Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.GameContent.TextureAssets Class Reference


class  RenderTargets

Static Public Attributes

static Asset< Texture2D >[] InfoIcon = new Asset<Texture2D>[14]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] WireUi = new Asset<Texture2D>[12]
static Asset< Texture2DBuilderAcc
static Asset< Texture2DQuicksIcon
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Clothes = new Asset<Texture2D>[6]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] MapIcon = new Asset<Texture2D>[9]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Underworld = new Asset<Texture2D>[14]
static Asset< Texture2DMapPing
static Asset< Texture2DMap
static Asset< Texture2D >[] MapBGs = new Asset<Texture2D>[42]
static Asset< Texture2DHue
static Asset< Texture2DFlameRing
static Asset< Texture2DMapDeath
static Asset< Texture2DColorSlider
static Asset< Texture2DColorBar
static Asset< Texture2DColorBlip
static Asset< Texture2DSmartDig
static Asset< Texture2DColorHighlight
static Asset< Texture2DTileCrack
static Asset< Texture2DLockOnCursor
static Asset< Texture2DIceBarrier
static Asset< Texture2D >[] ChestStack = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] NpcHead = new Asset<Texture2D>[NPCHeadID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] NpcHeadBoss = new Asset<Texture2D>[40]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] CraftToggle = new Asset<Texture2D>[4]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] InventorySort = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] TextGlyph = new Asset<Texture2D>[1]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] HotbarRadial = new Asset<Texture2D>[3]
static Asset< Texture2DCraftUpButton
static Asset< Texture2DCraftDownButton
static Asset< Texture2DScrollLeftButton
static Asset< Texture2DScrollRightButton
static Asset< Texture2DFrozen
static Asset< Texture2DMagicPixel
static Asset< Texture2DSettingsPanel
static Asset< Texture2DSettingsPanel2
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Dest = new Asset<Texture2D>[3]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Gem = new Asset<Texture2D>[7]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] RudolphMount = new Asset<Texture2D>[3]
static Asset< Texture2DBunnyMount
static Asset< Texture2DPigronMount
static Asset< Texture2DSlimeMount
static Asset< Texture2DMinecartMount
static Asset< Texture2DTurtleMount
static Asset< Texture2DDesertMinecartMount
static Asset< Texture2DFishMinecartMount
static Asset< Texture2D >[] BeeMount = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] UfoMount = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] DrillMount = new Asset<Texture2D>[6]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] ScutlixMount = new Asset<Texture2D>[3]
static Asset< Texture2DUnicornMount
static Asset< Texture2DBasiliskMount
static Asset< Texture2D >[] MinecartMechMount = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] CuteFishronMount = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2DMinecartWoodMount
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Wings = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Wing.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] ArmorHead = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Head.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] ArmorBody = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Body.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] ArmorBodyComposite = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Body.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] FemaleBody = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Body.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] ArmorArm = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Body.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] ArmorLeg = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Legs.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccHandsOn = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.HandOn.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccHandsOnComposite = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.HandOn.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccHandsOff = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.HandOff.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccHandsOffComposite = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.HandOff.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccBack = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Back.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccFront = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Front.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccShoes = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Shoe.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccWaist = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Waist.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccShield = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Shield.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccNeck = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Neck.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccFace = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Face.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccBalloon = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Balloon.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] AccBeard = new Asset<Texture2D>[ArmorIDs.Beard.Count]
