terraria-cpp2il v1.4.4.9
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UnityEngine.GUIUtility Class Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for UnityEngine.GUIUtility:

Static Public Member Functions

static int GetControlID (int hint, FocusType focusType, Rect rect)
static int GetControlID (int hint, FocusType focus)

Static Package Functions

static void TakeCapture ()
static void RemoveCapture ()
static bool HasKeyFocus (int controlID)
static GUISkin GetDefaultSkin ()
static void ProcessEvent (int instanceID, IntPtr nativeEventPtr, out bool result)
static void BeginGUI (int skinMode, int instanceID, int useGUILayout)
static void EndGUI (int layoutType)
static bool EndGUIFromException (Exception exception)
static bool EndContainerGUIFromException (Exception exception)
static void ResetGlobalState ()
static bool IsExitGUIException (Exception exception)
static bool ShouldRethrowException (Exception exception)
static void CheckOnGUI ()
static bool HitTest (Rect rect, Vector2 point, int offset)
static bool HitTest (Rect rect, Vector2 point, bool isDirectManipulationDevice)
static bool HitTest (Rect rect, Event evt)

Static Package Attributes

static int s_ControlCount
static int s_SkinMode
static int s_OriginalID
static Action takeCapture
static Action releaseCapture
static Func< int, IntPtr, bool > processEvent
static Func< Exception, bool > endContainerGUIFromException
static Action guiChanged
static Func< bool > s_HasCurrentWindowKeyFocusFunc


static float pixelsPerPoint [get, set]
static int guiDepth [get, set]
static bool mouseUsed [set]
static string systemCopyBuffer [get, set]
static bool guiIsExiting [set]
static int hotControl [get, set]
static int keyboardControl [get, set]

Private Member Functions

static int Internal_GetHotControl ()
static int Internal_GetKeyboardControl ()
static object Internal_GetDefaultSkin (int skinMode)
static void Internal_ExitGUI ()
static int Internal_GetControlID_Injected (int hint, FocusType focusType, ref Rect rect)

Static Private Member Functions

static int Internal_GetControlID (int hint, FocusType focusType, Rect rect)
static void MarkGUIChanged ()

Static Private Attributes

static bool< guiIsExitingk__BackingField

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file GUIUtility.cs.

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