Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.Compiler Class Referencesealed


class  CompilerErrorComparer

Public Member Functions

 Compiler (XsltSettings settings, bool debug, string scriptAssemblyPath)
CompilerErrorCollection Compile (object stylesheet, XmlResolver xmlResolver, out QilExpression qil)
Stylesheet CreateStylesheet ()
void AddModule (string baseUri)
void ApplyNsAliases (ref string prefix, ref string nsUri)
bool SetNsAlias (string ssheetNsUri, string resultNsUri, string resultPrefix, int importPrecedence)
void MergeWithStylesheet (Stylesheet sheet)
bool ParseQName (string qname, out string prefix, out string localName, IErrorHelper errorHelper)
bool ParseNameTest (string nameTest, out string prefix, out string localName, IErrorHelper errorHelper)
void ValidatePiName (string name, IErrorHelper errorHelper)
string CreatePhantomNamespace ()
bool IsPhantomNamespace (string namespaceName)
bool IsPhantomName (QilName qname)
void EnterForwardsCompatible ()
bool ExitForwardsCompatible (bool fwdCompat)
CompilerError CreateError (ISourceLineInfo lineInfo, string res, params string[] args)
void ReportError (ISourceLineInfo lineInfo, string res, params string[] args)
void ReportWarning (ISourceLineInfo lineInfo, string res, params string[] args)

Static Public Member Functions

static string ConstructQName (string prefix, string localName)

Public Attributes

XsltSettings Settings
bool IsDebug
string ScriptAssemblyPath
int Version
string inputTypeAnnotations
CompilerErrorCollection CompilerErrorColl
int CurrentPrecedence
XslNode StartApplyTemplates
RootLevel Root
Scripts Scripts
Output Output = new Output()
List< VarParExternalPars = new List<VarPar>()
List< VarParGlobalVars = new List<VarPar>()
List< WhitespaceRuleWhitespaceRules = new List<WhitespaceRule>()
DecimalFormats DecimalFormats = new DecimalFormats()
Keys Keys = new Keys()
List< ProtoTemplateAllTemplates = new List<ProtoTemplate>()
Dictionary< QilName, VarParAllGlobalVarPars = new Dictionary<QilName, VarPar>()
Dictionary< QilName, TemplateNamedTemplates = new Dictionary<QilName, Template>()
Dictionary< QilName, AttributeSetAttributeSets = new Dictionary<QilName, AttributeSet>()
Dictionary< string, NsAliasNsAliases = new Dictionary<string, NsAlias>()
readonly string PhantomNCName = "error"


int ErrorCount [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void MergeWhitespaceRules (Stylesheet sheet)
void MergeAttributeSets (Stylesheet sheet)
void MergeGlobalVarPars (Stylesheet sheet)
void SortErrors ()

Private Attributes

readonly Dictionary< string, int > _moduleOrder = new Dictionary<string, int>()
int _phantomNsCounter
int _savedErrorCount = -1

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file Compiler.cs.

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