57 else if (
172 return runtimeConstructorInfo.m_handle ==
211 if (attributeType ==
225 if (attributeType ==
329 [
"IL2059:RunClassConstructor", Justification =
"This ConstructorInfo instance represents the static constructor itself, so if this object was created, the static constructor exists.")]
353 int num2 = ((parameters !=
null) ? parameters.Length : 0);
366 for (
int i = 0; i <
arguments.Length; i++)
373 [
"Trimming may change method bodies. For example it can change some instructions, remove branches or local variables.")]
379 methodBody._methodBase =
395 int num2 = ((parameters !=
null) ? parameters.Length : 0);
408 for (
int i = 0; i <
arguments.Length; i++)
static unsafe void Copy(Array sourceArray, Array destinationArray, int length)
static object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
static bool IsDefined(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
virtual Type[] GetParameterTypes()
static void AppendParameters(ref ValueStringBuilder sbParamList, Type[] parameterTypes, CallingConventions callingConvention)
Span< object > CheckArguments(ref StackAllocedArguments stackArgs, ReadOnlySpan< object > parameters, Binder binder, BindingFlags invokeAttr, CultureInfo culture, Signature sig)
ModuleHandle ModuleHandle
void CheckConsistency(object target)
INVOCATION_FLAGS m_invocationFlags
override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags()
override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit)
volatile RuntimeType m_declaringType
override MethodBody GetMethodBody()
override bool ContainsGenericParameters
override Type DeclaringType
override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit)
RuntimeType ReflectedTypeInternal
override bool HasSameMetadataDefinitionAs(MemberInfo other)
override bool IsSecuritySafeCritical
RuntimeConstructorInfo(RuntimeMethodHandleInternal handle, RuntimeType declaringType, RuntimeType.RuntimeTypeCache reflectedTypeCache, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, BindingFlags bindingFlags)
override string ToString()
override ParameterInfo[] GetParametersNoCopy()
override Type ReflectedType
override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters()
RuntimeModule GetRuntimeModule()
ParameterInfo[] m_parameters
override bool IsSecurityTransparent
override IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesData()
override bool CacheEquals(object o)
override MemberTypes MemberType
MethodAttributes m_methodAttributes
override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle
BindingFlags m_bindingFlags
RuntimeType.RuntimeTypeCache m_reflectedTypeCache
override MethodAttributes Attributes
void ThrowNoInvokeException()
override object Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
override bool IsSecurityCritical
static void CheckCanCreateInstance(Type declaringType, bool isVarArg)
RuntimeType GetRuntimeType()
override Type GetReturnType()
override object Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit)
static IList< CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesInternal(RuntimeType target)
static ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, MemberInfo member, Signature sig)
static void RunClassConstructor(QCallTypeHandle type)
static void RunModuleConstructor(QCallModule module)
static string Access_Void
static string Arg_MustBeType
static string Format(string resourceFormat, object p1)
static string Acc_NotClassInit
static string RFLCT_Targ_ITargMismatch
static string Acc_CreateInterfaceEx
static string Acc_CreateAbstEx
static string Arg_ParmCnt
static string Acc_CreateGenericEx
static string RFLCT_Targ_StatMethReqTarg
CallingConventions CallingConvention
static void Write(ref bool location, bool value)
static int GetMethodDef(IRuntimeMethodInfo method)
static string GetName(RuntimeMethodHandleInternal method)
static MethodImplAttributes GetImplAttributes(IRuntimeMethodInfo method)
static RuntimeMethodBody GetMethodBody(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, RuntimeType declaringType)
static object InvokeMethod(object target, in Span< object > arguments, Signature sig, bool constructor, bool wrapExceptions)
static RuntimeModule GetModule(RuntimeType type)