Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.ID.TileID Class Reference


class  Sets

Static Public Attributes

const ushort Dirt = 0
const ushort Stone = 1
const ushort Grass = 2
const ushort Plants = 3
const ushort Torches = 4
const ushort Trees = 5
const ushort Iron = 6
const ushort Copper = 7
const ushort Gold = 8
const ushort Silver = 9
const ushort ClosedDoor = 10
const ushort OpenDoor = 11
const ushort Heart = 12
const ushort Bottles = 13
const ushort Tables = 14
const ushort Chairs = 15
const ushort Anvils = 16
const ushort Furnaces = 17
const ushort WorkBenches = 18
const ushort Platforms = 19
const ushort Saplings = 20
const ushort Containers = 21
const ushort Demonite = 22
const ushort CorruptGrass = 23
const ushort CorruptPlants = 24
const ushort Ebonstone = 25
const ushort DemonAltar = 26
const ushort Sunflower = 27
const ushort Pots = 28
const ushort PiggyBank = 29
const ushort WoodBlock = 30
const ushort ShadowOrbs = 31
const ushort CorruptThorns = 32
const ushort Candles = 33
const ushort Chandeliers = 34
const ushort Jackolanterns = 35
const ushort Presents = 36
const ushort Meteorite = 37
const ushort GrayBrick = 38
const ushort RedBrick = 39
const ushort ClayBlock = 40
const ushort BlueDungeonBrick = 41
const ushort HangingLanterns = 42
const ushort GreenDungeonBrick = 43
const ushort PinkDungeonBrick = 44
const ushort GoldBrick = 45
const ushort SilverBrick = 46
const ushort CopperBrick = 47
const ushort Spikes = 48
const ushort WaterCandle = 49
const ushort Books = 50
const ushort Cobweb = 51
const ushort Vines = 52
const ushort Sand = 53
const ushort Glass = 54
const ushort Signs = 55
const ushort Obsidian = 56
const ushort Ash = 57
const ushort Hellstone = 58
const ushort Mud = 59
const ushort JungleGrass = 60
const ushort JunglePlants = 61
const ushort JungleVines = 62
const ushort Sapphire = 63
const ushort Ruby = 64
const ushort Emerald = 65
const ushort Topaz = 66
const ushort Amethyst = 67
const ushort Diamond = 68
const ushort JungleThorns = 69
const ushort MushroomGrass = 70
const ushort MushroomPlants = 71
const ushort MushroomTrees = 72
const ushort Plants2 = 73
const ushort JunglePlants2 = 74
const ushort ObsidianBrick = 75
const ushort HellstoneBrick = 76
const ushort Hellforge = 77
const ushort ClayPot = 78
const ushort Beds = 79
const ushort Cactus = 80
const ushort Coral = 81
const ushort ImmatureHerbs = 82
const ushort MatureHerbs = 83
const ushort BloomingHerbs = 84
const ushort Tombstones = 85
const ushort Loom = 86
const ushort Pianos = 87
const ushort Dressers = 88
const ushort Benches = 89
const ushort Bathtubs = 90
const ushort Banners = 91
const ushort Lampposts = 92
const ushort Lamps = 93
const ushort Kegs = 94
const ushort ChineseLanterns = 95
const ushort CookingPots = 96
const ushort Safes = 97
const ushort SkullLanterns = 98
const ushort TrashCan = 99
const ushort Candelabras = 100
const ushort Bookcases = 101
const ushort Thrones = 102
const ushort Bowls = 103
const ushort GrandfatherClocks = 104
const ushort Statues = 105
const ushort Sawmill = 106
const ushort Cobalt = 107
const ushort Mythril = 108
const ushort HallowedGrass = 109
const ushort HallowedPlants = 110
const ushort Adamantite = 111
const ushort Ebonsand = 112
const ushort HallowedPlants2 = 113
const ushort TinkerersWorkbench = 114
const ushort HallowedVines = 115
const ushort Pearlsand = 116
const ushort Pearlstone = 117
const ushort PearlstoneBrick = 118
const ushort IridescentBrick = 119
const ushort Mudstone = 120
const ushort CobaltBrick = 121
const ushort MythrilBrick = 122
const ushort Silt = 123
const ushort WoodenBeam = 124
const ushort CrystalBall = 125
const ushort DiscoBall = 126
const ushort MagicalIceBlock = 127
const ushort Mannequin = 128
