Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Diagnostics.Process Class Reference


class  ShellExecuteHelper

Public Member Functions

 Process ()
bool CloseMainWindow ()
bool WaitForInputIdle ()
bool WaitForInputIdle (int milliseconds)
void Close ()
void Refresh ()
bool Start ()
override string ToString ()
void WaitForExit ()
bool WaitForExit (int milliseconds)
async Task WaitForExitAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken=default(CancellationToken))
void BeginOutputReadLine ()
void BeginErrorReadLine ()
void CancelOutputRead ()
void CancelErrorRead ()
void Kill ()
void Kill (bool entireProcessTree)
void Dispose ()
object GetLifetimeService ()
virtual object InitializeLifetimeService ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Process GetProcessById (int processId, string machineName)
static Process GetProcessById (int processId)
static Process[] GetProcessesByName (string? processName)
static Process[] GetProcesses ()
static Process[] GetProcesses (string machineName)
static Process GetCurrentProcess ()
static Process Start (string fileName)
static Process Start (string fileName, string arguments)
static Process Start (string fileName, IEnumerable< string > arguments)
static ? Process Start (ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
static Process[] GetProcessesByName (string? processName, string machineName)
static ? Process Start (string fileName, string userName, SecureString password, string domain)
static ? Process Start (string fileName, string arguments, string userName, SecureString password, string domain)
static void EnterDebugMode ()
static void LeaveDebugMode ()

Protected Member Functions

override void Dispose (bool disposing)
void OnExited ()
virtual ? object GetService (Type service)
MarshalByRefObject MemberwiseClone (bool cloneIdentity)

Package Functions

void OutputReadNotifyUser (string data)
void ErrorReadNotifyUser (string data)

Package Attributes

AsyncStreamReader _output
AsyncStreamReader _error
bool _pendingOutputRead
bool _pendingErrorRead


SafeProcessHandle SafeHandle [get]
IntPtr Handle [get]
bool Associated [get]
int BasePriority [get]
int ExitCode [get]
bool HasExited [get]
DateTime StartTime [get]
DateTime ExitTime [get]
int Id [get]
string MachineName [get]
IntPtr MaxWorkingSet [get, set]
IntPtr MinWorkingSet [get, set]
ProcessModuleCollection Modules [get]
long NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 [get]
int NonpagedSystemMemorySize [get]
long PagedMemorySize64 [get]
int PagedMemorySize [get]
long PagedSystemMemorySize64 [get]
int PagedSystemMemorySize [get]
long PeakPagedMemorySize64 [get]
int PeakPagedMemorySize [get]
long PeakWorkingSet64 [get]
int PeakWorkingSet [get]
long PeakVirtualMemorySize64 [get]
int PeakVirtualMemorySize [get]
bool PriorityBoostEnabled [get, set]
ProcessPriorityClass PriorityClass [get, set]
long PrivateMemorySize64 [get]
int PrivateMemorySize [get]
string ProcessName [get]
IntPtr ProcessorAffinity [get, set]
int SessionId [get]
ProcessStartInfo StartInfo [get, set]
ProcessThreadCollection Threads [get]
int HandleCount [get]
long VirtualMemorySize64 [get]
int VirtualMemorySize [get]
bool EnableRaisingEvents [get, set]
StreamWriter StandardInput [get]
StreamReader StandardOutput [get]
StreamReader StandardError [get]
long WorkingSet64 [get]
int WorkingSet [get]
ISynchronizeInvokeSynchronizingObject [get, set]
ProcessModuleMainModule [get]
DateTime ExitTimeCore [get]
TimeSpan PrivilegedProcessorTime [get]
DateTime StartTimeCore [get]
TimeSpan TotalProcessorTime [get]
TimeSpan UserProcessorTime [get]
bool PriorityBoostEnabledCore [get, set]
ProcessPriorityClass PriorityClassCore [get, set]
IntPtr ProcessorAffinityCore [get, set]
IntPtr MainWindowHandle [get]
string MainWindowTitle [get]
bool Responding [get]
unsafe int ParentProcessId [get]
EventHandler Exited
virtual bool CanRaiseEvents [get]
bool CanRaiseEventsInternal [get]
EventHandlerList Events [get]
virtual ? ISite Site [get, set]
IContainer? Container [get]
bool DesignMode [get]



Private Types

enum  StreamReadMode { Undefined , SyncMode , AsyncMode }
enum  State {
  HaveId = 1 , IsLocal = 2 , HaveNonExitedId = 5 , HaveProcessInfo = 8 ,
  Exited = 16 , Associated = 32

