Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Data.DataViewManager Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 DataViewManager ()
 DataViewManager (DataSet? dataSet)
DataView CreateDataView (DataTable table)
void Dispose ()
virtual ? object GetService (Type service)
override? string ToString ()
int Add (object? value)
bool Contains (object? value)
int IndexOf (object? value)
void Insert (int index, object? value)
void Remove (object? value)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void OnListChanged (ListChangedEventArgs e)
virtual void TableCollectionChanged (object? sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e)
virtual void RelationCollectionChanged (object? sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e)
virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)

Package Functions

 DataViewManager (DataSet dataSet, bool locked)

Package Attributes

int _nViews


DataSetDataSet [get, set]
DataViewSettingCollection DataViewSettings [get]
string DataViewSettingCollectionString [get, set]
int ICollection. Count [get]
object ICollection. SyncRoot [get]
bool ICollection. IsSynchronized [get]
bool IList. IsReadOnly [get]
bool IList. IsFixedSize [get]
object? IList. this[int index] [get, set]
bool IBindingList. AllowNew [get]
bool IBindingList. AllowEdit [get]
bool IBindingList. AllowRemove [get]
bool IBindingList. SupportsChangeNotification [get]
bool IBindingList. SupportsSearching [get]
bool IBindingList. SupportsSorting [get]
bool IBindingList. IsSorted [get]
PropertyDescriptor IBindingList. SortProperty [get]
ListSortDirection IBindingList. SortDirection [get]
EventHandlerList Events [get]
virtual ? ISite Site [get, set]
virtual ? IContainer Container [get]
virtual bool DesignMode [get]


ListChangedEventHandler? ListChanged

Private Member Functions

IEnumerator IEnumerable. GetEnumerator ()
void ICollection. CopyTo (Array array, int index)
int IList. Add (object value)
void IList. Clear ()
bool IList. Contains (object value)
int IList. IndexOf (object value)
void IList. Insert (int index, object value)
void IList. Remove (object value)
void IList. RemoveAt (int index)
object IBindingList. AddNew ()
void IBindingList. AddIndex (PropertyDescriptor property)
void IBindingList. ApplySort (PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction)
int IBindingList. Find (PropertyDescriptor property, object key)
void IBindingList. RemoveIndex (PropertyDescriptor property)
void IBindingList. RemoveSort ()
string ITypedList. GetListName (PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
PropertyDescriptorCollection ITypedList. GetItemProperties (PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)

Private Attributes

DataViewSettingCollection _dataViewSettingsCollection
DataSet _dataSet
readonly DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor _item
readonly bool _locked
ISite _site
EventHandlerList _events

Static Private Attributes

static readonly NotSupportedException s_notSupported = new NotSupportedException()
static readonly object s_eventDisposed = new object()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file DataViewManager.cs.

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