Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaExporter Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 XmlSchemaExporter (XmlSchemas schemas)
void ExportTypeMapping (XmlTypeMapping xmlTypeMapping)
XmlQualifiedNameExportTypeMapping (XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping)
void ExportMembersMapping (XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping)
void ExportMembersMapping (XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping, bool exportEnclosingType)
string ExportAnyType (string? ns)
stringExportAnyType (XmlMembersMapping members)

Static Package Functions

static string ExportDefaultValue (TypeMapping mapping, object value)

Private Member Functions

void CheckScope (TypeScope scope)
XmlSchemaElement ExportElement (ElementAccessor accessor)
void CheckForDuplicateType (TypeMapping mapping, string newNamespace)
XmlSchema AddSchema (string targetNamespace)
void AddSchemaItem (XmlSchemaObject item, string ns, string referencingNs)
void AddSchemaImport (string ns, string referencingNs)
bool SchemaContainsItem (XmlSchemaObject item, string ns)
XmlSchemaImport FindImport (XmlSchema schema, string ns)
void ExportMapping (Mapping mapping, string ns, bool isAny)
void ExportElementMapping (XmlSchemaElement element, Mapping mapping, string ns, bool isAny)
XmlQualifiedName ExportNonXsdPrimitiveMapping (PrimitiveMapping mapping, string ns)
XmlSchemaType ExportSpecialMapping (SpecialMapping mapping, string ns, bool isAny, XmlSchemaElement element)
XmlSchemaType ExportMembersMapping (MembersMapping mapping, string ns)
XmlSchemaType ExportAnonymousPrimitiveMapping (PrimitiveMapping mapping)
XmlQualifiedName ExportPrimitiveMapping (PrimitiveMapping mapping, string ns)
void ExportArrayMapping (ArrayMapping mapping, string ns, XmlSchemaElement element)
void ExportElementAccessors (XmlSchemaGroupBase group, ElementAccessor[] accessors, bool repeats, bool valueTypeOptional, string ns)
void ExportAttributeAccessor (XmlSchemaComplexType type, AttributeAccessor accessor, bool valueTypeOptional, string ns)
void ExportElementAccessor (XmlSchemaGroupBase group, ElementAccessor accessor, bool repeats, bool valueTypeOptional, string ns)
void ExportRootIfNecessary (TypeScope typeScope)
XmlQualifiedName ExportStructMapping (StructMapping mapping, string ns, XmlSchemaElement element)
void ExportTypeMembers (XmlSchemaComplexType type, MemberMapping[] members, string name, string ns, bool hasSimpleContent, bool openModel)
void ExportDerivedMappings (StructMapping mapping)
XmlSchemaType ExportEnumMapping (EnumMapping mapping, string ns)
void AddXmlnsAnnotation (XmlSchemaComplexType type, string xmlnsMemberName)

Static Private Member Functions

static XmlSchemaType FindSchemaType (string name, XmlSchemaObjectCollection items)
static bool IsAnyType (XmlSchemaType schemaType, bool mixed, bool unbounded)
static bool NamespacesEqual (string ns1, string ns2)

Private Attributes

readonly XmlSchemas _schemas
readonly Hashtable _elements = new Hashtable()
readonly Hashtable _attributes = new Hashtable()
readonly Hashtable _types = new Hashtable()
readonly Hashtable _references = new Hashtable()
bool _needToExportRoot
TypeScope _scope

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file XmlSchemaExporter.cs.

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