Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Linq.Parallel.AsynchronousChannel< T > Class Template Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

void Dispose ()

Package Functions

 AsynchronousChannel (int index, int chunkSize, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IntValueEvent consumerEvent)
 AsynchronousChannel (int index, int capacity, int chunkSize, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IntValueEvent consumerEvent)
void FlushBuffers ()
void SetDone ()
void Enqueue (T item)
bool TryDequeue ([MaybeNullWhen(false)][AllowNull] ref T item)
bool TryDequeue ([MaybeNullWhen(false)][AllowNull] ref T item, ref bool isDone)
void DoneWithDequeueWait ()


bool IsFull [get]
bool IsChunkBufferEmpty [get]
bool IsDone [get]

Private Member Functions

void EnqueueChunk (T[] chunk)
void WaitUntilNonFull ()
void FlushCachedChunk ()
bool TryDequeueChunk ([NotNullWhen(true)] ref T[] chunk)
bool TryDequeueChunk ([NotNullWhen(true)] ref T[] chunk, ref bool isDone)
T[] InternalDequeueChunk ()

Private Attributes

readonly T[][] _buffer
readonly int _index
volatile int _producerBufferIndex
volatile int _consumerBufferIndex
volatile bool _done
T[] _producerChunk
int _producerChunkIndex
T[] _consumerChunk
int _consumerChunkIndex
readonly int _chunkSize
ManualResetEventSlim _producerEvent
IntValueEvent _consumerEvent
volatile int _producerIsWaiting
volatile int _consumerIsWaiting
readonly CancellationToken _cancellationToken

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file AsynchronousChannel.cs.

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