static Asset< Texture2DPulley
static Asset< Texture2D >[] XmasTree = new Asset<Texture2D>[5]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Flames = new Asset<Texture2D>[18]
static Asset< Texture2DTimer
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Reforge = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2DEmoteMenuButton
static Asset< Texture2DBestiaryMenuButton
static Asset< Texture2DWallOutline
static Asset< Texture2DActuator
static Asset< Texture2DWire
static Asset< Texture2DWire2
static Asset< Texture2DWire3
static Asset< Texture2DWire4
static Asset< Texture2DWireNew
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Camera = new Asset<Texture2D>[8]
static Asset< Texture2DFlyingCarpet
static Asset< Texture2DGrid
static Asset< Texture2DLightDisc
static Asset< Texture2DEyeLaser
static Asset< Texture2DBoneEyes
static Asset< Texture2DBoneLaser
static Asset< Texture2DTrash
static Asset< Texture2DFishingLine
static Asset< Texture2DBeetle
static Asset< Texture2DProbe
static Asset< Texture2DEyeLaserSmall
static Asset< Texture2DXmasLight
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Golem = new Asset<Texture2D>[4]
static Asset< Texture2DConfuse
static Asset< Texture2DSunOrb
static Asset< Texture2DSunAltar
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Chains = new Asset<Texture2D>[ChainID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2DChain
static Asset< Texture2D >[] GemChain = new Asset<Texture2D>[7]
static Asset< Texture2DChain2
static Asset< Texture2DChain3
static Asset< Texture2DChain4
static Asset< Texture2DChain5
static Asset< Texture2DChain6
static Asset< Texture2DChain7
static Asset< Texture2DChain8
static Asset< Texture2DChain9
static Asset< Texture2DChain10
static Asset< Texture2DChain11
static Asset< Texture2DChain12
static Asset< Texture2DChain13
static Asset< Texture2DChain14
static Asset< Texture2DChain15
static Asset< Texture2DChain16
static Asset< Texture2DChain17
static Asset< Texture2DChain18
static Asset< Texture2DChain19
static Asset< Texture2DChain20
static Asset< Texture2DChain21
static Asset< Texture2DChain22
static Asset< Texture2DChain23
static Asset< Texture2DChain24
static Asset< Texture2DChain25
static Asset< Texture2DChain26
static Asset< Texture2DChain27
static Asset< Texture2DChain28
static Asset< Texture2DChain29
static Asset< Texture2DChain30
static Asset< Texture2DChain31
static Asset< Texture2DChain32
static Asset< Texture2DChain33
static Asset< Texture2DChain34
static Asset< Texture2DChain35
static Asset< Texture2DChain36
static Asset< Texture2DChain37
static Asset< Texture2DChain38
static Asset< Texture2DChain39
static Asset< Texture2DChain40
static Asset< Texture2DChain41
static Asset< Texture2DChain42
static Asset< Texture2DChain43
static Asset< Texture2DHb1
static Asset< Texture2DHb2
static Asset< Texture2DChaos
static Asset< Texture2DCd
static Asset< Texture2DWof
static Asset< Texture2DBoneArm
static Asset< Texture2DBoneArm2
static Asset< Texture2DPumpkingArm
static Asset< Texture2DPumpkingCloak
static Asset< Texture2D >[] EquipPage = new Asset<Texture2D>[11]
static Asset< Texture2DHouseBanner
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Pvp = new Asset<Texture2D>[3]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] NpcToggle = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] HbLock = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] blockReplaceIcon = new Asset<Texture2D>[2]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Buff = new Asset<Texture2D>[BuffID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Item = new Asset<Texture2D>[ItemID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] ItemFlame = new Asset<Texture2D>[ItemID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Npc = new Asset<Texture2D>[NPCID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Projectile = new Asset<Texture2D>[ProjectileID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Gore = new Asset<Texture2D>[GoreID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] BackPack = new Asset<Texture2D>[10]
static Asset< Texture2DRain
static Asset< Texture2D >[] GlowMask = new Asset<Texture2D>[GlowMaskID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Extra = new Asset<Texture2D>[ExtrasID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] HighlightMask = new Asset<Texture2D>[TileID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Coin = new Asset<Texture2D>[4]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Cursors = new Asset<Texture2D>[18]
