Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.RuntimeTypeHandle Struct Reference


struct  IntroducedMethodEnumerator

Public Member Functions

override int GetHashCode ()
override bool Equals (object? obj)
bool Equals (RuntimeTypeHandle handle)
ModuleHandle GetModuleHandle ()
void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool operator== (RuntimeTypeHandle left, object? right)
static bool operator== (object? left, RuntimeTypeHandle right)
static bool operator!= (RuntimeTypeHandle left, object? right)
static bool operator!= (object? left, RuntimeTypeHandle right)

Package Functions

RuntimeTypeHandle GetNativeHandle ()
RuntimeType GetTypeChecked ()
static bool IsInstanceOfType (RuntimeType type, [NotNullWhen(true)] object o)
static IntPtr GetValueInternal (RuntimeTypeHandle handle)
 RuntimeTypeHandle (RuntimeType type)
RuntimeType GetRuntimeType ()
static CorElementType GetCorElementType (RuntimeType type)
static RuntimeAssembly GetAssembly (RuntimeType type)
static RuntimeModule GetModule (RuntimeType type)
static RuntimeType GetBaseType (RuntimeType type)
static TypeAttributes GetAttributes (RuntimeType type)
static RuntimeType GetElementType (RuntimeType type)
static bool CompareCanonicalHandles (RuntimeType left, RuntimeType right)
static int GetArrayRank (RuntimeType type)
static int GetToken (RuntimeType type)
static RuntimeMethodHandleInternal GetMethodAt (RuntimeType type, int slot)
static unsafe bool GetFields (RuntimeType type, IntPtr *result, int *count)
static Type[] GetInterfaces (RuntimeType type)
Type[] GetConstraints ()
IntPtr GetGCHandle (GCHandleType type)
IntPtr FreeGCHandle (IntPtr objHandle)
static int GetNumVirtuals (RuntimeType type)
static int GetNumVirtualsAndStaticVirtuals (RuntimeType type)
void VerifyInterfaceIsImplemented (RuntimeTypeHandle interfaceHandle)
RuntimeMethodHandleInternal GetInterfaceMethodImplementation (RuntimeTypeHandle interfaceHandle, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal interfaceMethodHandle)
static bool IsInterface (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsByRefLike (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsValueType (RuntimeType type)
string ConstructName (TypeNameFormatFlags formatFlags)
static bool CanCastTo (RuntimeType type, RuntimeType target)
static RuntimeType GetDeclaringType (RuntimeType type)
static IRuntimeMethodInfo GetDeclaringMethod (RuntimeType type)
static void GetInstantiation (QCallTypeHandle type, ObjectHandleOnStack types, Interop.BOOL fAsRuntimeTypeArray)
RuntimeType[] GetInstantiationInternal ()
Type[] GetInstantiationPublic ()
unsafe RuntimeType Instantiate (RuntimeType inst)
unsafe RuntimeType Instantiate (Type[] inst)
RuntimeType MakeArray (int rank)
RuntimeType MakeSZArray ()
RuntimeType MakeByRef ()
RuntimeType MakePointer ()
static Interop.BOOL IsCollectible (QCallTypeHandle handle)
static bool HasInstantiation (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsGenericTypeDefinition (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsGenericVariable (RuntimeType type)
int GetGenericVariableIndex ()
static bool ContainsGenericVariables (RuntimeType handle)
bool ContainsGenericVariables ()
static bool IsEquivalentTo (RuntimeType rtType1, RuntimeType rtType2)

Static Package Functions

static unsafe Type GetTypeHelper (Type typeStart, Type[] genericArgs, IntPtr pModifiers, int cModifiers)
static bool IsTypeDefinition (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsPrimitive (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsByRef (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsPointer (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsArray (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsSZArray (RuntimeType type)
static bool HasElementType (RuntimeType type)
static IntPtr[] CopyRuntimeTypeHandles (RuntimeTypeHandle[] inHandles, out int length)
static IntPtr[] CopyRuntimeTypeHandles (Type[] inHandles, out int length)
static unsafe object CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor)] RuntimeType type, RuntimeType genericParameter)
static unsafe object CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor)] RuntimeType type, RuntimeType genericParameter1, RuntimeType genericParameter2)
static unsafe void GetActivationInfo (RuntimeType rt, out delegate *< void *, object > pfnAllocator, out void *vAllocatorFirstArg, out delegate *< object, void > pfnCtor, out bool ctorIsPublic)
static IntroducedMethodEnumerator GetIntroducedMethods (RuntimeType type)
static bool IsComObject (RuntimeType type, bool isGenericCOM)
static bool IsVisible (RuntimeType type)
static unsafe MdUtf8String GetUtf8Name (RuntimeType type)
static RuntimeType GetTypeByName (string name, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark)
static RuntimeType GetTypeByName (string name, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark, AssemblyLoadContext assemblyLoadContext)
static RuntimeType GetTypeByNameUsingCARules (string name, RuntimeModule scope)
static RuntimeType GetGenericTypeDefinition (RuntimeType type)
static unsafe bool SatisfiesConstraints (RuntimeType paramType, RuntimeType[] typeContext, RuntimeType[] methodContext, RuntimeType toType)
static MetadataImport GetMetadataImport (RuntimeType type)

Package Attributes

RuntimeType m_type


IntPtr Value [get]

Private Member Functions

static unsafe void CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter (QCallTypeHandle baseType, IntPtr *pTypeHandles, int cTypeHandles, ObjectHandleOnStack instantiatedObject)
static unsafe void GetActivationInfo (ObjectHandleOnStack pRuntimeType, delegate *< void *, object > *ppfnAllocator, void **pvAllocatorFirstArg, delegate *< object, void > *ppfnCtor, Interop.BOOL *pfCtorIsPublic)
static unsafe object AllocateComObject (void *pClassFactory)
static RuntimeMethodHandleInternal GetFirstIntroducedMethod (RuntimeType type)
static void GetNextIntroducedMethod (ref RuntimeMethodHandleInternal method)
static void GetConstraints (QCallTypeHandle handle, ObjectHandleOnStack types)
static IntPtr GetGCHandle (QCallTypeHandle handle, GCHandleType type)
static IntPtr FreeGCHandle (QCallTypeHandle typeHandle, IntPtr objHandle)
static void VerifyInterfaceIsImplemented (QCallTypeHandle handle, QCallTypeHandle interfaceHandle)
static RuntimeMethodHandleInternal GetInterfaceMethodImplementation (QCallTypeHandle handle, QCallTypeHandle interfaceHandle, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal interfaceMethodHandle)
static bool _IsVisible (QCallTypeHandle typeHandle)
static void ConstructName (QCallTypeHandle handle, TypeNameFormatFlags formatFlags, StringHandleOnStack retString)
static unsafe void * _GetUtf8Name (RuntimeType type)
static void GetTypeByName (string name, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase, StackCrawlMarkHandle stackMark, ObjectHandleOnStack assemblyLoadContext, ObjectHandleOnStack type, ObjectHandleOnStack keepalive)
static void GetTypeByNameUsingCARules (string name, QCallModule scope, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
static unsafe void Instantiate (QCallTypeHandle handle, IntPtr *pInst, int numGenericArgs, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
static void MakeArray (QCallTypeHandle handle, int rank, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
static void MakeSZArray (QCallTypeHandle handle, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
static void MakeByRef (QCallTypeHandle handle, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
static void MakePointer (QCallTypeHandle handle, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
static void GetGenericTypeDefinition (QCallTypeHandle type, ObjectHandleOnStack retType)
static int GetGenericVariableIndex (RuntimeType type)
static unsafe bool SatisfiesConstraints (RuntimeType paramType, IntPtr *pTypeContext, int typeContextLength, IntPtr *pMethodContext, int methodContextLength, RuntimeType toType)
static IntPtr _GetMetadataImport (RuntimeType type)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file RuntimeTypeHandle.cs.

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