const ushort Crystals = 129
const ushort ActiveStoneBlock = 130
const ushort InactiveStoneBlock = 131
const ushort Lever = 132
const ushort AdamantiteForge = 133
const ushort MythrilAnvil = 134
const ushort PressurePlates = 135
const ushort Switches = 136
const ushort Traps = 137
const ushort Boulder = 138
const ushort MusicBoxes = 139
const ushort DemoniteBrick = 140
const ushort Explosives = 141
const ushort InletPump = 142
const ushort OutletPump = 143
const ushort Timers = 144
const ushort CandyCaneBlock = 145
const ushort GreenCandyCaneBlock = 146
const ushort SnowBlock = 147
const ushort SnowBrick = 148
const ushort HolidayLights = 149
const ushort AdamantiteBeam = 150
const ushort SandstoneBrick = 151
const ushort EbonstoneBrick = 152
const ushort RedStucco = 153
const ushort YellowStucco = 154
const ushort GreenStucco = 155
const ushort GrayStucco = 156
const ushort Ebonwood = 157
const ushort RichMahogany = 158
const ushort Pearlwood = 159
const ushort RainbowBrick = 160
const ushort IceBlock = 161
const ushort BreakableIce = 162
const ushort CorruptIce = 163
const ushort HallowedIce = 164
const ushort Stalactite = 165
const ushort Tin = 166
const ushort Lead = 167
const ushort Tungsten = 168
const ushort Platinum = 169
const ushort PineTree = 170
const ushort ChristmasTree = 171
const ushort Sinks = 172
const ushort PlatinumCandelabra = 173
const ushort PlatinumCandle = 174
const ushort TinBrick = 175
const ushort TungstenBrick = 176
const ushort PlatinumBrick = 177
const ushort ExposedGems = 178
const ushort GreenMoss = 179
const ushort BrownMoss = 180
const ushort RedMoss = 181
const ushort BlueMoss = 182
const ushort PurpleMoss = 183
const ushort LongMoss = 184
const ushort SmallPiles = 185
const ushort LargePiles = 186
const ushort LargePiles2 = 187
const ushort CactusBlock = 188
const ushort Cloud = 189
const ushort MushroomBlock = 190
const ushort LivingWood = 191
const ushort LeafBlock = 192
const ushort SlimeBlock = 193
const ushort BoneBlock = 194
const ushort FleshBlock = 195
const ushort RainCloud = 196
const ushort FrozenSlimeBlock = 197
const ushort Asphalt = 198
const ushort CrimsonGrass = 199
const ushort FleshIce = 200
const ushort CrimsonPlants = 201
const ushort Sunplate = 202
const ushort Crimstone = 203
const ushort Crimtane = 204
const ushort CrimsonVines = 205
const ushort IceBrick = 206
const ushort WaterFountain = 207
const ushort Shadewood = 208
const ushort Cannon = 209
const ushort LandMine = 210
const ushort Chlorophyte = 211
const ushort SnowballLauncher = 212
const ushort Rope = 213
const ushort Chain = 214
const ushort Campfire = 215
const ushort Firework = 216
const ushort Blendomatic = 217
const ushort MeatGrinder = 218
const ushort Extractinator = 219
const ushort Solidifier = 220
const ushort Palladium = 221
const ushort Orichalcum = 222
const ushort Titanium = 223
const ushort Slush = 224
const ushort Hive = 225
const ushort LihzahrdBrick = 226
const ushort DyePlants = 227
const ushort DyeVat = 228
const ushort HoneyBlock = 229
const ushort CrispyHoneyBlock = 230
const ushort Larva = 231
const ushort WoodenSpikes = 232
const ushort PlantDetritus = 233
const ushort Crimsand = 234
const ushort Teleporter = 235
const ushort LifeFruit = 236
const ushort LihzahrdAltar = 237
const ushort PlanteraBulb = 238
const ushort MetalBars = 239
const ushort Painting3X3 = 240
const ushort Painting4X3 = 241
const ushort Painting6X4 = 242
const ushort ImbuingStation = 243
const ushort BubbleMachine = 244
const ushort Painting2X3 = 245
const ushort Painting3X2 = 246
const ushort Autohammer = 247
const ushort PalladiumColumn = 248
const ushort BubblegumBlock = 249
const ushort Titanstone = 250
const ushort PumpkinBlock = 251
const ushort HayBlock = 252
