655 [
"IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Justification =
"Supressing warning about not having the RequiresUnreferencedCode attribute since this code path will only be emitting IL that will later be called by Transform() method which is already annotated as RequiresUnreferencedCode")]
static readonly MethodInfo StartElemCopyName
static readonly MethodInfo PreSibDOCreate
static readonly Dictionary< Type, XmlILStorageMethods > StorageMethods
static readonly MethodInfo EndComment
static readonly MethodInfo DecDiv
static readonly MethodInfo EndCopy
static readonly MethodInfo StartPI
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyInteger
static readonly MethodInfo StrCatDelim
static readonly MethodInfo XPFollMergeCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo XPPrecMergeCreate
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyDouble
static readonly MethodInfo XPPrecCreate
static readonly MethodInfo DodMergeSeq
static readonly MethodInfo ParentCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo ItemsToNode
static readonly MethodInfo ContentCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo Value
static readonly MethodInfo EndSeqConstr
static readonly MethodInfo KindContentNext
static readonly MethodInfo TagAndNamespace
static readonly MethodInfo PrecCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo NodeRangeCreate
static readonly MethodInfo EndAttr
static readonly MethodInfo XsltLib
static readonly MethodInfo NavMoveId
static readonly MethodInfo StartAttrMapName
static readonly MethodInfo ContentMergeNext
static readonly MethodInfo GetTypeFilter
static readonly MethodInfo ChangeTypeXsltArg
static readonly MethodInfo PrecCreate
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyString
static readonly MethodInfo NavMoveRoot
static readonly MethodInfo ParentNext
static readonly MethodInfo NamespaceDecl
static readonly MethodInfo XPPrecMergeCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo AncDOCreate
static readonly MethodInfo AddNewIndex
static readonly MethodInfo EndTree
static readonly MethodInfo StrToDbl
static readonly MethodInfo FollSibMergeCreate
static readonly MethodInfo DblToStr
static readonly MethodInfo SetDod
static readonly MethodInfo GetCollation
static readonly MethodInfo DiffNext
static readonly MethodInfo DblToDec
static readonly MethodInfo StrCat4
static readonly MethodInfo GlobalComputed
static readonly MethodInfo PreSibCreate
static readonly MethodInfo StartComment
static readonly MethodInfo StartAttrQName
static readonly MethodInfo DescMergeCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo StartElemMapName
static readonly MethodInfo FindIndex
static readonly MethodInfo DescCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo IdCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo DescNext
static readonly MethodInfo GenId
static readonly MethodInfo GetAtomizedName
static readonly MethodInfo InitializeArray
static readonly MethodInfo ItemToBool
static readonly MethodInfo FollSibCreate
static readonly MethodInfo InvokeXsltLate
static readonly MethodInfo StartElemLitNameUn
static readonly MethodInfo AncDONext
static readonly MethodInfo StartRtfConstr
static readonly MethodInfo AncCreate
static readonly MethodInfo NodeRangeCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo ItemToNode
static readonly MethodInfo StrCat3
static readonly MethodInfo StrCatResult
static readonly MethodInfo PreSibCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo StartAttrLocNameUn
static readonly MethodInfo AttrCreate
static readonly MethodInfo AncNext
static readonly MethodInfo NodeRangeNext
static readonly MethodInfo XPFollCreate
static readonly MethodInfo GetDataSource
static readonly MethodInfo XPPrecNext
static readonly MethodInfo XPPrecMergeNext
static readonly MethodInfo StartAttrCopyName
static readonly MethodInfo DecToDbl
static readonly MethodInfo StartRoot
static readonly MethodInfo CreateCollation
static readonly MethodInfo DecEq
static readonly MethodInfo EndElemStackName
static readonly MethodInfo ItemsToDbl
static readonly MethodInfo StartAttrLitNameUn
static readonly MethodInfo StrCatCat
static readonly MethodInfo DescMergeCreate
static readonly MethodInfo StrLen
static readonly MethodInfo EndPI
static readonly MethodInfo PIText
static readonly MethodInfo PreSibDONext
static readonly MethodInfo NoEntText
static readonly MethodInfo DecAdd
static readonly MethodInfo EndRoot
static readonly MethodInfo StartCopy
static readonly MethodInfo NmspNext
static readonly MethodInfo AttrCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyInt
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyKeys
static readonly MethodInfo GetTypeFromHandle
static readonly MethodInfo PrecNext
static readonly MethodInfo GetDefaultDataSource
static readonly MethodInfo NavNmsp
static readonly MethodInfo StrCmp
static readonly MethodInfo DecMul
static readonly MethodInfo ItemIsNode
static readonly MethodInfo IdCreate
static readonly MethodInfo DescMergeNext
static readonly MethodInfo GetParam
static readonly MethodInfo DescCreate
static readonly MethodInfo StartElemNmspName
static readonly MethodInfo ItemMatchesCode
