27 [
"BinaryFormatter serialization is obsolete and should not be used. See https://aka.ms/binaryformatter for more information.", DiagnosticId =
"SYSLIB0011", UrlFormat =
28 [
"BinaryFormatter serialization is not trim compatible because the Type of objects being processed cannot be statically discovered.")]
62 [
"BinaryFormatter serialization is obsolete and should not be used. See https://aka.ms/binaryformatter for more information.", DiagnosticId =
"SYSLIB0011", UrlFormat =
63 [
"BinaryFormatter serialization is not trim compatible because the Type of objects being processed cannot be statically discovered.")]
70 protected abstract void WriteByte(
byte val,
string name);
72 protected abstract void WriteChar(
char val,
string name);
80 protected abstract void WriteInt16(
short val,
string name);
82 protected abstract void WriteInt32(
int val,
string name);
84 protected abstract void WriteInt64(
long val,
string name);
152 else if (
156 else if (
virtual void Enqueue(object? obj)
virtual ? object Dequeue()
static decimal ToDecimal(object? value)
static long ToInt64(object? value)
static float ToSingle(object? value)
static int ToInt32(object? value)
static DateTime ToDateTime(DateTime value)
static short ToInt16(object? value)
static byte ToByte(object? value)
static uint ToUInt32(object? value)
static ulong ToUInt64(object? value)
static char ToChar(object? value)
static ushort ToUInt16(object? value)
static sbyte ToSByte(object? value)
static double ToDouble(object? value)
static bool ToBoolean([NotNullWhen(true)] object? value)
static CultureInfo InvariantCulture
virtual long GetId(object obj, out bool firstTime)
virtual long HasId(object obj, out bool firstTime)
static string Serialization_NoID