Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.QilGenerator Class Referencesealed


struct  ThrowErrorHelper
class  VariableHelper

Public Types

enum  FuncId {
  Current , Document , Key , FormatNumber ,
  UnparsedEntityUri , GenerateId , SystemProperty , ElementAvailable ,

Public Member Functions

void ReportError (string res, params string[] args)
void ReportWarning (string res, params string[] args)

Static Public Member Functions

static QilExpression CompileStylesheet (Compiler compiler)
static bool IsFunctionAvailable (string localName, string nsUri)
static bool IsElementAvailable (XmlQualifiedName name)

Static Public Attributes

static Dictionary< string, XPathBuilder.FunctionInfo< FuncId > > FunctionTable = CreateFunctionTable()


bool IsDebug [get]
bool EvaluateFuncCalls [get]
bool InferXPathTypes [get]
XPathQilFactory IXPathEnvironment. Factory [get]

Private Member Functions

 QilGenerator (bool debug)
QilExpression Compile (Compiler compiler)
QilNode InvokeOnCurrentNodeChanged ()
void CompileInitializationCode ()
QilNode CompileRootExpression (XslNode applyTmpls)
QilList EnterScope (XslNode node)
void ExitScope ()
QilList BuildDebuggerNamespaces ()
QilNode GetCurrentNode ()
QilNode GetCurrentPosition ()
QilNode GetLastPosition ()
XmlQueryType ChooseBestType (VarPar var)
QilIterator GetNsVar (QilList nsList)
void PrecompileProtoTemplatesHeaders ()
QilParameter CreateXslParam (QilName name, XmlQueryType xt)
void CompileProtoTemplate (ProtoTemplate tmpl)
QilList InstructionList ()
QilNode CompileInstructions (IList< XslNode > instructions)
QilNode CompileInstructions (IList< XslNode > instructions, int from)
QilNode CompileInstructions (IList< XslNode > instructions, QilList content)
QilNode CompileInstructions (IList< XslNode > instructions, int from, QilList content)
QilNode CompileList (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileNop (XslNode node)
void AddNsDecl (QilList content, string prefix, string nsUri)
QilNode CompileLiteralElement (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileElement (NodeCtor node)
QilNode CompileLiteralAttribute (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileAttribute (NodeCtor node)
QilNode ExtractText (string source, ref int pos)
QilNode CompileAvt (string source)
QilNode CompileStringAvt (string avt)
QilNode CompileTextAvt (string avt)
QilNode CompileText (Text node)
QilNode CompilePI (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileComment (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileError (XslNode node)
QilNode WrapLoopBody (ISourceLineInfo before, QilNode expr, ISourceLineInfo after)
QilNode CompileForEach (XslNodeEx node)
QilNode CompileApplyTemplates (XslNodeEx node)
QilNode CompileApplyImports (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileCallTemplate (XslNodeEx node)
QilNode CompileUseAttributeSet (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileCopy (XslNode copy)
QilNode CompileCopyOf (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileValueOf (XslNode valueOf)
QilNode CompileValueOfDoe (XslNode valueOf)
QilNode CompileWhen (XslNode whenNode, QilNode otherwise)
QilNode CompileIf (XslNode ifNode)
QilNode CompileChoose (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileMessage (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileVariable (XslNode node)
QilNode CompileVarParValue (XslNode node)
void CompileWithParam (VarPar withParam)
QilNode CompileSorts (IList< XslNode > content, ref LoopFocus parentLoop)
QilNode CompileLangAttribute (string attValue, bool fwdCompat)
QilNode CompileLangAttributeToLcid (string attValue, bool fwdCompat)
QilNode CompileLangToLcid (QilNode lang, bool fwdCompat)
void CompileDataTypeAttribute (string attValue, bool fwdCompat, ref QilNode select, out QilNode select2)
QilNode CompileOrderAttribute (string attName, string attValue, string value0, string value1, bool fwdCompat)
void CompileSort (Sort sort, QilList keyList, ref LoopFocus parentLoop)
QilNode MatchPattern (QilNode pattern, QilIterator testNode)
QilNode MatchCountPattern (QilNode countPattern, QilIterator testNode)
QilNode PlaceMarker (QilNode countPattern, QilNode fromPattern, bool multiple)
QilNode PlaceMarkerAny (QilNode countPattern, QilNode fromPattern)
QilNode CompileLetterValueAttribute (string attValue, bool fwdCompat)
QilNode CompileGroupingSeparatorAttribute (string attValue, bool fwdCompat)
QilNode CompileGroupingSizeAttribute (string attValue, bool fwdCompat)
QilNode CompileNumber (Number num)
void CompileAndSortMatches (Stylesheet sheet)
void CompileKeys ()
void CreateGlobalVarPars ()
void CreateGlobalVarPar (VarPar varPar)
void CompileGlobalVariables ()
QilIterator CompileGlobalVarPar (VarPar varPar)
void ReportErrorInXPath (XslLoadException e)
QilNode PhantomXPathExpression ()
QilNode PhantomKeyMatch ()
QilNode CompileXPathExpression (string expr)
QilNode CompileNodeSetExpression (string expr)
QilNode CompileXPathExpressionWithinAvt (string expr, ref int pos)
QilNode CompileMatchPattern (string pttrn)
QilNode CompileNumberPattern (string pttrn)
QilNode CompileKeyMatch (string pttrn)
QilNode CompileKeyUse (Key key)
QilNode ResolveQNameDynamic (bool ignoreDefaultNs, QilNode qilName)
QilNode GenerateApply (StylesheetLevel sheet, XslNode node)
void SetArg (IList< XslNode > args, int pos, QilName name, QilNode value)
IList< XslNodeAddRemoveImplicitArgs (IList< XslNode > args, XslFlags flags)
bool FillupInvokeArgs (IList< QilNode > formalArgs, IList< XslNode > actualArgs, QilList invokeArgs)
QilNode InvokeApplyFunction (StylesheetLevel sheet, QilName mode, IList< XslNode > actualArgs)
string ResolvePrefix (bool ignoreDefaultNs, string prefix)
void SetLineInfoCheck (QilNode n, ISourceLineInfo lineInfo)
QilNode AddDebugVariable (QilName name, QilNode value, QilNode content)
QilNode SetDebugNs (QilNode n, QilList nsList)
QilNode AddCurrentPositionLast (QilNode content)
QilName CloneName (QilName name)
void SetEnvironmentFlags (bool allowVariables, bool allowCurrent, bool allowKey)
QilNode IFocus. GetCurrent ()
QilNode IFocus. GetPosition ()
QilNode IFocus. GetLast ()
string IXPathEnvironment. ResolvePrefix (string prefix)
QilNode IXPathEnvironment. ResolveVariable (string prefix, string name)
QilNode IXPathEnvironment. ResolveFunction (string prefix, string name, IList< QilNode > args, IFocus env)
QilNode GenerateScriptCall (QilName name, XmlExtensionFunction scrFunc, IList< QilNode > args)
string ResolvePrefixThrow (bool ignoreDefaultNs, string prefix)
QilNode CompileFnKey (QilNode name, QilNode keys, IFocus env)
QilNode CompileSingleKey (QilNode name, QilNode key, IFocus env)
QilNode CompileSingleKey (List< Key > defList, QilNode key, IFocus env)
QilNode CompileSingleKey (List< Key > defList, QilIterator key, QilIterator context)
QilFunction CreateGeneralKeyFunction ()
QilNode CompileFnDocument (QilNode uris, QilNode baseNode)
QilNode CompileSingleDocument (QilNode uri, QilNode baseNode)
QilNode CompileFormatNumber (QilNode value, QilNode formatPicture, QilNode formatName)
QilNode CompileUnparsedEntityUri (QilNode n)
QilNode CompileGenerateId (QilNode n)
XmlQualifiedName ResolveQNameThrow (bool ignoreDefaultNs, QilNode qilName)
QilNode CompileSystemProperty (QilNode name)
QilNode CompileElementAvailable (QilNode name)
QilNode CompileFunctionAvailable (QilNode name)
QilNode CompileMsNodeSet (QilNode n)
QilNode EXslObjectType (QilNode n)

