Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Data.Index Class Referencesealed


class  IndexTree

Public Member Functions

 Index (DataTable table, IndexField[] indexFields, DataViewRowState recordStates, IFilter rowFilter)
 Index (DataTable table, Comparison< DataRow > comparison, DataViewRowState recordStates, IFilter rowFilter)
bool Equal (IndexField[] indexDesc, DataViewRowState recordStates, IFilter rowFilter)
int GetRecord (int recordIndex)
void AddRef ()
int RemoveRef ()
bool CheckUnique ()
void DeleteRecordFromIndex (int recordIndex)
RBTree< int >.RBTreeEnumerator GetEnumerator (int startIndex)
int GetIndex (int record)
object[] GetUniqueKeyValues ()
int FindRecord (int record)
int FindRecordByKey (object key)
int FindRecordByKey (object[] key)
Range FindRecords (object key)
Range FindRecords (object[] key)
DataRow GetRow (int i)
DataRow[] GetRows (object[] values)
DataRow[] GetRows (Range range)
int InsertRecordToIndex (int record)
bool IsKeyInIndex (object key)
bool IsKeyInIndex (object[] key)
bool IsKeyRecordInIndex (int record)
void Reset ()
void RecordChanged (int record)
void RecordChanged (int oldIndex, int newIndex)
void RecordStateChanged (int record, DataViewRowState oldState, DataViewRowState newState)
void RecordStateChanged (int oldRecord, DataViewRowState oldOldState, DataViewRowState oldNewState, int newRecord, DataViewRowState newOldState, DataViewRowState newNewState)

Package Functions

delegate int ComparisonBySelector< TKey, TRow > (TKey key, TRow row)
void ListChangedAdd (DataViewListener listener)
void ListChangedRemove (DataViewListener listener)
Range FindRecords< TKey, TRow > (ComparisonBySelector< TKey, TRow > comparison, TKey key)
void FireResetEvent ()

Static Package Functions

static int IndexOfReference< T > (List< T > list, T item)

Package Attributes

readonly IndexField[] _indexFields


bool HasRemoteAggregate [get]
int ObjectID [get]
DataViewRowState RecordStates [get]
IFilter RowFilter [get]
bool HasDuplicates [get]
int RecordCount [get]
bool IsSharable [get]
int RefCount [get]
bool DoListChanged [get]

Private Member Functions

 Index (DataTable table, IndexField[] indexFields, Comparison< DataRow > comparison, DataViewRowState recordStates, IFilter rowFilter)
bool AcceptRecord (int record)
bool AcceptRecord (int record, IFilter filter)
void ApplyChangeAction (int record, int action, int changeRecord)
int CompareRecords (int record1, int record2)
int CompareDataRows (int record1, int record2)
int CompareDuplicateRecords (int record1, int record2)
int CompareRecordToKey (int record1, object[] vals)
void DeleteRecord (int recordIndex)
void DeleteRecord (int recordIndex, bool fireEvent)
int GetIndex (int record, int changeRecord)
int FindNodeByKey (object originalKey)
int FindNodeByKeys (object[] originalKey)
int FindNodeByKeyRecord (int record)
Range GetRangeFromNode (int nodeId)
int GetChangeAction (DataViewRowState oldState, DataViewRowState newState)
void InitRecords (IFilter filter)
int InsertRecord (int record, bool fireEvent)
void OnListChanged (ListChangedType changedType, int newIndex, int oldIndex)
void OnListChanged (ListChangedType changedType, int index)
void OnListChanged (ListChangedEventArgs e)
void MaintainDataView (ListChangedType changedType, int record, bool trackAddRemove)
void GetUniqueKeyValues (List< object[]> list, int curNodeId)

Static Private Member Functions

static IndexField[] GetAllFields (DataColumnCollection columns)
static int GetReplaceAction (DataViewRowState oldState)

Private Attributes

readonly DataTable _table
readonly Comparison< DataRow_comparison
readonly DataViewRowState _recordStates
readonly WeakReference _rowFilter
IndexTree _records
int _recordCount
int _refCount
readonly Listeners< DataViewListener_listeners
bool _suspendEvents
readonly bool _isSharable
readonly bool _hasRemoteAggregate
readonly int _objectID = Interlocked.Increment(ref s_objectTypeCount)

Static Private Attributes

static int s_objectTypeCount

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file Index.cs.

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