85 for (
int i = 0; i <
names.Length; i++)
93 for (
int i = 0; i <
names.Length; i++)
103 for (
int i = 0; i <
filters.Length; i++)
174 [
"The extension function referenced will be called from the stylesheet which cannot be statically analyzed.")]
183 if (namespaceUri ==
218 return nodeType
243 for (
int i = 0; i <
array.Length; i++)
263 ns =
266 if (
268 ns =
276 if (
n1.NameTable ==
278 if ((
n1.LocalName ==
284 if (
n1.LocalName ==
411 for (
int i = 0; i <
list.Count; i++)
477 0 => XmlQueryCardinality.Zero,
478 1 => XmlQueryCardinality.One,
479 _ => XmlQueryCardinality.More,
484 xmlType = xmlType.
static unsafe void Copy(Array sourceArray, Array destinationArray, int length)
void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
static ? object ChangeType(object? value, TypeCode typeCode)
static CultureInfo InvariantCulture
static string Xslt_InvalidPrefix
static string Xslt_UnsupportedClrType
static string Xslt_ItemNull
static ? Type GetType(string typeName, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase)
static XmlSchemaSimpleType UntypedAtomicType
static readonly XmlValueConverter ItemList
static XmlSchemaComplexType AnyType
static XmlSchemaComplexType UntypedAnyType
static ? XmlSchemaSimpleType GetBuiltInSimpleType(XmlQualifiedName qualifiedName)
static int ParseQNameThrow(string s)
object ICloneable. Clone()
int Compare(XPathNavigator navThis, XPathNavigator navThat)
int GetDocumentIndex(XPathNavigator nav)
static XmlCollation Create(string collationLiteral)
static XmlNavigatorFilter Create()
static XmlNavigatorFilter Create(string localName, string namespaceUri)
static XmlNavigatorFilter Create()
static XmlNavigatorFilter Create(XPathNodeType nodeType)
XmlNameTable QueryNameTable
void OnXsltMessageEncountered(string message)
XmlNameTable DefaultNameTable
XmlSequenceWriter SequenceWriter
IList< XPathNavigator > DocOrderDistinct(IList< XPathNavigator > seq)
bool MatchesXmlType(XPathItem item, XmlTypeCode code)
XPathNavigator TextRtfConstruction(string text, string baseUri)
readonly string[] _globalNames
bool MatchesXmlType(XPathItem item, int indexType)
XmlNavigatorFilter GetNameFilter(int index)
object GetEarlyBoundObject(int index)
static int OnCurrentNodeChanged(XPathNavigator currentNode)
readonly XmlNavigatorFilter[] _filters
XmlQueryContext ExternalContext
XmlCollation CreateCollation(string collation)
XmlQueryType GetXmlType(int idxType)
XmlCollation GetCollation(int index)
void StartRtfConstruction(string baseUri, out XmlQueryOutput output)
object ChangeTypeXsltArgument(XmlQueryType xmlType, object value, Type destinationType)
XmlQueryRuntime(XmlQueryStaticData data, object defaultDataSource, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList argList, XmlSequenceWriter seqWrt)
readonly DocumentOrderComparer _docOrderCmp
readonly XmlNameTable _nameTableQuery
object GetGlobalValue(int index)
readonly string[] _atomizedNames
readonly Stack< XmlQueryOutput > _stkOutput
bool IsQNameEqual(XPathNavigator navigator, int indexLocalName, int indexNamespaceUri)
void DebugSetGlobalValue(string name, object value)
readonly StringPair[][] _prefixMappingsList
object ChangeTypeXsltResult(int indexType, object value)
readonly XmlCollation[] _collations
object DebugGetXsltValue(IList seq)
bool IsGlobalComputed(int index)
readonly object[] _globalValues
static void OnCurrentNodeChanged2(string baseUri, int lineNumber, int linePosition)
bool MatchesXmlType(IList< XPathItem > seq, int indexType)
bool IsQNameEqual(XPathNavigator n1, XPathNavigator n2)
object ChangeTypeXsltResult(XmlQueryType xmlType, object value)
bool EarlyBoundFunctionExists(string name, string namespaceUri)
IList< XPathItem > EndSequenceConstruction(out XmlQueryOutput output)
readonly object[] _earlyObjects
static XPathNavigator EnsureNavigator(object value)
static XPathNavigator SyncToNavigator(XPathNavigator navigatorThis, XPathNavigator navigatorThat)
IList DebugGetGlobalValue(string name)
void AddNewIndex(XPathNavigator context, int indexId, XmlILIndex index)
bool FindIndex(XPathNavigator context, int indexId, out XmlILIndex index)
bool MatchesXmlType(IList< XPathItem > seq, XmlTypeCode code)
XmlNavigatorFilter GetTypeFilter(XPathNodeType nodeType)
XPathNavigator EndRtfConstruction(out XmlQueryOutput output)
string GetAtomizedName(int index)
readonly XmlQueryContext _ctxt
void SendMessage(string message)
object ChangeTypeXsltArgument(int indexType, object value, Type destinationType)
readonly EarlyBoundInfo[] _earlyInfo
string[] DebugGetGlobalNames()
static bool IsInheritedNamespace(XPathNavigator node)
void ParseTagName(string tagName, int idxPrefixMappings, out string prefix, out string localName, out string ns)
void ThrowException(string text)
XmlQualifiedName ParseTagName(string tagName, int indexPrefixMappings)
readonly XmlQueryType[] _types
string GenerateId(XPathNavigator navigator)
void SetGlobalValue(int index, object value)
void StartSequenceConstruction(out XmlQueryOutput output)
XmlQualifiedName ParseTagName(string tagName, string ns)
XmlQueryType CreateXmlType(XPathItem item)
int ComparePosition(XPathNavigator navigatorThis, XPathNavigator navigatorThat)
IList< WhitespaceRule > WhitespaceRules
XmlCollation[] Collations
StringPair[][] PrefixMappingsList
EarlyBoundInfo[] EarlyBound
static readonly Type XPathNavigatorArrayType
static readonly Type ObjectType
static XmlQueryType InferXsltType(Type clrType)
static readonly Type DoubleType
static DateTime ToDateTime(string value)
static readonly Type DateTimeType
static string ToString(double value)
static readonly Type XPathNodeIteratorType
static XmlQualifiedNameTest New(string name, string ns)
static XmlQualifiedNameTest Wildcard
static XmlQueryType Type(XmlTypeCode code, bool isStrict)
static readonly XmlQueryType Node
static readonly XmlQueryType NodeS
XmlQueryCardinality Cardinality
bool IsSubtypeOf(XmlQueryType baseType)
void AppendLiteral(string value)
void AppendFormatted(ReadOnlySpan< char > value)