terraria-cpp2il v1.4.4.9
Terraria mobile dump, with CallAnalysis (see source code). Dump with reconstucted method: https://infinitynichto.github.io/terraria-cpp2il-methodrecon
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Go to the documentation of this file.
1using System;
7using Terraria;
9namespace Telepathy
11 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x2000312")]
12 public abstract class Common
13 {
14 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x170001CE")]
16 {
17 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x6001264")]
18 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xA797B4", Offset = "0xA797B4", Length = "0x48")]
19 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Netplay), Member = "ClientLoopFrameUpdate", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
20 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 1)]
21 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(ConcurrentQueue<>), Member = "get_Count", ReturnType = typeof(int))]
22 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallsUnknownMethods(Count = 1)]
23 get
24 {
25 throw null;
26 }
27 }
29 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x6001265")]
30 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xA797FC", Offset = "0xA797FC", Length = "0x58")]
31 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(SaveSynchronisationClient), Member = "Update", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
32 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(SaveSynchronisationHost), Member = "Update", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
33 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Netplay), Member = "ClientUpdateFrame", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
34 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Netplay), Member = "ServerUpdateFrame", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
35 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Netplay), Member = "ClientLoopFrameUpdate", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
36 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 7)]
37 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(ConcurrentQueue<>), Member = "TryDequeue", MemberParameters = new object[] { "T&" }, ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
38 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallsUnknownMethods(Count = 1)]
39 public bool GetNextMessage(out Message message)
40 {
41 throw null;
42 }
44 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x6001266")]
45 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xA79854", Offset = "0xA79854", Length = "0x300")]
46 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.ContainsUnimplementedInstructions]
47 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Common), Member = "SendLoop", MemberParameters = new object[]
48 {
49 typeof(int),
51 typeof(SafeQueue<byte[]>),
53 }, ReturnType = typeof(void))]
54 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 1)]
55 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(Array), Member = "Copy", MemberParameters = new object[]
56 {
58 typeof(int),
60 typeof(int),
61 typeof(int)
62 }, ReturnType = typeof(void))]
63 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(string), Member = "Concat", MemberParameters = new object[]
64 {
65 typeof(string),
66 typeof(string)
67 }, ReturnType = typeof(string))]
68 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallsUnknownMethods(Count = 28)]
69 protected static bool SendMessagesBlocking(NetworkStream stream, byte[][] messages)
70 {
71 throw null;
72 }
74 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x6001267")]
75 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xA79B54", Offset = "0xA79B54", Length = "0x220")]
76 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.ContainsUnimplementedInstructions]
77 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Common), Member = "ReceiveLoop", MemberParameters = new object[]
78 {
79 typeof(int),
82 typeof(int)
83 }, ReturnType = typeof(void))]
84 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 1)]
85 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(NetworkStreamExtensions), Member = "ReadExactly", MemberParameters = new object[]
86 {
88 typeof(byte[]),
89 typeof(int)
90 }, ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
91 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(BitConverter), Member = "ToUInt16", MemberParameters = new object[]
92 {
93 typeof(byte[]),
94 typeof(int)
95 }, ReturnType = typeof(ushort))]
96 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(int), Member = "ToString", ReturnType = typeof(string))]
97 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(string), Member = "Concat", MemberParameters = new object[]
98 {
99 typeof(string),
100 typeof(string),
101 typeof(string)
102 }, ReturnType = typeof(string))]
103 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallsUnknownMethods(Count = 19)]
104 protected static bool ReadMessageBlocking(NetworkStream stream, int MaxMessageSize, out byte[] content)
105 {
106 throw null;
107 }
109 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x6001268")]
110 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xA78564", Offset = "0xA78564", Length = "0x49C")]
111 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.ContainsUnimplementedInstructions]
112 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Client), Member = "ReceiveThreadFunction", MemberParameters = new object[]
113 {
114 typeof(string),
115 typeof(int)
116 }, ReturnType = typeof(void))]
117 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = "Telepathy.Server.<>c__DisplayClass8_0", Member = "<Listen>b__1", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
118 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 2)]
119 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(TcpClient), Member = "GetStream", ReturnType = typeof(NetworkStream))]
120 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(DateTime), Member = "get_Now", ReturnType = typeof(DateTime))]
121 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(ConcurrentQueue<>), Member = "Enqueue", MemberParameters = new object[] { "T" }, ReturnType = typeof(void))]
122 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(Common), Member = "ReadMessageBlocking", MemberParameters = new object[]
123 {
125 typeof(int),
126 typeof(ref byte[])
127 }, ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