Private Member Functions

 Process (string machineName, bool isRemoteMachine, int processId, ProcessInfo processInfo)
void CompletionCallback (object waitHandleContext, bool wasSignaled)
void EnsureState (State state)
void EnsureWorkingSetLimits ()
void SetWorkingSetLimits (IntPtr? min, IntPtr? max)
void RaiseOnExited ()
SafeProcessHandle GetOrOpenProcessHandle ()
void SetProcessHandle (SafeProcessHandle processHandle)
void SetProcessId (int processId)
void StopWatchingForExit ()
void CheckDisposed ()
void RefreshCore ()
void CloseCore ()
void EnsureWatchingForExit ()
bool WaitForExitCore (int milliseconds)
void UpdateHasExited ()
SafeProcessHandle GetProcessHandle ()
void GetWorkingSetLimits (out IntPtr minWorkingSet, out IntPtr maxWorkingSet)
void SetWorkingSetLimitsCore (IntPtr? newMin, IntPtr? newMax, out IntPtr resultingMin, out IntPtr resultingMax)
unsafe bool StartWithCreateProcess (ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
ProcessThreadTimes GetProcessTimes ()
SafeProcessHandle GetProcessHandle (int access, bool throwIfExited=true)
void CreatePipe (out SafeFileHandle parentHandle, out SafeFileHandle childHandle, bool parentInputs)
bool StartCore (ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
unsafe bool StartWithShellExecuteEx (ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
int GetShellError (IntPtr error)
unsafe string GetMainWindowTitle ()
bool CloseMainWindowCore ()
bool IsRespondingCore ()
bool WaitForInputIdleCore (int milliseconds)
bool IsParentOf (Process possibleChild)
bool Equals (Process process)
List< ExceptionKillTree ()
List< ExceptionKillTree (SafeProcessHandle handle)
List<(Process Process, SafeProcessHandle Handle)> GetProcessHandlePairs (Func< Process, Process, bool > predicate)
bool IsSelfOrDescendantOf (Process processOfInterest)
IReadOnlyList< ProcessGetChildProcesses (Process[] processes=null)

Static Private Member Functions

static Win32Exception CreateExceptionForErrorStartingProcess (string errorMessage, int errorCode, string fileName, string workingDirectory)
static Encoding GetEncoding (int codePage)
static void BuildCommandLine (ProcessStartInfo startInfo, ref System.Text.ValueStringBuilder commandLine)
static unsafe void SetPrivilege (string privilegeName, int attrib)
static void CreatePipeWithSecurityAttributes (out SafeFileHandle hReadPipe, out SafeFileHandle hWritePipe, ref global::Interop.Kernel32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes, int nSize)
static string GetEnvironmentVariablesBlock (IDictionary< string, string > sd)
static string GetErrorMessage (int error)
static bool IsProcessInvalidException (Exception e)

Private Attributes

bool _haveProcessId
int _processId
bool _haveProcessHandle
SafeProcessHandle _processHandle
bool _isRemoteMachine
string _machineName
ProcessInfo _processInfo
ProcessThreadCollection _threads
ProcessModuleCollection _modules
bool _haveWorkingSetLimits
IntPtr _minWorkingSet
IntPtr _maxWorkingSet
bool _haveProcessorAffinity
IntPtr _processorAffinity
bool _havePriorityClass
ProcessPriorityClass _priorityClass
ProcessStartInfo _startInfo
bool _watchForExit
bool _watchingForExit
EventHandler _onExited
bool _exited
int _exitCode
DateTime _exitTime
bool _haveExitTime
bool _priorityBoostEnabled
bool _havePriorityBoostEnabled
bool _raisedOnExited
RegisteredWaitHandle _registeredWaitHandle
WaitHandle _waitHandle
StreamReader _standardOutput
StreamWriter _standardInput
StreamReader _standardError
bool _disposed
bool _standardInputAccessed
StreamReadMode _outputStreamReadMode
StreamReadMode _errorStreamReadMode
bool _signaled
bool _haveMainWindow
IntPtr _mainWindowHandle
string _mainWindowTitle
bool _haveResponding
bool _responding
ISite _site
EventHandlerList _events

Static Private Attributes

static int s_cachedSerializationSwitch
static readonly object s_createProcessLock = new object()
static readonly object s_eventDisposed = new object()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17 of file Process.cs.

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