33 for (
int i = 0; i <
array.Length; i++)
57 if (
m_namedParams[i].EncodedArgument.CustomAttributeType.EncodedType != 0)
67 if (
j].EncodedArgument.CustomAttributeType.EncodedType != 0)
244 if (
248 if (
293 if (result.Length == 0)
298 for (
int i = 0; i <
array.Length; i++)
317 [
"IL2075:UnrecognizedReflectionPattern", Justification =
"Property setters and fields which are accessed by any attribute instantiation which is present in the code linker has analyzed.As such enumerating all fields and properties may return different results after trimmingbut all those which are needed to actually have data will be there.")]
318 [
"IL2026:UnrecognizedReflectionPattern", Justification =
"We're getting a MethodBase of a constructor that we found in the metadata. The attribute constructor won't be trimmed.")]
337 for (
int j = 0;
j < fields.Length;
341 for (
int k = 0;
k < properties.Length;
347 properties.CopyTo(
m_members, fields.Length);
419 if ((
object)marshalAs.MarshalTypeRef !=
429 if ((
object)marshalAs.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType !=
444 if ((
marshalAs.MarshalTypeRef !=
452 if ((
marshalAs.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType !=
472 [
"IL2075:UnrecognizedReflectionPattern", Justification =
"The pca object had to be created by the single ctor on the Type. So the ctor couldn't have been trimmed.")]
void CopyTo(KeyValuePair< TKey, TValue >[] array, int index)
static Type GetUnderlyingType(Type enumType)
virtual int MetadataToken
virtual ParameterInfo[] GetParametersNoCopy()
static void GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, ref RuntimeType.ListBuilder< Attribute > pcas)
override Module ManifestModule
static int GetToken(RuntimeAssembly assembly)
RuntimeAssembly GetNativeHandle()
RuntimeModule GetRuntimeModule()
override int MetadataToken
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCombinedList(IList< CustomAttributeData > customAttributes, ref RuntimeType.ListBuilder< Attribute > pseudoAttributes)
void Init(DllImportAttribute dllImport)
void Init(TypeForwardedToAttribute forwardedTo)
RuntimeCustomAttributeData(Attribute attribute)
readonly MemberInfo[] m_members
void Init(MarshalAsAttribute marshalAs)
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimeEventInfo target)
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimeParameterInfo target)
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeModule module, int tkTarget)
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimeFieldInfo target)
static CustomAttributeRecord[] GetCustomAttributeRecords(RuntimeModule module, int targetToken)
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimeModule target)
readonly RuntimeModule m_scope
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimeType target)
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimeConstructorInfo target)
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimeAssembly target)
static CustomAttributeEncoding TypeToCustomAttributeEncoding(RuntimeType type)
IList< CustomAttributeTypedArgument > m_typedCtorArgs
RuntimeCustomAttributeData(RuntimeModule scope, MetadataToken caCtorToken, in ConstArray blob)
override IList< CustomAttributeTypedArgument > ConstructorArguments
void Init(FieldOffsetAttribute fieldOffset)
static CustomAttributeType InitCustomAttributeType(RuntimeType parameterType)
readonly CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] m_namedParams
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimePropertyInfo target)
override IList< CustomAttributeNamedArgument > NamedArguments
override ConstructorInfo Constructor
static CustomAttributeTypedArgument Filter(IList< CustomAttributeData > attrs, Type caType, int parameter)
IList< CustomAttributeNamedArgument > m_namedArgs
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimeMethodInfo target)
readonly CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] m_ctorParams
override int MetadataToken
RuntimeModule GetRuntimeModule()
RuntimeModule GetRuntimeModule()
RuntimeModule GetRuntimeModule()
override int MetadataToken
unsafe override MethodBase ResolveMethod(int metadataToken, Type[] genericTypeArguments, Type[] genericMethodArguments)
static bool IsResource(RuntimeModule module)
MetadataImport MetadataImport
override int MetadataToken
override Type ResolveType(int metadataToken, Type[] genericTypeArguments, Type[] genericMethodArguments)
override int MetadataToken
RuntimeModule GetRuntimeModule()
RuntimeModule GetRuntimeModule()
override int MetadataToken
override int MetadataToken
RuntimeModule GetRuntimeModule()
static MethodBase GetMethodBase(RuntimeModule scope, int typeMetadataToken)
static string Argument_InvalidKindOfTypeForCA
PropertyInfo[] GetProperties()
virtual bool IsGenericType
CustomAttributeEncodedArgument CustomAttributeEncodedArgument
static void ParseAttributeArguments(IntPtr pCa, int cCa, ref CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] CustomAttributeCtorParameters, ref CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] CustomAttributeTypedArgument, RuntimeAssembly assembly)