Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.Graphics.Renderers.RandomizedFrameParticle Class Reference

Public Member Functions

override void FetchFromPool ()
void SetTypeInfo (int animationFramesAmount, int gameFramesPerAnimationFrame, float timeToLive)
override void Update (ref ParticleRendererSettings settings)
override void Draw (ref ParticleRendererSettings settings, SpriteBatch spritebatch)
virtual void SetBasicInfo (Asset< Texture2D > textureAsset, Rectangle? frame, Vector2 initialVelocity, Vector2 initialLocalPosition)
void RestInPool ()

Public Attributes

float FadeInNormalizedTime
float FadeOutNormalizedTime = 1f
Color ColorTint = Color.White
int AnimationFramesAmount
int GameFramesPerAnimationFrame
Vector2 AccelerationPerFrame
Vector2 Velocity
Vector2 LocalPosition
float Rotation
float RotationVelocity
float RotationAcceleration
Vector2 Scale
Vector2 ScaleVelocity
Vector2 ScaleAcceleration

Protected Attributes

Asset< Texture2D_texture
Rectangle _frame
Vector2 _origin


bool ShouldBeRemovedFromRenderer [get, protected set]
bool IsRestingInPool [get, private set]

Private Member Functions

void RandomizeFrame ()

Private Attributes

float _timeTolive
float _timeSinceSpawn
int _gameFramesCounted

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file RandomizedFrameParticle.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: