPlayer].accStopwatch && !flag9 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[9] || playerInventory))
44024 {
44025 num = 9;
44026 text3 = Lang.inter[103].Value;
44027 Vector2 vector = player[myPlayer].velocity + player[myPlayer].instantMovementAccumulatedThisFrame;
44028 if (player[myPlayer].mount.Active && player[myPlayer].mount.IsConsideredASlimeMount && player[myPlayer].velocity.Y != 0f && !player[myPlayer].SlimeDontHyperJump)
44029 {
44030 vector.Y += player[myPlayer].velocity.Y;
44031 }
44032 int num15 = (int)(1f + vector.Length() * 6f);
44033 if (num15 > player[myPlayer].speedSlice.Length)
44034 {
44035 num15 = player[myPlayer].speedSlice.Length;
44036 }
44037 float num16 = 0f;
44038 for (int num17 = num15 - 1; num17 > 0; num17--)
44039 {
44040 player[myPlayer].speedSlice[num17] = player[myPlayer].speedSlice[num17 - 1];
44041 }
44042 player[myPlayer].speedSlice[0] = vector.Length();
44043 for (int m = 0; m < player[myPlayer].speedSlice.Length; m++)
44044 {
44045 if (m < num15)
44046 {
44047 num16 += player[myPlayer].speedSlice[m];
44048 }
44049 else
44050 {
44051 player[myPlayer].speedSlice[m] = num16 / (float)num15;
44052 }
44053 }
44054 num16 /= (float)num15;
44055 int num18 = 42240;
44056 int num19 = 216000;
44057 float num20 = num16 * (float)num19 / (float)num18;
44058 if (!player[myPlayer].merman && !player[myPlayer].ignoreWater)
44059 {
44060 if (player[myPlayer].honeyWet)
44061 {
44062 num20 /= 4f;
44063 }
44064 else if (player[myPlayer].wet)
44065 {
44066 num20 /= 2f;
44067 }
44068 }
44069 text2 = Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.Speed", Math.Round(num20));
44070 flag9 = true;
44071 }
44072 else if (player[myPlayer].accCompass > 0 && !flag3 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[3] || playerInventory))
44073 {
44074 num = 3;
44075 text3 = Lang.inter[98].Value;
44076 int num21 = (int)((player[myPlayer].position.X + (float)(player[myPlayer].width / 2)) * 2f / 16f - (float)maxTilesX);
44077 text2 = ((num21 > 0) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.CompassEast", num21) : ((num21 >= 0) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.CompassCenter") : Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.CompassWest", -num21)));
44078 flag3 = true;
44079 }
44080 else if (player[myPlayer].accDepthMeter > 0 && !flag2 && (!player[myPlayer].hideInfo[4] || playerInventory))
44081 {
44082 num = 4;
44083 text3 = Lang.inter[99].Value;
44084 int num22 = (int)((double)((player[myPlayer].position.Y + (float)player[myPlayer].height) * 2f / 16f) - worldSurface * 2.0);
44085 string text6 = "";
44086 float num23 = (float)maxTilesX / 4200f;
44087 num23 *= num23;
44088 int num24 = 1200;
44089 float num25 = (float)((double)(player[myPlayer].Center.Y / 16f - (65f + 10f * num23)) / (worldSurface / 5.0));
44090 text6 = ((player[myPlayer].position.Y > (float)((maxTilesY - 204) * 16)) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.LayerUnderworld") : (((double)player[myPlayer].position.Y > rockLayer * 16.0 + (double)(num24 / 2) + 16.0) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.LayerCaverns") : ((num22 > 0) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.LayerUnderground") : ((!(num25 >= 1f)) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.LayerSpace") : Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.LayerSurface")))));
44091 string text7 = "";
44092 num22 = Math.Abs(num22);
44093 text7 = ((num22 != 0) ? Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.Depth", num22) : Language.GetTextValue("GameUI.DepthLevel"));
44094 text2 = text7 + " " + text6;
44095 flag2 = true;
44096 }
44097 if (!(text2 != ""))
44098 {
44099 continue;
44100 }
44102 if (num >= 0)
44103 {
44104 num3++;
44105 int num26 = 22;
44106 if (screenHeight < 650)
44107 {
44108 num26 = 20;
44109 }
44110 Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(X, Y + 74 + num26 * i + 52);
44111 int num27 = num;
44112 if (num27 == 8)
44113 {
44114 num27 = 7;
44115 }
44117 bool flag14 = false;
44118 if (playerInventory)
44119 {
44120 vector2 = new Vector2(X, Y);
44121 if ((float)mouseX >= vector2.X && (float)mouseY >= vector2.Y && (float)mouseX <= vector2.X + (float)TextureAssets.InfoIcon[num].Width() && (float)mouseY <= vector2.Y + (float)TextureAssets.InfoIcon[num].Height() && !PlayerInput.IgnoreMouseInterface)
44122 {
44123 flag14 = true;
44124 player[myPlayer].mouseInterface = true;
44126 {
44128 mouseLeftRelease = false;
44129 player[myPlayer].hideInfo[num27] = !player[myPlayer].hideInfo[num27];
44130 }
44131 if (!mouseText)
44132 {
44133 text = text3;
44134 mouseText = true;
44135 }
44136 }
44137 if (player[myPlayer].hideInfo[num27])
44138 {
44139 color2 = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(80, 80, 80, 70);
44140 }
44141 }
44142 else if ((float)mouseX >= vector2.X && (float)mouseY >= vector2.Y && (float)mouseX <= vector2.X + (float)TextureAssets.InfoIcon[num].Width() && (float)mouseY <= vector2.Y + (float)TextureAssets.InfoIcon[num].Height() && !mouseText)
44143 {
44144 num2 = i;
44145 text = text3;
44146 mouseText = true;
44147 }
44148 UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(1558 + num3 - 1, vector2 + TextureAssets.InfoIcon[num].Value.Size() * 0.75f);
44149 spriteBatch.Draw(TextureAssets.InfoIcon[num].Value, vector2, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0, TextureAssets.InfoIcon[num].Width(), TextureAssets.InfoIcon[num].Height()), color2, 0f, default(Vector2), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
44150 if (flag14)
44151 {
44152 spriteBatch.Draw(TextureAssets.InfoIcon[13].Value, vector2 - Vector2.One * 2f, null, OurFavoriteColor, 0f, default(Vector2), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
44153 }
44154 X += 20;
44155 }
44156 UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.INFOACCCOUNT = num3;
44157 if (playerInventory)
44158 {
44159 continue;
44160 }
44161 Vector2 vector3 = new Vector2(1f);
44162 Vector2 vector4 = FontAssets.MouseText.Value.MeasureString(text2);
44163 if (vector4.X > num4)
44164 {
44165 vector3.X = num4 / vector4.X;
44166 }
44167 if (vector3.X < 0.58f)
44168 {
44169 vector3.Y = 1f - vector3.X / 3f;
44170 }
44171 for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
44172 {
44173 int num28 = 0;
44174 int num29 = 0;
44176 if (n == 0)
44177 {
44178 num28 = -2;
44179 }
44180 if (n == 1)
44181 {
44182 num28 = 2;
44183 }
44184 if (n == 2)
44185 {
44186 num29 = -2;
44187 }
44188 if (n == 3)
44189 {
44190 num29 = 2;
44191 }
44192 if (n == 4)
44193 {
44195 }
44196 if (i > num2 && i < num2 + 2)
44197 {
44198 color3 = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(color3.R / 3, color3.G / 3, color3.B / 3, color3.A / 3);
44199 }
44200 int num30 = 22;
44201 if (screenHeight < 650)
44202 {
44203 num30 = 20;
44204 }
44206 }
44207 }
44208 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
44209 {
44210 if (playerInventory)
44211 {
44212 player[myPlayer].mouseInterface = true;
44213 }
44214 MouseText(text, 0, 0);
44215 }
44216 }
static void DrawString(this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont spriteFont, string text, Vector2 position, Color color)
static decimal Round(decimal d)
Definition Math.cs:1096
static double Abs(double value)
static void PlaySound(int type, Vector2 position, int style=1)
static Asset< DynamicSpriteFont > MouseText
Definition FontAssets.cs:10
static Asset< Texture2D >[] InfoIcon
static bool[] BasicChest
Definition TileID.cs:223
static bool[] BasicChestFake
Definition TileID.cs:225
static GameCulture FromCultureName(CultureName name)
static string GetTextValue(string key)
Definition Language.cs:15
static SceneMetrics SceneMetrics
Definition Main.cs:1344
static float windSpeedCurrent
Definition Main.cs:1360
static double time
Definition Main.cs:1284
static int maxTilesY
Definition Main.cs:1116
static SpriteBatch spriteBatch
Definition Main.cs:974
static double worldSurface
Definition Main.cs:1272
static int numClouds
Definition Main.cs:1356
static int myPlayer
Definition Main.cs:1801
static double rockLayer
Definition Main.cs:1274
static bool dayTime
Definition Main.cs:1282
void DrawInfoAccs_AdjustInfoTextColorsForNPC(NPC npc, ref Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color infoTextColor, ref Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color infoTextShadowColor)
Definition Main.cs:44218
static bool bloodMoon
Definition Main.cs:1296
static bool CanShowInfoAccs
Definition Main.cs:2914
static bool mouseLeftRelease
Definition Main.cs:1755
static int screenHeight
Definition Main.cs:1721
static int moonPhase
Definition Main.cs:1288
static bool mouseText
Definition Main.cs:2453
static byte mouseTextColor
Definition Main.cs:1751
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color OurFavoriteColor
Definition Main.cs:902
static int maxTilesX
Definition Main.cs:1114
static bool eclipse
Definition Main.cs:1312
static Projectile[] projectile
Definition Main.cs:1691
static NPC[] npc
Definition Main.cs:1685
static float maxRaining
Definition Main.cs:1304
static bool playerInventory
Definition Main.cs:1759
static float cloudBGActive
Definition Main.cs:628
static int mouseY
Definition Main.cs:606
static void GetInfoAccIconPosition(int drawnCount, int StartX, out int X, out int Y)
Definition Main.cs:44234
static Player[] player
Definition Main.cs:1803
void MouseText(string cursorText, int rare=0, byte diff=0, int hackedMouseX=-1, int hackedMouseY=-1, int hackedScreenWidth=-1, int hackedScreenHeight=-1, int pushWidthX=0)
Definition Main.cs:18729
static int mouseX
Definition Main.cs:604
static float GlobalTimeWrappedHourly
Definition Main.cs:405
static bool IsItStorming
Definition Main.cs:2871
static bool mouseLeft
Definition Main.cs:614
static int TileToLookup(int tileType, int option)
static void GetTileBaseOption(int x, int y, int tileType, Tile tileCache, ref int baseOption)
static void SetPosition(int ID, Vector2 Position)

References System.Math.Abs(), Terraria.Item.BannerToNPC(), Terraria.ID.TileID.Sets.BasicChest, Terraria.ID.TileID.Sets.BasicChestFake, Terraria.SceneMetrics.bestOre, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Black, Terraria.Main.bloodMoon, Terraria.Main.CanShowInfoAccs, Terraria.SceneMetrics.ClosestOrePosition, Terraria.Main.cloudBGActive, Terraria.Main.dayTime, Terraria.Main.DrawInfoAccs_AdjustInfoTextColorsForNPC(), ReLogic.Graphics.DynamicSpriteFontExtensionMethods.DrawString(), Terraria.Main.eclipse, Terraria.Localization.GameCulture.FromCultureName(), Terraria.Main.GetInfoAccIconPosition(), Terraria.Lang.GetMapObjectName(), Terraria.Lang.GetNPCNameValue(), Terraria.Localization.Language.GetTextValue(), Terraria.Map.MapHelper.GetTileBaseOption(), Terraria.Framing.GetTileSafely(), Terraria.Main.GlobalTimeWrappedHourly, Terraria.GameContent.Events.Sandstorm.Happening, System.Text.RegularExpressions.i, Terraria.GameInput.PlayerInput.IgnoreMouseInterface, Terraria.GameContent.TextureAssets.InfoIcon, Terraria.Lang.inter, Terraria.Main.IsItStorming, Terraria.NPC.killCount, Terraria.Main.maxRaining, Terraria.Main.maxTilesX, Terraria.Main.maxTilesY, Terraria.Main.moonPhase, Terraria.Main.mouseLeft, Terraria.Main.mouseLeftRelease, Terraria.GameContent.FontAssets.MouseText, Terraria.Main.mouseText, Terraria.Main.MouseText(), Terraria.Main.mouseTextColor, Terraria.Main.mouseX, Terraria.Main.mouseY, Terraria.Main.myPlayer, Terraria.Main.npc, Terraria.Main.numClouds, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2.One, Terraria.Main.OurFavoriteColor, Terraria.Main.player, Terraria.Main.playerInventory, Terraria.Audio.SoundEngine.PlaySound(), Terraria.Main.projectile, Terraria.Main.rockLayer, System.Math.Round(), Terraria.Main.screenHeight, Terraria.UI.Gamepad.UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(), Terraria.Main.spriteBatch, System.text, Terraria.Map.MapHelper.TileToLookup(), Terraria.Main.time, System.value, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Vector2, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White, Terraria.Main.windSpeedCurrent, Terraria.Main.worldSurface, System.X, and System.Y.

Referenced by Terraria.Main.DrawInterface_28_InfoAccs().