const ushort SpookyWood = 253
const ushort Pumpkins = 254
const ushort AmethystGemsparkOff = 255
const ushort TopazGemsparkOff = 256
const ushort SapphireGemsparkOff = 257
const ushort EmeraldGemsparkOff = 258
const ushort RubyGemsparkOff = 259
const ushort DiamondGemsparkOff = 260
const ushort AmberGemsparkOff = 261
const ushort AmethystGemspark = 262
const ushort TopazGemspark = 263
const ushort SapphireGemspark = 264
const ushort EmeraldGemspark = 265
const ushort RubyGemspark = 266
const ushort DiamondGemspark = 267
const ushort AmberGemspark = 268
const ushort Womannequin = 269
const ushort FireflyinaBottle = 270
const ushort LightningBuginaBottle = 271
const ushort Cog = 272
const ushort StoneSlab = 273
const ushort SandStoneSlab = 274
const ushort BunnyCage = 275
const ushort SquirrelCage = 276
const ushort MallardDuckCage = 277
const ushort DuckCage = 278
const ushort BirdCage = 279
const ushort BlueJay = 280
const ushort CardinalCage = 281
const ushort FishBowl = 282
const ushort HeavyWorkBench = 283
const ushort CopperPlating = 284
const ushort SnailCage = 285
const ushort GlowingSnailCage = 286
const ushort AmmoBox = 287
const ushort MonarchButterflyJar = 288
const ushort PurpleEmperorButterflyJar = 289
const ushort RedAdmiralButterflyJar = 290
const ushort UlyssesButterflyJar = 291
const ushort SulphurButterflyJar = 292
const ushort TreeNymphButterflyJar = 293
const ushort ZebraSwallowtailButterflyJar = 294
const ushort JuliaButterflyJar = 295
const ushort ScorpionCage = 296
const ushort BlackScorpionCage = 297
const ushort FrogCage = 298
const ushort MouseCage = 299
const ushort BoneWelder = 300
const ushort FleshCloningVat = 301
const ushort GlassKiln = 302
const ushort LihzahrdFurnace = 303
const ushort LivingLoom = 304
const ushort SkyMill = 305
const ushort IceMachine = 306
const ushort SteampunkBoiler = 307
const ushort HoneyDispenser = 308
const ushort PenguinCage = 309
const ushort WormCage = 310
const ushort DynastyWood = 311
const ushort RedDynastyShingles = 312
const ushort BlueDynastyShingles = 313
const ushort MinecartTrack = 314
const ushort Coralstone = 315
const ushort BlueJellyfishBowl = 316
const ushort GreenJellyfishBowl = 317
const ushort PinkJellyfishBowl = 318
const ushort ShipInABottle = 319
const ushort SeaweedPlanter = 320
const ushort BorealWood = 321
const ushort PalmWood = 322
const ushort PalmTree = 323
const ushort BeachPiles = 324
const ushort TinPlating = 325
const ushort Waterfall = 326
const ushort Lavafall = 327
const ushort Confetti = 328
const ushort ConfettiBlack = 329
const ushort CopperCoinPile = 330
const ushort SilverCoinPile = 331
const ushort GoldCoinPile = 332
const ushort PlatinumCoinPile = 333
const ushort WeaponsRack = 334
const ushort FireworksBox = 335
const ushort LivingFire = 336
const ushort AlphabetStatues = 337
const ushort FireworkFountain = 338
const ushort GrasshopperCage = 339
const ushort LivingCursedFire = 340
const ushort LivingDemonFire = 341
const ushort LivingFrostFire = 342
const ushort LivingIchor = 343
const ushort LivingUltrabrightFire = 344
const ushort Honeyfall = 345
const ushort ChlorophyteBrick = 346
const ushort CrimtaneBrick = 347
const ushort ShroomitePlating = 348
const ushort MushroomStatue = 349
const ushort MartianConduitPlating = 350
const ushort ChimneySmoke = 351
const ushort CrimsonThorns = 352
const ushort VineRope = 353
const ushort BewitchingTable = 354
const ushort AlchemyTable = 355
const ushort Sundial = 356
const ushort MarbleBlock = 357
const ushort GoldBirdCage = 358
const ushort GoldBunnyCage = 359
const ushort GoldButterflyCage = 360
const ushort GoldFrogCage = 361
const ushort GoldGrasshopperCage = 362
const ushort GoldMouseCage = 363
const ushort GoldWormCage = 364
