Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Data.RelatedView Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

 RelatedView (DataColumn[] columns, object[] values)
 RelatedView (DataRowView parentRowView, DataKey parentKey, DataColumn[] childKeyColumns)
bool Invoke (DataRow row, DataRowVersion version)
override DataRowView AddNew ()
override bool Equals ([NotNullWhen(true)] DataView dv)
void BeginInit ()
void EndInit ()
void CopyTo (Array array, int index)
void CopyTo (T[] array, int arrayIndex)
void Delete (int index)
void Dispose ()
int Find (object? key)
int Find (object?[] key)
DataRowView[] FindRows (object? key)
DataRowView[] FindRows (object?[] key)
IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
int Add (object? value)
void Add (T item)
bool Contains (object? value)
bool Contains (T item)
int IndexOf (object? value)
int IndexOf (T item)
void Insert (int index, object? value)
void Insert (int index, T item)
void Remove (object? value)
bool Remove (T item)
DataTable ToTable ()
DataTable ToTable (string? tableName)
DataTable ToTable (bool distinct, params string[] columnNames)
DataTable ToTable (string? tableName, bool distinct, params string[] columnNames)
virtual bool Equals (DataView? view)
virtual ? object GetService (Type service)
override? string ToString ()

Protected Member Functions

void Close ()
override void Dispose (bool disposing)
virtual void IndexListChanged (object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e)
virtual void OnListChanged (ListChangedEventArgs e)
void Open ()
void Reset ()
void UpdateIndex ()
virtual void UpdateIndex (bool force)
virtual void ColumnCollectionChanged (object? sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e)

Package Functions

override IFilter GetFilter ()
override void SetIndex (string newSort, DataViewRowState newRowStates, IFilter newRowFilter)
void Delete (DataRow row)
virtual int FindByKey (object key)
virtual int FindByKey (object[] key)
virtual DataRowView[] FindRowsByKey (object[] key)
Range FindRecords< TKey, TRow > (Index.ComparisonBySelector< TKey, TRow > comparison, TKey key)
DataRowView[] GetDataRowViewFromRange (Range range)
void FinishAddNew (bool success)
int IndexOf (DataRowView rowview)
Index GetFindIndex (string column, bool keepIndex)
PropertyDescriptor GetSortProperty ()
ListSortDescriptionCollection GetSortDescriptions ()
DataRow GetRow (int index)
void IndexListChangedInternal (ListChangedEventArgs e)
void MaintainDataView (ListChangedType changedType, DataRow row, bool trackAddRemove)
void ResetRowViewCache ()
void SetDataViewManager (DataViewManager dataViewManager)
void SetIndex2 (string newSort, DataViewRowState newRowStates, IFilter newRowFilter, bool fireEvent)
void UpdateIndex (bool force, bool fireEvent)
void ChildRelationCollectionChanged (object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e)
void ParentRelationCollectionChanged (object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e)
void ColumnCollectionChangedInternal (object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e)

Package Attributes

DataRow _addNewRow

Static Package Attributes

static ListChangedEventArgs s_resetEventArgs = new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.Reset, -1)


bool AllowDelete [get, set]
bool ApplyDefaultSort [get, set]
bool AllowEdit [get, set]
bool IBindingList. AllowEdit [get]
bool AllowNew [get, set]
bool IBindingList. AllowNew [get]
int Count [get]
int CountFromIndex [get]
DataViewManagerDataViewManager [get]
bool IsInitialized [get]
bool IsOpen [get]
bool ICollection. IsSynchronized [get]
virtual ? string RowFilter [get, set]
Predicate< DataRow >? RowPredicate [get, set]
DataViewRowState RowStateFilter [get, set]
string Sort [get, set]
Comparison< DataRow >? SortComparison [get, set]
object ICollection. SyncRoot [get]
DataTableTable [get, set]
object? IList. this[int recordIndex] [get, set]
DataRowView this[int recordIndex] [get]
bool IList. IsReadOnly [get]
bool IList. IsFixedSize [get]
bool IBindingList. AllowRemove [get]
bool IBindingList. SupportsChangeNotification [get]
bool IBindingList. SupportsSearching [get]
bool IBindingList. SupportsSorting [get]
bool IBindingList. IsSorted [get]
PropertyDescriptor? IBindingList. SortProperty [get]
ListSortDirection IBindingList. SortDirection [get]
string? IBindingListView. Filter [get, set]
ListSortDescriptionCollection IBindingListView. SortDescriptions [get]
bool IBindingListView. SupportsAdvancedSorting [get]
bool IBindingListView. SupportsFiltering [get]
int ObjectID [get]
ListChangedEventHandler? ListChanged
EventHandlerList Events [get]
virtual ? ISite Site [get, set]
virtual ? IContainer Container [get]
virtual bool DesignMode [get]
object? this[int index] [get, set]
T this[int index] [get, set]



Private Member Functions

object[] GetParentValues ()
bool CompareArray (object[] value1, object[] value2)
void CheckOpen ()
void CheckSort (string sort)
void CopyTo (DataRowView[] array, int index)
int IBindingList. Find (PropertyDescriptor property, object key)
int IList. Add (object value)
void IList. Clear ()
bool IList. Contains (object value)
int IList. IndexOf (object value)
int IndexOfDataRowView (DataRowView rowview)
void IList. Insert (int index, object value)
void IList. Remove (object value)
void IList. RemoveAt (int index)
void IBindingList. AddIndex (PropertyDescriptor property)
void IBindingList. ApplySort (PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction)
void IBindingListView. ApplySort (ListSortDescriptionCollection sorts)
void IBindingList. RemoveIndex (PropertyDescriptor property)
void IBindingList. RemoveSort ()
string CreateSortString (PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction)
void IBindingListView. RemoveFilter ()
string ITypedList. GetListName (PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
PropertyDescriptorCollection ITypedList. GetItemProperties (PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
int GetRecord (int recordIndex)
DataRowView GetRowView (int record)
DataRowView GetRowView (DataRow dr)
void OnInitialized ()
DataExpression CreateDataExpressionFromDataViewSettings (DataViewSetting dataViewSetting)
bool RowExist (List< object[]> arraylist, object[] objectArray)

Private Attributes

readonly? DataKey _parentKey
readonly DataKey _childKey
readonly DataRowView _parentRowView
readonly object[] _filterValues
DataViewManager _dataViewManager
DataTable _table
bool _locked
Index _index
Dictionary< string, Index_findIndexes
string _sort = string.Empty
Comparison< DataRow_comparison
IFilter _rowFilter
DataViewRowState _recordStates = DataViewRowState.CurrentRows
bool _shouldOpen = true
bool _open
bool _allowNew = true
bool _allowEdit = true
bool _allowDelete = true
bool _applyDefaultSort
ListChangedEventArgs _addNewMoved
ListChangedEventHandler _onListChanged
DataTable _delayedTable
string _delayedRowFilter
string _delayedSort
DataViewRowState _delayedRecordStates = (DataViewRowState)(-1)
bool _fInitInProgress
bool _fEndInitInProgress
Dictionary< DataRow, DataRowView_rowViewCache = new Dictionary<DataRow, DataRowView>(DataRowReferenceComparer.s_default)
readonly Dictionary< DataRow, DataRowView_rowViewBuffer = new Dictionary<DataRow, DataRowView>(DataRowReferenceComparer.s_default)
readonly DataViewListener _dvListener
readonly int _objectID = Interlocked.Increment(ref s_objectTypeCount)
ISite _site
EventHandlerList _events

Static Private Attributes

static int s_objectTypeCount
static readonly object s_eventDisposed = new object()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file RelatedView.cs.

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