Static Private Member Functions

static QilNode SetLineInfo (QilNode n, ISourceLineInfo lineInfo)
static Dictionary< string, XPathBuilder.FunctionInfo< FuncId > > CreateFunctionTable ()

Private Attributes

readonly CompilerScopeManager< QilIterator_scope
readonly OutputScopeManager _outputScope
readonly HybridDictionary _prefixesInUse
readonly XsltQilFactory _f
readonly XPathBuilder _xpathBuilder
readonly XPathParser< QilNode_xpathParser
readonly XPathPatternBuilder _ptrnBuilder
readonly XPathPatternParser _ptrnParser
readonly ReferenceReplacer _refReplacer
KeyMatchBuilder _keyMatchBuilder
readonly InvokeGenerator _invkGen
readonly MatcherBuilder _matcherBuilder
readonly QilStrConcatenator _strConcat
readonly VariableHelper _varHelper
Compiler _compiler
QilList _functions
QilFunction _generalKey
bool _formatNumberDynamicUsed
QilList _extPars
QilList _gloVars
QilList _nsVars
readonly XmlQueryType _elementOrDocumentType
readonly XmlQueryType _textOrAttributeType
XslNode _lastScope
XslVersion _xslVersion
readonly QilName _nameCurrent
readonly QilName _namePosition
readonly QilName _nameLast
readonly QilName _nameNamespaces
readonly QilName _nameInit
SingletonFocus _singlFocus
FunctionFocus _funcFocus
LoopFocus _curLoop
int _formatterCnt
readonly StringBuilder _unescapedText = new StringBuilder()
bool _allowVariables = true
bool _allowCurrent = true
bool _allowKey = true

Static Private Attributes

static readonly char[] s_curlyBraces = new char[2] { '{', '}' }
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] s_argFnDocument
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] s_argFnKey
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] s_argFnFormatNumber

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file QilGenerator.cs.

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