Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers Class Reference

Public Member Functions

delegate void TryCode (object? userData)
delegate void CleanupCode (object? userData, bool exceptionThrown)
static void InitializeArray (Array array, RuntimeFieldHandle fldHandle)
static ? object GetObjectValue (object? obj)
static void PrepareDelegate (Delegate d)
static int GetHashCode (object? o)
static new bool Equals (object? o1, object? o2)
static void EnsureSufficientExecutionStack ()
static bool TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void RunClassConstructor (RuntimeTypeHandle type)
static void RunModuleConstructor (ModuleHandle module)
static void PrepareMethod (RuntimeMethodHandle method)
static unsafe void PrepareMethod (RuntimeMethodHandle method, RuntimeTypeHandle[]? instantiation)
static object GetUninitializedObject ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors)] Type type)
static bool IsReferenceOrContainsReferences< T > ()
static IntPtr AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory (Type type, int size)
static T[] GetSubArray< T > (T[] array, Range range)
static void ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup (TryCode code, CleanupCode backoutCode, object? userData)
static void PrepareContractedDelegate (Delegate d)
static void ProbeForSufficientStack ()
static void PrepareConstrainedRegions ()
static void PrepareConstrainedRegionsNoOP ()

Package Functions

static void CompileMethod (RuntimeMethodHandleInternal method)
static object AllocateUninitializedClone (object obj)

Static Package Functions

static bool IsBitwiseEquatable< T > ()
static bool EnumEquals< T > (T x, T y)
static int EnumCompareTo< T > (T x, T y)
static ref byte GetRawData (this object obj)
static unsafe nuint GetRawObjectDataSize (object obj)
static unsafe ushort GetElementSize (this Array array)
static ref int GetMultiDimensionalArrayBounds (Array array)
static unsafe int GetMultiDimensionalArrayRank (Array array)
static unsafe bool ObjectHasComponentSize (object obj)
static unsafe MethodTableGetMethodTable (object obj)
static bool IsPrimitiveType (this CorElementType et)


static int OffsetToStringData [get]

Private Member Functions

static void RunClassConstructor (QCallTypeHandle type)
static void RunModuleConstructor (QCallModule module)
static unsafe void PrepareMethod (RuntimeMethodHandleInternal method, IntPtr *pInstantiation, int cInstantiation)
static void GetUninitializedObject (QCallTypeHandle type, ObjectHandleOnStack retObject)
static IntPtr AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory (QCallTypeHandle type, uint size)
static IntPtr AllocTailCallArgBuffer (int size, IntPtr gcDesc)
static unsafe TailCallTlsGetTailCallInfo (IntPtr retAddrSlot, IntPtr *retAddr)

Static Private Member Functions

static unsafe void DispatchTailCalls (IntPtr callersRetAddrSlot, delegate *< IntPtr, IntPtr, PortableTailCallFrame *, void > callTarget, IntPtr retVal)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file RuntimeHelpers.cs.

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