Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.XsltConvert Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static bool ToBoolean (XPathItem item)
static bool ToBoolean (IList< XPathItem > listItems)
static double ToDouble (string value)
static double ToDouble (XPathItem item)
static double ToDouble (IList< XPathItem > listItems)
static XPathNavigator ToNode (XPathItem item)
static XPathNavigator ToNode (IList< XPathItem > listItems)
static IList< XPathNavigatorToNodeSet (XPathItem item)
static IList< XPathNavigatorToNodeSet (IList< XPathItem > listItems)
static string ToString (double value)
static string ToString (XPathItem item)
static string ToString (IList< XPathItem > listItems)
static string ToString (DateTime value)
static double ToDouble (decimal value)
static double ToDouble (int value)
static double ToDouble (long value)
static decimal ToDecimal (double value)
static int ToInt (double value)
static long ToLong (double value)
static DateTime ToDateTime (string value)
static IList< XPathNavigatorEnsureNodeSet (IList< XPathItem > listItems)

Static Package Functions

static XmlAtomicValue ConvertToType (XmlAtomicValue value, XmlQueryType destinationType)
static XmlQueryType InferXsltType (Type clrType)

Static Package Attributes

static readonly Type BooleanType = typeof(bool)
static readonly Type ByteArrayType = typeof(byte[])
static readonly Type ByteType = typeof(byte)
static readonly Type DateTimeType = typeof(DateTime)
static readonly Type DecimalType = typeof(decimal)
static readonly Type DoubleType = typeof(double)
static readonly Type ICollectionType = typeof(ICollection)
static readonly Type IEnumerableType = typeof(IEnumerable)
static readonly Type IListType = typeof(IList)
static readonly Type Int16Type = typeof(short)
static readonly Type Int32Type = typeof(int)
static readonly Type Int64Type = typeof(long)
static readonly Type IXPathNavigableType = typeof(IXPathNavigable)
static readonly Type ObjectType = typeof(object)
static readonly Type SByteType = typeof(sbyte)
static readonly Type SingleType = typeof(float)
static readonly Type StringType = typeof(string)
static readonly Type TimeSpanType = typeof(TimeSpan)
static readonly Type UInt16Type = typeof(ushort)
static readonly Type UInt32Type = typeof(uint)
static readonly Type UInt64Type = typeof(ulong)
static readonly Type UriType = typeof(Uri)
static readonly Type VoidType = typeof(void)
static readonly Type XmlAtomicValueType = typeof(XmlAtomicValue)
static readonly Type XmlQualifiedNameType = typeof(XmlQualifiedName)
static readonly Type XPathItemType = typeof(XPathItem)
static readonly Type XPathNavigatorArrayType = typeof(XPathNavigator[])
static readonly Type XPathNavigatorType = typeof(XPathNavigator)
static readonly Type XPathNodeIteratorType = typeof(XPathNodeIterator)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file XsltConvert.cs.

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