static readonly MethodInfo KindContentCreate
static readonly MethodInfo ThrowException
static readonly MethodInfo NavSamePos
static readonly MethodInfo StartAttrNmspName
static readonly MethodInfo FollSibCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo ItemsToNavs
static readonly MethodInfo LngToDbl
static readonly MethodInfo SetGlobalValue
static readonly MethodInfo UnionCreate
static readonly MethodInfo ChangeTypeXsltResult
static readonly MethodInfo NavsToItems
static readonly MethodInfo RtfConstr
static readonly MethodInfo InterCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo GetEarly
static readonly MethodInfo Context
static readonly MethodInfo DodMergeAdd
static readonly MethodInfo GetNameFilter
static readonly MethodInfo NmspCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo XPPrecCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo QNameEqualNav
static readonly MethodInfo ItemToDbl
static readonly MethodInfo NavMoveParent
static readonly MethodInfo XPFollCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo DiffCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo DecCmp
static readonly MethodInfo UnionCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo StartElemLitName
static readonly MethodInfo IndexLookup
static readonly MethodInfo StartElemQName
static readonly MethodInfo GetGlobalValue
static readonly MethodInfo ItemToNodes
static readonly MethodInfo NoEntTextUn
static readonly MethodInfo CompPos
static readonly MethodInfo FollSibNext
static readonly MethodInfo GetOutput
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyCreate
static readonly MethodInfo ItemsToNodes
static readonly MethodInfo AttrNext
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyDateTime
static readonly MethodInfo TextUn
static readonly MethodInfo XPFollMergeNext
static readonly MethodInfo FollSibMergeCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo DecRem
static readonly MethodInfo StartAttrLitName
static readonly MethodInfo SeqMatchesType
static readonly MethodInfo EndRtfConstr
static readonly MethodInfo CopyOf
static readonly MethodInfo InterNext
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyFinish
static readonly MethodInfo XPPrecDONext
static readonly MethodInfo StrCat2
static readonly MethodInfo AttrContentCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo ItemsToStr
static readonly MethodInfo StrEq
static readonly MethodInfo IntToDbl
static readonly MethodInfo StartAttrLocName
static readonly MethodInfo TagAndMappings
static readonly MethodInfo AttrContentNext
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyEmpty
static readonly MethodInfo StartElemLocName
static readonly MethodInfo AncDOCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo DecNeg
static readonly MethodInfo AncCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo ItemsToBool
static readonly MethodInfo ItemToStr
static readonly MethodInfo ValueAsAny
static readonly MethodInfo StartSeqConstr
static readonly MethodInfo KindContentCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo ElemContentNext
static readonly MethodInfo XPFollNext
static readonly MethodInfo QNameEqualLit
static readonly MethodInfo NavClone
static readonly MethodInfo InterCreate
static readonly MethodInfo StartContentUn
static readonly MethodInfo NavMoveAttr
static readonly MethodInfo QNameEq
static readonly MethodInfo StartElemLocNameUn
static readonly MethodInfo ParentCreate
static readonly MethodInfo ContentNext
static readonly MethodInfo CommentText
static readonly MethodInfo AttrContentCreate
static readonly MethodInfo ElemContentCreate
static readonly MethodInfo DblToInt
static readonly MethodInfo WriteItem
static readonly MethodInfo UnionNext
static readonly MethodInfo NavLocalName
static readonly MethodInfo NavType
static MethodInfo GetInvokeXsltLateBoundFunction()
static readonly MethodInfo DTToStr
static readonly MethodInfo ContentMergeCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo ContentMergeCreate
static readonly MethodInfo FollSibMergeNext
static readonly MethodInfo PreSibDOCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo EndElemLocNameUn
static readonly MethodInfo XPPrecDOCreate
static readonly MethodInfo EndElemLitNameUn
static readonly MethodInfo StartTree
static readonly MethodInfo DblToLng
static readonly MethodInfo NmspCreate
static readonly MethodInfo DiffCreate
static readonly MethodInfo XPFollMergeCreate
static readonly MethodInfo ItemMatchesType
static readonly MethodInfo NavPrefix
static readonly MethodInfo SortKeyDecimal
static readonly MethodInfo SeqMatchesCode
static readonly MethodInfo IdNext
static readonly MethodInfo IndexAdd
static readonly MethodInfo SendMessage
static readonly MethodInfo StrCatClear
static readonly MethodInfo XPPrecDOCurrent
static readonly MethodInfo ContentCreate
static readonly MethodInfo EndAttrUn
static readonly MethodInfo NavMoveTo
static readonly MethodInfo PreSibNext
static readonly MethodInfo DodMergeCreate
static readonly MethodInfo DecSub
static readonly MethodInfo NamespaceDeclUn
static readonly MethodInfo StrToDT
static readonly MethodInfo DocOrder
static readonly MethodInfo ElemContentCurrent