Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Diagnostics.Tracing.NativeRuntimeEventSource Class Referencesealed


class  Keywords
class  Messages
class  Opcodes
class  Tasks

Public Types

enum  ThreadAdjustmentReasonMap : uint {
  Warmup , Initializing , RandomMove , ClimbingMove ,
  ChangePoint , Stabilizing , Starvation , ThreadTimedOut

Public Member Functions

void ThreadPoolWorkerThreadStart (uint ActiveWorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreadCount=0u, ushort ClrInstanceID=0)
void ThreadPoolWorkerThreadStop (uint ActiveWorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreadCount=0u, ushort ClrInstanceID=0)
void ThreadPoolWorkerThreadWait (uint ActiveWorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreadCount=0u, ushort ClrInstanceID=0)
void ThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentSample (double Throughput, ushort ClrInstanceID=0)
void ThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentAdjustment (double AverageThroughput, uint NewWorkerThreadCount, ThreadAdjustmentReasonMap Reason, ushort ClrInstanceID=0)
void ThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentStats (double Duration, double Throughput, double ThreadWave, double ThroughputWave, double ThroughputErrorEstimate, double AverageThroughputErrorEstimate, double ThroughputRatio, double Confidence, double NewControlSetting, ushort NewThreadWaveMagnitude, ushort ClrInstanceID=0)
void ThreadPoolIOEnqueue (RegisteredWaitHandle registeredWaitHandle)
void ThreadPoolIODequeue (RegisteredWaitHandle registeredWaitHandle)
void ThreadPoolWorkingThreadCount (uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID=0)
bool IsEnabled ()
bool IsEnabled (EventLevel level, EventKeywords keywords)
bool IsEnabled (EventLevel level, EventKeywords keywords, EventChannel channel)
stringGetTrait (string key)
override string ToString ()
void Dispose ()
unsafe void Write (string? eventName)
unsafe void Write (string? eventName, EventSourceOptions options)
unsafe void Write<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)] T > (string? eventName, T data)
unsafe void Write<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)] T > (string? eventName, EventSourceOptions options, T data)
unsafe void Write<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)] T > (string? eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, ref T data)
unsafe void Write<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)] T > (string? eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, ref Guid activityId, ref Guid relatedActivityId, ref T data)

Static Public Member Functions

static Guid GetGuid (Type eventSourceType)
static string GetName (Type eventSourceType)
static ? string GenerateManifest ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type eventSourceType, string? assemblyPathToIncludeInManifest)
static ? string GenerateManifest ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type eventSourceType, string? assemblyPathToIncludeInManifest, EventManifestOptions flags)
static IEnumerable< EventSourceGetSources ()
static void SendCommand (EventSource eventSource, EventCommand command, IDictionary< string, string?>? commandArguments)
static void SetCurrentThreadActivityId (Guid activityId)
static void SetCurrentThreadActivityId (Guid activityId, out Guid oldActivityThatWillContinue)

Static Public Attributes

static readonly NativeRuntimeEventSource Log = new NativeRuntimeEventSource()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void OnEventCommand (EventCommandEventArgs command)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, int arg1)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, int arg1, int arg2)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, long arg1)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, long arg1, long arg2)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, string? arg1)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, string? arg1, string? arg2)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, string? arg1, string? arg2, string? arg3)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, string? arg1, int arg2)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, string? arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, string? arg1, long arg2)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, long arg1, string? arg2)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, int arg1, string? arg2)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, byte[]? arg1)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, long arg1, byte[]? arg2)
unsafe void WriteEvent (int eventId, params object?[] args)
unsafe void WriteEventCore (int eventId, int eventDataCount, EventData *data)
unsafe void WriteEventWithRelatedActivityIdCore (int eventId, Guid *relatedActivityId, int eventDataCount, EventData *data)
unsafe void WriteEventWithRelatedActivityId (int eventId, Guid relatedActivityId, params object?[] args)
virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)

