Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.KeyMatchBuilder Class Referencesealed


class  PathConvertor

Public Member Functions

 KeyMatchBuilder (IXPathEnvironment env)
override void StartBuild ()
override QilNode EndBuild (QilNode result)
IXPathBuilder< QilNodeGetPredicateBuilder (QilNode ctx)
Node EndBuild (Node result)
virtual QilNode String (string value)
virtual QilNode Number (double value)
virtual QilNode Operator (XPathOperator op, QilNode left, QilNode right)
Node Operator (XPathOperator op, Node left, Node right)
virtual QilNode Axis (XPathAxis xpathAxis, XPathNodeType nodeType, string prefix, string name)
Node Axis (XPathAxis xpathAxis, XPathNodeType nodeType, string prefix, string name)
virtual QilNode JoinStep (QilNode left, QilNode right)
Node JoinStep (Node left, Node right)
virtual QilNode Predicate (QilNode nodeset, QilNode predicate, bool isReverseStep)
Node Predicate (Node node, Node condition, bool reverseStep)
virtual QilNode Variable (string prefix, string name)
virtual QilNode Function (string prefix, string name, IList< QilNode > args)
Node Function (string prefix, string name, IList< Node > args)
Node EndBuild (Node result)
Node Operator (XPathOperator op, Node left, Node right)
Node Axis (XPathAxis xpathAxis, XPathNodeType nodeType, string prefix, string name)
Node JoinStep (Node left, Node right)
Node Predicate (Node node, Node condition, bool reverseStep)
Node Function (string prefix, string name, IList< Node > args)
Node EndBuild (Node result)
Node Operator (XPathOperator op, Node left, Node right)
Node Axis (XPathAxis xpathAxis, XPathNodeType nodeType, string prefix, string name)
Node JoinStep (Node left, Node right)
Node Predicate (Node node, Node condition, bool reverseStep)
Node Function (string prefix, string name, IList< Node > args)

Static Public Member Functions

static XmlNodeKindFlags AxisTypeMask (XmlNodeKindFlags inputTypeMask, XPathNodeType nodeType, XPathAxis xpathAxis)
static QilNode PredicateToBoolean (QilNode predicate, XPathQilFactory f, IXPathEnvironment env)
static QilNode BuildOnePredicate (QilNode nodeset, QilNode predicate, bool isReverseStep, XPathQilFactory f, FixupVisitor fixupVisitor, ref int numFixupCurrent, ref int numFixupPosition, ref int numFixupLast)
static bool IsFunctionAvailable (string localName, string nsUri)

Static Public Attributes

static readonly XmlTypeCode[] argAny = new XmlTypeCode[1] { XmlTypeCode.Item }
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] argNodeSet = new XmlTypeCode[1] { XmlTypeCode.Node }
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] argBoolean = new XmlTypeCode[1] { XmlTypeCode.Boolean }
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] argDouble = new XmlTypeCode[1] { XmlTypeCode.Double }
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] argString = new XmlTypeCode[1] { XmlTypeCode.String }
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] argString2
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] argString3
static readonly XmlTypeCode[] argFnSubstr
static Dictionary< string, FunctionInfo< FuncId > > FunctionTable = CreateFunctionTable()

Protected Attributes

QilNode fixupCurrent
QilNode fixupPosition
QilNode fixupLast
int numFixupCurrent
int numFixupPosition
int numFixupLast

Package Types

enum  FuncId {
  Last , Position , Count , LocalName ,
  NamespaceUri , Name , String , Number ,
  Boolean , True , False , Not ,
  Id , Concat , StartsWith , Contains ,
  SubstringBefore , SubstringAfter , Substring , StringLength ,
  Normalize , Translate , Lang , Sum ,
  Floor , Ceiling , Round


XPathQilFactory IXPathEnvironment. Factory [get]

Private Types

enum  XPathOperatorGroup {
  Unknown , Logical , Equality , Relational ,
  Arithmetic , Negate , Union

Private Member Functions

QilNode IFocus. GetCurrent ()
QilNode IFocus. GetPosition ()
QilNode IFocus. GetLast ()
QilNode IXPathEnvironment. ResolveVariable (string prefix, string name)
QilNode IXPathEnvironment. ResolveFunction (string prefix, string name, IList< QilNode > args, IFocus env)
string IXPathEnvironment. ResolvePrefix (string prefix)
QilNode GetCurrentNode ()
QilNode GetCurrentPosition ()
QilNode GetLastPosition ()
QilNode LogicalOperator (XPathOperator op, QilNode left, QilNode right)
QilNode CompareValues (XPathOperator op, QilNode left, QilNode right, XmlTypeCode compType)
QilNode CompareNodeSetAndValue (XPathOperator op, QilNode nodeset, QilNode val, XmlTypeCode compType)
QilNode CompareNodeSetAndNodeSet (XPathOperator op, QilNode left, QilNode right, XmlTypeCode compType)
QilNode EqualityOperator (XPathOperator op, QilNode left, QilNode right)
QilNode RelationalOperator (XPathOperator op, QilNode left, QilNode right)
QilNode NegateOperator (XPathOperator op, QilNode left)
QilNode ArithmeticOperator (XPathOperator op, QilNode left, QilNode right)
QilNode UnionOperator (XPathOperator op, QilNode left, QilNode right)
QilNode BuildAxisFilter (QilNode qilAxis, XPathAxis xpathAxis, XPathNodeType nodeType, string name, string nsUri)
QilNode BuildAxis (XPathAxis xpathAxis, XPathNodeType nodeType, string nsUri, string name)
QilNode LocalNameOfFirstNode (QilNode arg)
QilNode NamespaceOfFirstNode (QilNode arg)
QilNode NameOf (QilNode arg)
QilNode NameOfFirstNode (QilNode arg)
QilNode Sum (QilNode arg)

Static Private Member Functions

static XPathOperator InvertOp (XPathOperator op)
static Dictionary< string, FunctionInfo< FuncId > > CreateFunctionTable ()

Private Attributes

int _depth
readonly PathConvertor _convertor
readonly XPathQilFactory _f
readonly IXPathEnvironment _environment
bool _inTheBuild
readonly FixupVisitor _fixupVisitor

Static Private Attributes

static readonly XmlNodeKindFlags[] s_XPathNodeType2QilXmlNodeKind
static readonly XPathOperatorGroup[] s_operatorGroup
static readonly QilNodeType[] s_qilOperator
static readonly XmlNodeKindFlags[] s_XPathAxisMask

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file KeyMatchBuilder.cs.

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