93 [
"IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Justification =
"Supressing warning about not having the RequiresUnreferencedCode attribute since this code path will only be emitting IL that will later be called by Transform() method which is already annotated as RequiresUnreferencedCode")]
static readonly MethodInfo Floor
static readonly MethodInfo Substring2
static readonly MethodInfo MSFormatDateTime
static readonly MethodInfo RelationalOperator
static readonly MethodInfo OnCurrentNodeChanged
static readonly MethodInfo MSLocalName
static readonly MethodInfo CheckScriptNamespace
static readonly MethodInfo NormalizeSpace
static readonly MethodInfo StartsWith
static MethodInfo GetFunctionAvailableMethod()
static readonly MethodInfo MSUtc
static readonly MethodInfo Lang
static readonly MethodInfo SubstringAfter
static readonly MethodInfo EXslObjectType
static readonly MethodInfo FunctionAvailable
static readonly MethodInfo EnsureNodeSet
static readonly MethodInfo BaseUri
static readonly MethodInfo FormatNumberDynamic
static readonly MethodInfo SubstringBefore
static readonly MethodInfo EqualityOperator
static readonly MethodInfo ElementAvailable
static readonly MethodInfo OuterXml
static readonly MethodInfo Ceiling
static readonly MethodInfo SystemProperty
static readonly MethodInfo IsSameNodeSort
static readonly MethodInfo FormatMessage
static readonly MethodInfo RegisterDecimalFormatter
static readonly MethodInfo Contains
static readonly MethodInfo FormatNumberStatic
static readonly MethodInfo MSNamespaceUri
static readonly MethodInfo NumberFormat
static readonly MethodInfo LangToLcid
static readonly MethodInfo MSStringCompare
static readonly MethodInfo RegisterDecimalFormat
static readonly MethodInfo Round
static readonly MethodInfo Translate
static readonly MethodInfo Substring3
static readonly MethodInfo MSNumber