Package Functions

static void LogThreadPoolWorkerThreadStart (uint ActiveWorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreadCount, ushort ClrInstanceID)
static void LogThreadPoolWorkerThreadStop (uint ActiveWorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreadCount, ushort ClrInstanceID)
static void LogThreadPoolWorkerThreadWait (uint ActiveWorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreadCount, ushort ClrInstanceID)
static void LogThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentSample (double Throughput, ushort ClrInstanceID)
static void LogThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentAdjustment (double AverageThroughput, uint NewWorkerThreadCount, ThreadAdjustmentReasonMap Reason, ushort ClrInstanceID)
static void LogThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentStats (double Duration, double Throughput, double ThreadPoolWorkerThreadWait, double ThroughputWave, double ThroughputErrorEstimate, double AverageThroughputErrorEstimate, double ThroughputRatio, double Confidence, double NewControlSetting, ushort NewThreadWaveMagnitude, ushort ClrInstanceID)
static void LogThreadPoolIOEnqueue (IntPtr NativeOverlapped, IntPtr Overlapped, bool MultiDequeues, ushort ClrInstanceID)
static void LogThreadPoolIODequeue (IntPtr NativeOverlapped, IntPtr Overlapped, ushort ClrInstanceID)
static void LogThreadPoolWorkingThreadCount (uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
unsafe void ProcessEvent (uint eventID, uint osThreadID, DateTime timeStamp, Guid activityId, Guid childActivityId, ReadOnlySpan< byte > payload)
void SendCommand (EventListener listener, EventProviderType eventProviderType, int perEventSourceSessionId, int etwSessionId, EventCommand command, bool enable, EventLevel level, EventKeywords matchAnyKeyword, IDictionary< string, string > commandArguments)
void DispatchToAllListeners (EventWrittenEventArgs eventCallbackArgs)
void DoCommand (EventCommandEventArgs commandArgs)
bool EnableEventForDispatcher (EventDispatcher dispatcher, EventProviderType eventProviderType, int eventId, bool value)
void AddListener (EventListener listener)
void ReportOutOfBandMessage (string msg)
unsafe void WriteMultiMerge (string eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, TraceLoggingEventTypes eventTypes, Guid *activityID, Guid *childActivityID, EventData *data)

Static Package Functions

static EventOpcode GetOpcodeWithDefault (EventOpcode opcode, string eventName)
static bool IsCustomAttributeDefinedHelper (MemberInfo member, Type attributeType, EventManifestOptions flags=EventManifestOptions.None)
static Attribute GetCustomAttributeHelper (MemberInfo member, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)] Type attributeType, EventManifestOptions flags=EventManifestOptions.None)

Package Attributes

int m_id
volatile EventMetadata[] m_eventData
EventLevel m_level
EventKeywords m_matchAnyKeyword
volatile EventDispatcher m_Dispatchers
volatile ulong[] m_channelData

Static Package Attributes

const string EventSourceName = "Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime"
const string s_ActivityStartSuffix = "Start"
const string s_ActivityStopSuffix = "Stop"
const string DuplicateSourceNamesSwitch = "System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.AllowDuplicateSourceNames"


override ReadOnlySpan< byte > ProviderMetadata [get]
static bool IsSupported = InitializeIsSupported() [get]
string Name [get]
Guid Guid [get]
EventSourceSettings Settings [get]
ExceptionConstructionException [get]
static Guid CurrentThreadActivityId [get]
bool IsDisposed [get]
bool ThrowOnEventWriteErrors [get]
bool SelfDescribingEvents [get]
EventHandler< EventCommandEventArgs >? EventCommandExecuted

Private Member Functions

 NativeRuntimeEventSource (int _)
void ThreadPoolIOEnqueue (IntPtr NativeOverlapped, IntPtr Overlapped, bool MultiDequeues, ushort ClrInstanceID=0)
void ThreadPoolIODequeue (IntPtr NativeOverlapped, IntPtr Overlapped, ushort ClrInstanceID=0)
void GCStart_V2 (uint Count, uint Depth, uint Reason, uint Type, ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong ClientSequenceNumber)
void GCEnd_V1 (uint Count, uint Depth, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCRestartEEEnd_V1 (ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCHeapStats_V2 (ulong GenerationSize0, ulong TotalPromotedSize0, ulong GenerationSize1, ulong TotalPromotedSize1, ulong GenerationSize2, ulong TotalPromotedSize2, ulong GenerationSize3, ulong TotalPromotedSize3, ulong FinalizationPromotedSize, ulong FinalizationPromotedCount, uint PinnedObjectCount, uint SinkBlockCount, uint GCHandleCount, ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong GenerationSize4, ulong TotalPromotedSize4)
void GCCreateSegment_V1 (ulong Address, ulong Size, uint Type, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCFreeSegment_V1 (ulong Address, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCRestartEEBegin_V1 (ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCSuspendEEEnd_V1 (ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCSuspendEEBegin_V1 (uint Reason, uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCAllocationTick_V4 (uint AllocationAmount, uint AllocationKind, ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong AllocationAmount64, IntPtr TypeID, string TypeName, uint HeapIndex, IntPtr Address, ulong ObjectSize)
void GCCreateConcurrentThread_V1 (ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCTerminateConcurrentThread_V1 (ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCFinalizersEnd_V1 (uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCFinalizersBegin_V1 (ushort ClrInstanceID)
void BulkType (uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCBulkRootEdge (uint Index, uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCBulkRootConditionalWeakTableElementEdge (uint Index, uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCBulkNode (uint Index, uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCBulkEdge (uint Index, uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCSampledObjectAllocationHigh (IntPtr Address, IntPtr TypeID, uint ObjectCountForTypeSample, ulong TotalSizeForTypeSample, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCBulkSurvivingObjectRanges (uint Index, uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCBulkMovedObjectRanges (uint Index, uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCGenerationRange (byte Generation, IntPtr RangeStart, ulong RangeUsedLength, ulong RangeReservedLength, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCMarkStackRoots (uint HeapNum, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCMarkFinalizeQueueRoots (uint HeapNum, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCMarkHandles (uint HeapNum, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCMarkOlderGenerationRoots (uint HeapNum, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void FinalizeObject (IntPtr TypeID, IntPtr ObjectID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void SetGCHandle (IntPtr HandleID, IntPtr ObjectID, uint Kind, uint Generation, ulong AppDomainID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void DestroyGCHandle (IntPtr HandleID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCSampledObjectAllocationLow (IntPtr Address, IntPtr TypeID, uint ObjectCountForTypeSample, ulong TotalSizeForTypeSample, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void PinObjectAtGCTime (IntPtr HandleID, IntPtr ObjectID, ulong ObjectSize, string TypeName, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCTriggered (uint Reason, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCBulkRootCCW (uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCBulkRCW (uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCBulkRootStaticVar (uint Count, ulong AppDomainID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCDynamicEvent (string Name, uint DataSize)
void WorkerThreadCreate (uint WorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreads)
void WorkerThreadTerminate (uint WorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreads)
void WorkerThreadRetire (uint WorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreads)
void WorkerThreadUnretire (uint WorkerThreadCount, uint RetiredWorkerThreads)
void IOThreadCreate_V1 (uint IOThreadCount, uint RetiredIOThreads, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void IOThreadTerminate_V1 (uint IOThreadCount, uint RetiredIOThreads, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void IOThreadRetire_V1 (uint IOThreadCount, uint RetiredIOThreads, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void IOThreadUnretire_V1 (uint IOThreadCount, uint RetiredIOThreads, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ThreadpoolSuspensionSuspendThread (uint ClrThreadID, uint CpuUtilization)
void ThreadpoolSuspensionResumeThread (uint ClrThreadID, uint CpuUtilization)
void YieldProcessorMeasurement (ushort ClrInstanceID, double NsPerYield, double EstablishedNsPerYield)
void ThreadCreating (IntPtr ID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ThreadRunning (IntPtr ID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void MethodDetails (ulong MethodID, ulong TypeID, uint MethodToken, uint TypeParameterCount, ulong LoaderModuleID)
void TypeLoadStart (uint TypeLoadStartID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void TypeLoadStop (uint TypeLoadStartID, ushort ClrInstanceID, ushort LoadLevel, ulong TypeID, string TypeName)
void ExceptionThrown_V1 (string ExceptionType, string ExceptionMessage, IntPtr ExceptionEIP, uint ExceptionHRESULT, ushort ExceptionFlags, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ExceptionCatchStart (ulong EntryEIP, ulong MethodID, string MethodName, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ExceptionCatchStop ()
void ExceptionFinallyStart (ulong EntryEIP, ulong MethodID, string MethodName, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ExceptionFinallyStop ()
void ExceptionFilterStart (ulong EntryEIP, ulong MethodID, string MethodName, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ExceptionFilterStop ()
void ExceptionThrownStop ()
void ContentionStart_V1 (byte ContentionFlags, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ContentionStop_V1 (byte ContentionFlags, ushort ClrInstanceID, double DurationNs)
void CLRStackWalk (ushort ClrInstanceID, byte Reserved1, byte Reserved2, uint FrameCount)
void AppDomainMemAllocated (ulong AppDomainID, ulong Allocated, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void AppDomainMemSurvived (ulong AppDomainID, ulong Survived, ulong ProcessSurvived, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ThreadCreated (ulong ManagedThreadID, ulong AppDomainID, uint Flags, uint ManagedThreadIndex, uint OSThreadID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ThreadTerminated (ulong ManagedThreadID, ulong AppDomainID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ThreadDomainEnter (ulong ManagedThreadID, ulong AppDomainID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ILStubGenerated (ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong ModuleID, ulong StubMethodID, uint StubFlags, uint ManagedInteropMethodToken, string ManagedInteropMethodNamespace, string ManagedInteropMethodName, string ManagedInteropMethodSignature, string NativeMethodSignature, string StubMethodSignature, string StubMethodILCode)
void ILStubCacheHit (ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong ModuleID, ulong StubMethodID, uint ManagedInteropMethodToken, string ManagedInteropMethodNamespace, string ManagedInteropMethodName, string ManagedInteropMethodSignature)
void DCStartCompleteV2 ()
void DCEndCompleteV2 ()
void MethodDCStartV2 (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, ulong MethodStartAddress, uint MethodSize, uint MethodToken, uint MethodFlags)
void MethodDCEndV2 (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, ulong MethodStartAddress, uint MethodSize, uint MethodToken, uint MethodFlags)
void MethodDCStartVerboseV2 (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, ulong MethodStartAddress, uint MethodSize, uint MethodToken, uint MethodFlags, string MethodNamespace, string MethodName, string MethodSignature)
void MethodDCEndVerboseV2 (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, ulong MethodStartAddress, uint MethodSize, uint MethodToken, uint MethodFlags, string MethodNamespace, string MethodName, string MethodSignature)
void MethodLoad_V2 (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, ulong MethodStartAddress, uint MethodSize, uint MethodToken, uint MethodFlags, ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong ReJITID)
void R2RGetEntryPoint (ulong MethodID, string MethodNamespace, string MethodName, string MethodSignature, ulong EntryPoint, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void R2RGetEntryPointStart (ulong MethodID, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void MethodUnload_V2 (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, ulong MethodStartAddress, uint MethodSize, uint MethodToken, uint MethodFlags, ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong ReJITID)
void MethodLoadVerbose_V2 (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, ulong MethodStartAddress, uint MethodSize, uint MethodToken, uint MethodFlags, string MethodNamespace, string MethodName, string MethodSignature, ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong ReJITID)
void MethodUnloadVerbose_V2 (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, ulong MethodStartAddress, uint MethodSize, uint MethodToken, uint MethodFlags, string MethodNamespace, string MethodName, string MethodSignature, ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong ReJITID)
void MethodJittingStarted_V1 (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, uint MethodToken, uint MethodILSize, string MethodNamespace, string MethodName, string MethodSignature, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void MethodJitMemoryAllocatedForCode (ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, ulong JitHotCodeRequestSize, ulong JitRODataRequestSize, ulong AllocatedSizeForJitCode, uint JitAllocFlag, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void MethodJitInliningSucceeded (string MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, string MethodBeingCompiledName, string MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, string InlinerNamespace, string InlinerName, string InlinerNameSignature, string InlineeNamespace, string InlineeName, string InlineeNameSignature, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void MethodJitInliningFailedAnsi (string MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, string MethodBeingCompiledName, string MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, string InlinerNamespace, string InlinerName, string InlinerNameSignature, string InlineeNamespace, string InlineeName, string InlineeNameSignature, bool FailAlways)
void MethodJitTailCallSucceeded (string MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, string MethodBeingCompiledName, string MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, string CallerNamespace, string CallerName, string CallerNameSignature, string CalleeNamespace, string CalleeName, string CalleeNameSignature, bool TailPrefix, uint TailCallType, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void MethodJitTailCallFailedAnsi (string MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, string MethodBeingCompiledName, string MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, string CallerNamespace, string CallerName, string CallerNameSignature, string CalleeNamespace, string CalleeName, string CalleeNameSignature, bool TailPrefix)
void MethodILToNativeMap (ulong MethodID, ulong ReJITID, byte MethodExtent, ushort CountOfMapEntries)
void MethodJitTailCallFailed (string MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, string MethodBeingCompiledName, string MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, string CallerNamespace, string CallerName, string CallerNameSignature, string CalleeNamespace, string CalleeName, string CalleeNameSignature, bool TailPrefix, string FailReason, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void MethodJitInliningFailed (string MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, string MethodBeingCompiledName, string MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, string InlinerNamespace, string InlinerName, string InlinerNameSignature, string InlineeNamespace, string InlineeName, string InlineeNameSignature, bool FailAlways, string FailReason, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ModuleDCStartV2 (ulong ModuleID, ulong AssemblyID, uint ModuleFlags, uint Reserved1, string ModuleILPath, string ModuleNativePath)
void ModuleDCEndV2 (ulong ModuleID, ulong AssemblyID, uint ModuleFlags, uint Reserved1, string ModuleILPath, string ModuleNativePath)
void DomainModuleLoad_V1 (ulong ModuleID, ulong AssemblyID, ulong AppDomainID, uint ModuleFlags, uint Reserved1, string ModuleILPath, string ModuleNativePath, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ModuleLoad_V2 (ulong ModuleID, ulong AssemblyID, uint ModuleFlags, uint Reserved1, string ModuleILPath, string ModuleNativePath, ushort ClrInstanceID, Guid ManagedPdbSignature, uint ManagedPdbAge, string ManagedPdbBuildPath, Guid NativePdbSignature, uint NativePdbAge, string NativePdbBuildPath)
void ModuleUnload_V2 (ulong ModuleID, ulong AssemblyID, uint ModuleFlags, uint Reserved1, string ModuleILPath, string ModuleNativePath, ushort ClrInstanceID, Guid ManagedPdbSignature, uint ManagedPdbAge, string ManagedPdbBuildPath, Guid NativePdbSignature, uint NativePdbAge, string NativePdbBuildPath)
void AssemblyLoad_V1 (ulong AssemblyID, ulong AppDomainID, ulong BindingID, uint AssemblyFlags, string FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void AssemblyUnload_V1 (ulong AssemblyID, ulong AppDomainID, ulong BindingID, uint AssemblyFlags, string FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void AppDomainLoad_V1 (ulong AppDomainID, uint AppDomainFlags, string AppDomainName, uint AppDomainIndex, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void AppDomainUnload_V1 (ulong AppDomainID, uint AppDomainFlags, string AppDomainName, uint AppDomainIndex, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void ModuleRangeLoad (ushort ClrInstanceID, ulong ModuleID, uint RangeBegin, uint RangeSize, byte RangeType)
void StrongNameVerificationStart_V1 (uint VerificationFlags, uint ErrorCode, string FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void StrongNameVerificationStop_V1 (uint VerificationFlags, uint ErrorCode, string FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void AuthenticodeVerificationStart_V1 (uint VerificationFlags, uint ErrorCode, string ModulePath, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void AuthenticodeVerificationStop_V1 (uint VerificationFlags, uint ErrorCode, string ModulePath, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void RuntimeInformationStart (ushort ClrInstanceID, ushort Sku, ushort BclMajorVersion, ushort BclMinorVersion, ushort BclBuildNumber, ushort BclQfeNumber, ushort VMMajorVersion, ushort VMMinorVersion, ushort VMBuildNumber, ushort VMQfeNumber, uint StartupFlags, byte StartupMode, string CommandLine, Guid ComObjectGuid, string RuntimeDllPath)
void IncreaseMemoryPressure (ulong BytesAllocated, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void DecreaseMemoryPressure (ulong BytesFreed, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCMarkWithType (uint HeapNum, ushort ClrInstanceID, uint Type, ulong Bytes)
void GCJoin_V2 (uint Heap, uint JoinTime, uint JoinType, ushort ClrInstanceID, uint JoinID)
void GCPerHeapHistory_V3 (ushort ClrInstanceID, IntPtr FreeListAllocated, IntPtr FreeListRejected, IntPtr EndOfSegAllocated, IntPtr CondemnedAllocated, IntPtr PinnedAllocated, IntPtr PinnedAllocatedAdvance, uint RunningFreeListEfficiency, uint CondemnReasons0, uint CondemnReasons1, uint CompactMechanisms, uint ExpandMechanisms, uint HeapIndex, IntPtr ExtraGen0Commit, uint Count)
void GCGlobalHeapHistory_V4 (ulong FinalYoungestDesired, int NumHeaps, uint CondemnedGeneration, uint Gen0ReductionCount, uint Reason, uint GlobalMechanisms, ushort ClrInstanceID, uint PauseMode, uint MemoryPressure, uint CondemnReasons0, uint CondemnReasons1, uint Count)
void GenAwareBegin (uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GenAwareEnd (uint Count, ushort ClrInstanceID)
void GCLOHCompact (ushort ClrInstanceID, ushort Count)
void GCFitBucketInfo (ushort ClrInstanceID, ushort BucketKind, ulong TotalSize, ushort Count)
void DebugIPCEventStart ()
void DebugIPCEventEnd ()
void DebugExceptionProcessingStart ()
void DebugExceptionProcessingEnd ()
void CodeSymbols (ulong ModuleId, ushort TotalChunks, ushort ChunkNumber, uint ChunkLength)
void EventSource (int EventID, string EventName, string EventSourceName, string Payload)
void TieredCompilationSettings (ushort ClrInstanceID, uint Flags)
void TieredCompilationPause (ushort ClrInstanceID)
void TieredCompilationResume (ushort ClrInstanceID, uint NewMethodCount)
void TieredCompilationBackgroundJitStart (ushort ClrInstanceID, uint PendingMethodCount)
void TieredCompilationBackgroundJitStop (ushort ClrInstanceID, uint PendingMethodCount, uint JittedMethodCount)
void AssemblyLoadStart (ushort ClrInstanceID, string AssemblyName, string AssemblyPath, string RequestingAssembly, string AssemblyLoadContext, string RequestingAssemblyLoadContext)
void AssemblyLoadStop (ushort ClrInstanceID, string AssemblyName, string AssemblyPath, string RequestingAssembly, string AssemblyLoadContext, string RequestingAssemblyLoadContext, bool Success, string ResultAssemblyName, string ResultAssemblyPath, bool Cached)
void ResolutionAttempted (ushort ClrInstanceID, string AssemblyName, ushort Stage, string AssemblyLoadContext, ushort Result, string ResultAssemblyName, string ResultAssemblyPath, string ErrorMessage)
void AssemblyLoadContextResolvingHandlerInvoked (ushort ClrInstanceID, string AssemblyName, string HandlerName, string AssemblyLoadContext, string ResultAssemblyName, string ResultAssemblyPath)
void AppDomainAssemblyResolveHandlerInvoked (ushort ClrInstanceID, string AssemblyName, string HandlerName, string ResultAssemblyName, string ResultAssemblyPath)
void AssemblyLoadFromResolveHandlerInvoked (ushort ClrInstanceID, string AssemblyName, bool IsTrackedLoad, string RequestingAssemblyPath, string ComputedRequestedAssemblyPath)
void KnownPathProbed (ushort ClrInstanceID, string FilePath, ushort Source, int Result)
void JitInstrumentationData (ushort ClrInstanceID, uint MethodFlags, uint DataSize, ulong MethodID)
void JitInstrumentationDataVerbose (ushort ClrInstanceID, uint MethodFlags, uint DataSize, ulong MethodID, ulong ModuleID, uint MethodToken, string MethodNamespace, string MethodName, string MethodSignature)
void ProfilerMessage (ushort ClrInstanceID, string Message)
void ExecutionCheckpoint (ushort ClrInstanceID, string Name, long Timestamp)
 NativeRuntimeEventSource ()
unsafe void DefineEventPipeEvents ()
unsafe void WriteEventRaw (string eventName, ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, IntPtr eventHandle, Guid *activityID, Guid *relatedActivityID, int dataCount, IntPtr data)
unsafe void Initialize (Guid eventSourceGuid, string eventSourceName, string[] traits)
EventDispatcher GetDispatcher (EventListener listener)
unsafe void WriteEventVarargs (int eventId, Guid *childActivityID, object[] args)
object[] SerializeEventArgs (int eventId, object[] args)
void LogEventArgsMismatches (int eventId, object[] args)
unsafe void WriteToAllListeners (EventWrittenEventArgs eventCallbackArgs, int eventDataCount, EventData *data)
unsafe void WriteToAllListeners (string eventName, ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, EventTags tags, Guid *pActivityId, Guid *pChildActivityId, EventPayload payload)
unsafe void WriteEventString (string msgString)
void WriteStringToAllListeners (string eventName, string msg)
bool IsEnabledByDefault (int eventNum, bool enable, EventLevel currentLevel, EventKeywords currentMatchAnyKeyword)
bool IsEnabledCommon (bool enabled, EventLevel currentLevel, EventKeywords currentMatchAnyKeyword, EventLevel eventLevel, EventKeywords eventKeywords, EventChannel eventChannel)
void ThrowEventSourceException (string eventName, Exception innerEx=null)
bool AnyEventEnabled ()
void EnsureDescriptorsInitialized ()
unsafe void SendManifest (byte[] rawManifest)
unsafe void WriteMultiMerge (string eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, TraceLoggingEventTypes eventTypes, Guid *activityID, Guid *childActivityID, params object[] values)
unsafe void WriteMultiMergeInner (string eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, TraceLoggingEventTypes eventTypes, Guid *activityID, Guid *childActivityID, params object[] values)
unsafe void WriteImpl (string eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, object data, Guid *pActivityId, Guid *pRelatedActivityId, TraceLoggingEventTypes eventTypes)
void InitializeProviderMetadata ()
NameInfo UpdateDescriptor (string name, TraceLoggingEventTypes eventInfo, ref EventSourceOptions options, out EventDescriptor descriptor)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool InitializeIsSupported ()
static string GetName (Type eventSourceType, EventManifestOptions flags)
static Guid GenerateGuidFromName (string name)
static unsafe void DecodeObjects (object[] decodedObjects, Type[] parameterTypes, EventData *data)
static unsafe void AssertValidString (EventData *data)
static bool AttributeTypeNamesMatch (Type attributeType, Type reflectedAttributeType)
static Type GetEventSourceBaseType (Type eventSourceType, bool allowEventSourceOverride, bool reflectionOnly)
static byte[] CreateManifestAndDescriptors ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type eventSourceType, string eventSourceDllName, EventSource source, EventManifestOptions flags=EventManifestOptions.None)
static bool RemoveFirstArgIfRelatedActivityId (ref ParameterInfo[] args)
static void AddProviderEnumKind (ManifestBuilder manifest, FieldInfo staticField, string providerEnumKind)
static void AddEventDescriptor ([NotNull] ref EventMetadata[] eventData, string eventName, EventAttribute eventAttribute, ParameterInfo[] eventParameters, bool hasRelatedActivityID)
static void TrimEventDescriptors (ref EventMetadata[] eventData)
static void DebugCheckEvent (ref Dictionary< string, string > eventsByName, EventMetadata[] eventData, MethodInfo method, EventAttribute eventAttribute, ManifestBuilder manifest, EventManifestOptions options)
static int GetHelperCallFirstArg (MethodInfo method)
static EventSourceSettings ValidateSettings (EventSourceSettings settings)
static unsafe void WriteCleanup (GCHandle *pPins, int cPins)
static int AddValueToMetaData (List< byte > metaData, string value)
static int HexDigit (char c)

Private Attributes

string m_name
Guid m_guid
volatile byte[] m_rawManifest
EventHandler< EventCommandEventArgsm_eventCommandExecuted
readonly EventSourceSettings m_config
bool m_eventSourceDisposed
bool m_eventSourceEnabled
volatile OverrideEventProvider m_etwProvider
object m_createEventLock
IntPtr m_writeEventStringEventHandle = IntPtr.Zero
volatile OverrideEventProvider m_eventPipeProvider
bool m_completelyInited
Exception m_constructionException
byte m_outOfBandMessageCount
EventCommandEventArgs m_deferredCommands
string[] m_traits
ActivityTracker m_activityTracker
byte[] m_providerMetadata
readonly TraceLoggingEventHandleTable m_eventHandleTable

Static Private Attributes

const ushort DefaultClrInstanceId = 0
const DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes ManifestMemberTypes = DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All
static byte m_EventSourceExceptionRecurenceCount
static readonly bool AllowDuplicateSourceNames = AppContext.TryGetSwitch("System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.AllowDuplicateSourceNames", out var isEnabled) && isEnabled
const string EventSourceRequiresUnreferenceMessage = "EventSource will serialize the whole object graph. Trimmer will not safely handle this case because properties may be trimmed. This can be suppressed if the object is a primitive type"
const string EventSourceSuppressMessage = "Parameters to this method are primitive and are trimmer safe"

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file NativeRuntimeEventSource.cs.

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