Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.XmlQueryRuntime Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

string[] DebugGetGlobalNames ()
IList DebugGetGlobalValue (string name)
void DebugSetGlobalValue (string name, object value)
object DebugGetXsltValue (IList seq)
object GetEarlyBoundObject (int index)
bool EarlyBoundFunctionExists (string name, string namespaceUri)
bool IsGlobalComputed (int index)
object GetGlobalValue (int index)
void SetGlobalValue (int index, object value)
string GetAtomizedName (int index)
XmlNavigatorFilter GetNameFilter (int index)
XmlNavigatorFilter GetTypeFilter (XPathNodeType nodeType)
XmlQualifiedName ParseTagName (string tagName, int indexPrefixMappings)
XmlQualifiedName ParseTagName (string tagName, string ns)
bool IsQNameEqual (XPathNavigator n1, XPathNavigator n2)
bool IsQNameEqual (XPathNavigator navigator, int indexLocalName, int indexNamespaceUri)
object ChangeTypeXsltArgument (int indexType, object value, Type destinationType)
object ChangeTypeXsltResult (int indexType, object value)
bool MatchesXmlType (IList< XPathItem > seq, int indexType)
bool MatchesXmlType (XPathItem item, int indexType)
bool MatchesXmlType (IList< XPathItem > seq, XmlTypeCode code)
bool MatchesXmlType (XPathItem item, XmlTypeCode code)
XmlCollation GetCollation (int index)
XmlCollation CreateCollation (string collation)
int ComparePosition (XPathNavigator navigatorThis, XPathNavigator navigatorThat)
IList< XPathNavigatorDocOrderDistinct (IList< XPathNavigator > seq)
string GenerateId (XPathNavigator navigator)
bool FindIndex (XPathNavigator context, int indexId, out XmlILIndex index)
void AddNewIndex (XPathNavigator context, int indexId, XmlILIndex index)
void StartSequenceConstruction (out XmlQueryOutput output)
IList< XPathItemEndSequenceConstruction (out XmlQueryOutput output)
void StartRtfConstruction (string baseUri, out XmlQueryOutput output)
XPathNavigator EndRtfConstruction (out XmlQueryOutput output)
XPathNavigator TextRtfConstruction (string text, string baseUri)
void SendMessage (string message)
void ThrowException (string text)

Static Public Member Functions

static int OnCurrentNodeChanged (XPathNavigator currentNode)

Package Functions

 XmlQueryRuntime (XmlQueryStaticData data, object defaultDataSource, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList argList, XmlSequenceWriter seqWrt)
void ParseTagName (string tagName, int idxPrefixMappings, out string prefix, out string localName, out string ns)
XmlQueryType GetXmlType (int idxType)
object ChangeTypeXsltArgument (XmlQueryType xmlType, object value, Type destinationType)
object ChangeTypeXsltResult (XmlQueryType xmlType, object value)

Static Package Functions

static XPathNavigator SyncToNavigator (XPathNavigator navigatorThis, XPathNavigator navigatorThat)


XmlQueryContext ExternalContext [get]
XsltLibrary XsltFunctions [get]
XmlNameTable NameTable [get]
XmlQueryOutput Output [get]

Private Member Functions

XmlQueryType CreateXmlType (XPathItem item)

Static Private Member Functions

static XPathNavigator EnsureNavigator (object value)
static bool IsInheritedNamespace (XPathNavigator node)
static void OnCurrentNodeChanged2 (string baseUri, int lineNumber, int linePosition)

Private Attributes

readonly XmlQueryContext _ctxt
XsltLibrary _xsltLib
readonly EarlyBoundInfo[] _earlyInfo
readonly object[] _earlyObjects
readonly string[] _globalNames
readonly object[] _globalValues
readonly XmlNameTable _nameTableQuery
readonly string[] _atomizedNames
readonly XmlNavigatorFilter[] _filters
readonly StringPair[][] _prefixMappingsList
readonly XmlQueryType[] _types
readonly XmlCollation[] _collations
readonly DocumentOrderComparer _docOrderCmp
ArrayList[] _indexes
XmlQueryOutput _output
readonly Stack< XmlQueryOutput_stkOutput

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file XmlQueryRuntime.cs.

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