static Asset< Texture2DCursorRadial
static Asset< Texture2DDust
static Asset< Texture2DSun
static Asset< Texture2DSun2
static Asset< Texture2DSun3
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Moon = new Asset<Texture2D>[9]
static Asset< Texture2DSmileyMoon
static Asset< Texture2DPumpkinMoon
static Asset< Texture2DSnowMoon
static Asset< Texture2DOneDropLogo
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Tile = new Asset<Texture2D>[TileID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2DBlackTile
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Wall = new Asset<Texture2D>[WallID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Background = new Asset<Texture2D>[Main.maxBackgrounds]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Cloud = new Asset<Texture2D>[CloudID.Count]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Star = new Asset<Texture2D>[4]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Liquid = new Asset<Texture2D>[15]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] LiquidSlope = new Asset<Texture2D>[15]
static Asset< Texture2DHeart
static Asset< Texture2DHeart2
static Asset< Texture2DMana
static Asset< Texture2DBubble
static Asset< Texture2DFlame
static Asset< Texture2D >[] CageTop = new Asset<Texture2D>[5]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] TreeTop = new Asset<Texture2D>[32]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] TreeBranch = new Asset<Texture2D>[32]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] Wood = new Asset<Texture2D>[7]
static Asset< Texture2DShroomCap
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack2
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack3
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack4
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack5
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack6
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack7
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack8
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack9
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack10
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack11
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack12
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack13
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack14
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack15
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack16
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack17
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack18
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryBack19
static Asset< Texture2DHairStyleBack
static Asset< Texture2DClothesStyleBack
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryTickOn
static Asset< Texture2DInventoryTickOff
static Asset< Texture2DSplashTexture16x9
static Asset< Texture2DSplashTexture4x3
static Asset< Texture2DSplashTextureLegoBack
static Asset< Texture2DSplashTextureLegoResonanace
static Asset< Texture2DSplashTextureLegoTree
static Asset< Texture2DSplashTextureLegoFront
static Asset< Texture2DLogo
static Asset< Texture2DLogo2
static Asset< Texture2DLogo3
static Asset< Texture2DLogo4
static Asset< Texture2DTextBack
static Asset< Texture2DChat
static Asset< Texture2DChat2
static Asset< Texture2DChatBack
static Asset< Texture2DTeam
static Asset< Texture2DRe
static Asset< Texture2DRa
static Asset< Texture2DSplash
static Asset< Texture2DFade
static Asset< Texture2DNinja
static Asset< Texture2DAntLion
static Asset< Texture2DSpikeBase
static Asset< Texture2DGhost
static Asset< Texture2DEvilCactus
static Asset< Texture2DGoodCactus
static Asset< Texture2DCrimsonCactus
static Asset< Texture2DWraithEye
static Asset< Texture2DFirefly
static Asset< Texture2DFireflyJar
static Asset< Texture2DLightningbug
static Asset< Texture2DLightningbugJar
static Asset< Texture2D >[] JellyfishBowl = new Asset<Texture2D>[3]
static Asset< Texture2DGlowSnail
static Asset< Texture2DIceQueen
static Asset< Texture2DSantaTank
static Asset< Texture2DReaperEye
static Asset< Texture2DJackHat
static Asset< Texture2DTreeFace
static Asset< Texture2DPumpkingFace
static Asset< Texture2DDukeFishron
static Asset< Texture2DMiniMinotaur
static Asset< Texture2D >[,] Players
static Asset< Texture2D >[] PlayerHair = new Asset<Texture2D>[165]
static Asset< Texture2D >[] PlayerHairAlt = new Asset<Texture2D>[165]
static Asset< Texture2DLoadingSunflower
static Asset< Texture2DGolfSwingBarPanel
static Asset< Texture2DGolfSwingBarFill
static Asset< Texture2DSpawnPoint
static Asset< Texture2DSpawnBed
static Asset< Texture2DGolfBallArrow
static Asset< Texture2DGolfBallArrowShadow
static Asset< Texture2DGolfBallOutline

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file TextureAssets.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: