Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.Physics.BallCollision Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static BallStepResult Step (PhysicsProperties physicsProperties, Entity entity, ref float entityAngularVelocity, IBallContactListener listener)

Private Types

enum  TileEdges : uint {
  None = 0u , Top = 1u , Bottom = 2u , Left = 4u ,
  Right = 8u , TopLeftSlope = 0x10u , TopRightSlope = 0x20u , BottomLeftSlope = 0x40u ,
  BottomRightSlope = 0x80u

Static Private Member Functions

static bool CheckForPassThrough (Vector2 center, out BallPassThroughType type, out Tile contactTile)
static bool IsPositionInsideTile (Vector2 position, Point tileCoordinates, Tile tile)
static bool IsBallInWorld (Vector2 position, Vector2 size)
static bool GetClosestEdgeToCircle (Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector2 velocity, out Vector2 collisionPoint, out Tile collisionTile)
static bool GetCollisionPointForTile (TileEdges edgesToTest, int x, int y, Vector2 center, ref Vector2 closestPointOut, ref float distanceSquaredOut)
static bool GetSlopeEdge (ref TileEdges edgesToTest, Tile tile, Vector2 tilePosition, ref LineSegment edge)
static bool GetTopOrBottomEdge (TileEdges edgesToTest, int x, int y, Vector2 tilePosition, ref LineSegment edge)
static bool GetLeftOrRightEdge (TileEdges edgesToTest, int x, int y, Vector2 tilePosition, ref LineSegment edge)
static Rectangle GetTileBounds (Vector2 position, Vector2 size)
static bool IsNeighborSolid (Tile tile)
static Vector2 ClosestPointOnLineSegment (Vector2 point, LineSegment lineSegment)
static void DrawEdge (LineSegment edge)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file BallCollision.cs.

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