128 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(ConcurrentQueue<>), Member = "get_Count", ReturnType = typeof(int))]
129 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(DateTime), Member = "op_Subtraction", MemberParameters = new object[]
130 {
133 }, ReturnType = typeof(TimeSpan))]
134 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(TimeSpan), Member = "get_TotalSeconds", ReturnType = typeof(double))]
135 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(int), Member = "ToString", ReturnType = typeof(string))]
136 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(string), Member = "Concat", MemberParameters = new object[]
137 {
138 typeof(string),
139 typeof(string),
140 typeof(string)
141 }, ReturnType = typeof(string))]
142 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(string), Member = "Concat", MemberParameters = new object[]
143 {
144 typeof(string),
145 typeof(string),
146 typeof(string),
147 typeof(string)
148 }, ReturnType = typeof(string))]
149 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallsUnknownMethods(Count = 33)]
150 protected static void ReceiveLoop(int connectionId, TcpClient client, ConcurrentQueue<Message> receiveQueue, int MaxMessageSize)
151 {
152 throw null;
153 }
155 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x6001269")]
156 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xA79454", Offset = "0xA79454", Length = "0x350")]
157 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.ContainsUnimplementedInstructions]
158 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = "Telepathy.Server.<>c__DisplayClass8_0", Member = "<Listen>b__0", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
159 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 1)]
160 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(TcpClient), Member = "GetStream", ReturnType = typeof(NetworkStream))]
161 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(TcpClient), Member = "get_Connected", ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
162 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(EventWaitHandle), Member = "Reset", ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
163 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(SafeQueue<>), Member = "TryDequeueAll", MemberParameters = new object[] { "T[]&" }, ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
164 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(Common), Member = "SendMessagesBlocking", MemberParameters = new object[]
165 {
167 typeof(byte[][])
168 }, ReturnType = typeof(bool))]
169 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(int), Member = "ToString", ReturnType = typeof(string))]
170 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(string), Member = "Concat", MemberParameters = new object[]
171 {
172 typeof(string),
173 typeof(string),
174 typeof(string),
175 typeof(string)
176 }, ReturnType = typeof(string))]
177 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallsUnknownMethods(Count = 27)]
178 protected static void SendLoop(int connectionId, TcpClient client, SafeQueue<byte[]> sendQueue, ManualResetEvent sendPending)
179 {
180 throw null;
181 }
183 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x600126A")]
184 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xA7935C", Offset = "0xA7935C", Length = "0x90")]
185 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CalledBy(Type = typeof(Server), Member = ".ctor", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
186 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 1)]
187 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(ConcurrentQueue<>), Member = ".ctor", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
188 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.Calls(Type = typeof(object), Member = ".ctor", ReturnType = typeof(void))]
189 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallsUnknownMethods(Count = 3)]
190 protected Common()
191 {
192 throw null;
193 }
195 // Note: this type is marked as 'beforefieldinit'.
196 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x600126B")]
197 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Address(RVA = "0xA79D74", Offset = "0xA79D74", Length = "0x50")]
198 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.ContainsUnimplementedInstructions]
199 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallerCount(Count = 0)]
200 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.CallAnalysis.CallsUnknownMethods(Count = 1)]
201 static Common()
202 {
203 throw null;
204 }
206 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x40021F7")]
207 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.FieldOffset(Offset = "0x10")]
210 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x40021F8")]
211 public static int messageQueueSizeWarning;
213 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x40021F9")]
214 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.FieldOffset(Offset = "0x18")]
215 public bool NoDelay;
217 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x40021FA")]
218 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.FieldOffset(Offset = "0x1C")]
219 public int MaxMessageSize;
221 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x40021FB")]
222 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.FieldOffset(Offset = "0x20")]
223 public int SendTimeout;
226 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x40021FC")]
227 private static byte[] header;
230 [global::Cpp2ILInjected.Token(Token = "0x40021FD")]
231 private static byte[] payload;
232 }
class f__AnonymousType0<< Count > j__TPar
bool GetNextMessage(out Message message)
Definition Common.cs:39
static Common()
Definition Common.cs:201
static byte[] header
Definition Common.cs:227
static bool SendMessagesBlocking(NetworkStream stream, byte[][] messages)
Definition Common.cs:69
static int messageQueueSizeWarning
Definition Common.cs:211
int ReceiveQueueCount
Definition Common.cs:16
static bool ReadMessageBlocking(NetworkStream stream, int MaxMessageSize, out byte[] content)
Definition Common.cs:104
ConcurrentQueue< Message > receiveQueue
Definition Common.cs:208
static void SendLoop(int connectionId, TcpClient client, SafeQueue< byte[]> sendQueue, ManualResetEvent sendPending)
Definition Common.cs:178
static byte[] payload
Definition Common.cs:231
static void ReceiveLoop(int connectionId, TcpClient client, ConcurrentQueue< Message > receiveQueue, int MaxMessageSize)
Definition Common.cs:150