const ushort SilkRope = 365
const ushort WebRope = 366
const ushort Marble = 367
const ushort Granite = 368
const ushort GraniteBlock = 369
const ushort MeteoriteBrick = 370
const ushort PinkSlimeBlock = 371
const ushort PeaceCandle = 372
const ushort WaterDrip = 373
const ushort LavaDrip = 374
const ushort HoneyDrip = 375
const ushort FishingCrate = 376
const ushort SharpeningStation = 377
const ushort TargetDummy = 378
const ushort Bubble = 379
const ushort PlanterBox = 380
const ushort LavaMoss = 381
const ushort VineFlowers = 382
const ushort LivingMahogany = 383
const ushort LivingMahoganyLeaves = 384
const ushort CrystalBlock = 385
const ushort TrapdoorOpen = 386
const ushort TrapdoorClosed = 387
const ushort TallGateClosed = 388
const ushort TallGateOpen = 389
const ushort LavaLamp = 390
const ushort CageEnchantedNightcrawler = 391
const ushort CageBuggy = 392
const ushort CageGrubby = 393
const ushort CageSluggy = 394
const ushort ItemFrame = 395
const ushort Sandstone = 396
const ushort HardenedSand = 397
const ushort CorruptHardenedSand = 398
const ushort CrimsonHardenedSand = 399
const ushort CorruptSandstone = 400
const ushort CrimsonSandstone = 401
const ushort HallowHardenedSand = 402
const ushort HallowSandstone = 403
const ushort DesertFossil = 404
const ushort Fireplace = 405
const ushort Chimney = 406
const ushort FossilOre = 407
const ushort LunarOre = 408
const ushort LunarBrick = 409
const ushort LunarMonolith = 410
const ushort Detonator = 411
const ushort LunarCraftingStation = 412
const ushort SquirrelOrangeCage = 413
const ushort SquirrelGoldCage = 414
const ushort LunarBlockSolar = 415
const ushort LunarBlockVortex = 416
const ushort LunarBlockNebula = 417
const ushort LunarBlockStardust = 418
const ushort LogicGateLamp = 419
const ushort LogicGate = 420
const ushort ConveyorBeltLeft = 421
const ushort ConveyorBeltRight = 422
const ushort LogicSensor = 423
const ushort WirePipe = 424
const ushort AnnouncementBox = 425
const ushort TeamBlockRed = 426
const ushort TeamBlockRedPlatform = 427
const ushort WeightedPressurePlate = 428
const ushort WireBulb = 429
const ushort TeamBlockGreen = 430
const ushort TeamBlockBlue = 431
const ushort TeamBlockYellow = 432
const ushort TeamBlockPink = 433
const ushort TeamBlockWhite = 434
const ushort TeamBlockGreenPlatform = 435
const ushort TeamBlockBluePlatform = 436
const ushort TeamBlockYellowPlatform = 437
const ushort TeamBlockPinkPlatform = 438
const ushort TeamBlockWhitePlatform = 439
const ushort GemLocks = 440
const ushort FakeContainers = 441
const ushort ProjectilePressurePad = 442
const ushort GeyserTrap = 443
const ushort BeeHive = 444
const ushort PixelBox = 445
const ushort SillyBalloonPink = 446
const ushort SillyBalloonPurple = 447
const ushort SillyBalloonGreen = 448
const ushort SillyStreamerBlue = 449
const ushort SillyStreamerGreen = 450
const ushort SillyStreamerPink = 451
const ushort SillyBalloonMachine = 452
const ushort SillyBalloonTile = 453
const ushort Pigronata = 454
const ushort PartyMonolith = 455
const ushort PartyBundleOfBalloonTile = 456
const ushort PartyPresent = 457
const ushort SandFallBlock = 458
const ushort SnowFallBlock = 459
const ushort SnowCloud = 460
const ushort SandDrip = 461
const ushort DjinnLamp = 462
const ushort DefendersForge = 463
const ushort WarTable = 464
const ushort WarTableBanner = 465
const ushort ElderCrystalStand = 466
const ushort Containers2 = 467
const ushort FakeContainers2 = 468
const ushort Tables2 = 469
const ushort DisplayDoll = 470
const ushort WeaponsRack2 = 471
const ushort IronBrick = 472
const ushort LeadBrick = 473
const ushort LesionBlock = 474
const ushort HatRack = 475
const ushort GolfHole = 476
const ushort GolfGrass = 477
