Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.Lighting Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static void Initialize ()
static void LightTiles (int firstX, int lastX, int firstY, int lastY)
static float Brightness (int x, int y)
static Vector3 GetSubLight (Vector2 position)
static void AddLight (Vector2 position, Vector3 rgb)
static void AddLight (Vector2 position, float r, float g, float b)
static void AddLight (int i, int j, int torchID, float lightAmount)
static void AddLight (Vector2 position, int torchID)
static void AddLight (int i, int j, float r, float g, float b)
static void NextLightMode ()
static void Clear ()
static Color GetColor (Point tileCoords)
static Color GetColor (Point tileCoords, Color originalColor)
static Color GetColor (int x, int y, Color oldColor)
static Color GetColorClamped (int x, int y, Color oldColor)
static Color GetColor (int x, int y)
static void GetColor9Slice (int centerX, int centerY, ref Color[] slices)
static void GetColor9Slice (int x, int y, ref Vector3[] slices)
static void GetCornerColors (int centerX, int centerY, out VertexColors vertices, float scale=1f)
static void GetColor4Slice (int centerX, int centerY, ref Color[] slices)
static void GetColor4Slice (int x, int y, ref Vector3[] slices)

Static Public Attributes

static int OffScreenTiles = 45


static float GlobalBrightness [get, set]
static LightMode Mode [get, set]
static bool NotRetro [get]
static bool UsingNewLighting [get]
static bool UpdateEveryFrame [get]

Static Private Member Functions

static void UpdateGlobalBrightness ()

Static Private Attributes

static LightMode _mode = LightMode.Color
static readonly LightingEngine NewEngine = new LightingEngine()
static readonly LegacyLighting LegacyEngine = new LegacyLighting(Main.Camera)
static ILightingEngine _activeEngine

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file Lighting.cs.

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