const ushort CrimstoneBrick = 478
const ushort SmoothSandstone = 479
const ushort BloodMoonMonolith = 480
const ushort CrackedBlueDungeonBrick = 481
const ushort CrackedGreenDungeonBrick = 482
const ushort CrackedPinkDungeonBrick = 483
const ushort RollingCactus = 484
const ushort AntlionLarva = 485
const ushort DrumSet = 486
const ushort PicnicTable = 487
const ushort FallenLog = 488
const ushort PinWheel = 489
const ushort WeatherVane = 490
const ushort VoidVault = 491
const ushort GolfGrassHallowed = 492
const ushort GolfCupFlag = 493
const ushort GolfTee = 494
const ushort ShellPile = 495
const ushort AntiPortalBlock = 496
const ushort Toilets = 497
const ushort Spider = 498
const ushort LesionStation = 499
const ushort SolarBrick = 500
const ushort VortexBrick = 501
const ushort NebulaBrick = 502
const ushort StardustBrick = 503
const ushort MysticSnakeRope = 504
const ushort GoldGoldfishBowl = 505
const ushort CatBast = 506
const ushort GoldStarryGlassBlock = 507
const ushort BlueStarryGlassBlock = 508
const ushort VoidMonolith = 509
const ushort ArrowSign = 510
const ushort PaintedArrowSign = 511
const ushort GreenMossBrick = 512
const ushort BrownMossBrick = 513
const ushort RedMossBrick = 514
const ushort BlueMossBrick = 515
const ushort PurpleMossBrick = 516
const ushort LavaMossBrick = 517
const ushort LilyPad = 518
const ushort Cattail = 519
const ushort FoodPlatter = 520
const ushort BlackDragonflyJar = 521
const ushort BlueDragonflyJar = 522
const ushort GreenDragonflyJar = 523
const ushort OrangeDragonflyJar = 524
const ushort RedDragonflyJar = 525
const ushort YellowDragonflyJar = 526
const ushort GoldDragonflyJar = 527
const ushort MushroomVines = 528
const ushort SeaOats = 529
const ushort OasisPlants = 530
const ushort BoulderStatue = 531
const ushort MaggotCage = 532
const ushort RatCage = 533
const ushort KryptonMoss = 534
const ushort KryptonMossBrick = 535
const ushort XenonMoss = 536
const ushort XenonMossBrick = 537
const ushort LadybugCage = 538
const ushort ArgonMoss = 539
const ushort ArgonMossBrick = 540
const ushort EchoBlock = 541
const ushort OwlCage = 542
const ushort PupfishBowl = 543
const ushort GoldLadybugCage = 544
const ushort LawnFlamingo = 545
const ushort Grate = 546
const ushort PottedPlants1 = 547
const ushort PottedPlants2 = 548
const ushort Seaweed = 549
const ushort TurtleCage = 550
const ushort TurtleJungleCage = 551
const ushort Sandcastles = 552
const ushort GrebeCage = 553
const ushort SeagullCage = 554
const ushort WaterStriderCage = 555
const ushort GoldWaterStriderCage = 556
const ushort GrateClosed = 557
const ushort SeahorseCage = 558
const ushort GoldSeahorseCage = 559
const ushort GolfTrophies = 560
const ushort MarbleColumn = 561
const ushort BambooBlock = 562
const ushort LargeBambooBlock = 563
const ushort PlasmaLamp = 564
const ushort FogMachine = 565
const ushort AmberStoneBlock = 566
const ushort GardenGnome = 567
const ushort PinkFairyJar = 568
const ushort GreenFairyJar = 569
const ushort BlueFairyJar = 570
const ushort Bamboo = 571
const ushort SoulBottles = 572
const ushort TatteredWoodSign = 573
const ushort BorealBeam = 574
const ushort RichMahoganyBeam = 575
const ushort GraniteColumn = 576
const ushort SandstoneColumn = 577
const ushort MushroomBeam = 578
const ushort RockGolemHead = 579
const ushort HellButterflyJar = 580
const ushort LavaflyinaBottle = 581
const ushort MagmaSnailCage = 582
const ushort TreeTopaz = 583
const ushort TreeAmethyst = 584
const ushort TreeSapphire = 585
const ushort TreeEmerald = 586
const ushort TreeRuby = 587
const ushort TreeDiamond = 588
const ushort TreeAmber = 589
const ushort GemSaplings = 590
const ushort PotsSuspended = 591
const ushort BrazierSuspended = 592
const ushort VolcanoSmall = 593
const ushort VolcanoLarge = 594
const ushort VanityTreeSakuraSaplings = 595
const ushort VanityTreeSakura = 596
const ushort TeleportationPylon = 597
const ushort LavafishBowl = 598
const ushort AmethystBunnyCage = 599
const ushort TopazBunnyCage = 600
const ushort SapphireBunnyCage = 601
const ushort EmeraldBunnyCage = 602
const ushort RubyBunnyCage = 603
const ushort DiamondBunnyCage = 604
const ushort AmberBunnyCage = 605
const ushort AmethystSquirrelCage = 606
const ushort TopazSquirrelCage = 607
const ushort SapphireSquirrelCage = 608
const ushort EmeraldSquirrelCage = 609
const ushort RubySquirrelCage = 610
const ushort DiamondSquirrelCage = 611
const ushort AmberSquirrelCage = 612
const ushort PottedLavaPlants = 613
const ushort PottedLavaPlantTendrils = 614
const ushort VanityTreeWillowSaplings = 615
const ushort VanityTreeYellowWillow = 616
const ushort MasterTrophyBase = 617
const ushort AccentSlab = 618
const ushort TruffleWormCage = 619
const ushort EmpressButterflyJar = 620
const ushort SliceOfCake = 621
const ushort TeaKettle = 622
const ushort PottedCrystalPlants = 623
const ushort AbigailsFlower = 624
const ushort VioletMoss = 625
const ushort VioletMossBrick = 626
const ushort RainbowMoss = 627
const ushort RainbowMossBrick = 628
const ushort StinkbugCage = 629
const ushort StinkbugHousingBlocker = 630
const ushort StinkbugHousingBlockerEcho = 631
const ushort ScarletMacawCage = 632
const ushort AshGrass = 633
const ushort TreeAsh = 634
const ushort AshWood = 635
const ushort CorruptVines = 636
const ushort AshPlants = 637
const ushort AshVines = 638
const ushort ManaCrystal = 639
const ushort BlueMacawCage = 640
const ushort ReefBlock = 641
const ushort ChlorophyteExtractinator = 642
const ushort ToucanCage = 643
const ushort YellowCockatielCage = 644
const ushort GrayCockatielCage = 645
const ushort ShadowCandle = 646
const ushort LargePilesEcho = 647
const ushort LargePiles2Echo = 648
const ushort SmallPiles2x1Echo = 649
const ushort SmallPiles1x1Echo = 650
const ushort PlantDetritus3x2Echo = 651
const ushort PlantDetritus2x2Echo = 652
const ushort PotsEcho = 653
const ushort TNTBarrel = 654
const ushort PlanteraThorns = 655
const ushort GlowTulip = 656
const ushort EchoMonolith = 657
const ushort ShimmerMonolith = 658
const ushort ShimmerBlock = 659
const ushort ShimmerflyinaBottle = 660
const ushort CorruptJungleGrass = 661
const ushort CrimsonJungleGrass = 662
const ushort Moondial = 663
const ushort BouncyBoulder = 664
const ushort LifeCrystalBoulder = 665
const ushort PoopBlock = 666
const ushort ShimmerBrick = 667
const ushort DirtiestBlock = 668
const ushort LunarRustBrick = 669
const ushort DarkCelestialBrick = 670
const ushort AstraBrick = 671
const ushort CosmicEmberBrick = 672
const ushort CryocoreBrick = 673
const ushort MercuryBrick = 674
const ushort StarRoyaleBrick = 675
const ushort HeavenforgeBrick = 676
const ushort AncientBlueBrick = 677
const ushort AncientGreenBrick = 678
const ushort AncientPinkBrick = 679
const ushort AncientGoldBrick = 680
const ushort AncientSilverBrick = 681
const ushort AncientCopperBrick = 682
const ushort AncientObsidianBrick = 683
const ushort AncientHellstoneBrick = 684
const ushort AncientCobaltBrick = 685
const ushort AncientMythrilBrick = 686
const ushort LavaMossBlock = 687
const ushort ArgonMossBlock = 688
const ushort KryptonMossBlock = 689
const ushort XenonMossBlock = 690
const ushort VioletMossBlock = 691
const ushort RainbowMossBlock = 692
static readonly ushort Count = 693
static readonly IdDictionary Search = IdDictionary.Create<TileID, ushort>()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file TileID.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: