Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas Class Reference

Public Member Functions

IList GetSchemas (string? ns)
int Add (XmlSchema schema)
int Add (XmlSchema schema, Uri? baseUri)
void Add (XmlSchemas schemas)
void AddReference (XmlSchema schema)
void Insert (int index, XmlSchema schema)
int IndexOf (XmlSchema schema)
bool Contains (XmlSchema schema)
bool Contains (string? targetNamespace)
void Remove (XmlSchema schema)
void CopyTo (XmlSchema[] array, int index)
object? Find (XmlQualifiedName name, Type type)
void Compile (ValidationEventHandler? handler, bool fullCompile)
void Clear ()
void RemoveAt (int index)
bool Contains (object? value)
int Add (object? value)
void Remove (object? value)
int IndexOf (object? value)
void Insert (int index, object? value)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsDataSet (XmlSchema schema)

Protected Member Functions

override void OnInsert (int index, object? value)
override void OnRemove (int index, object? value)
override void OnClear ()
override void OnSet (int index, object? oldValue, object? newValue)
virtual void OnValidate (object value)
virtual void OnSetComplete (int index, object? oldValue, object? newValue)
virtual void OnInsertComplete (int index, object? value)
virtual void OnClearComplete ()
virtual void OnRemoveComplete (int index, object? value)

Package Functions

int Add (XmlSchema schema, bool delay)
object Find (XmlQualifiedName name, Type type, bool checkCache)
XmlSchemaObject Find (XmlSchemaObject o, IList originals)
void SetCache (SchemaObjectCache cache, bool shareTypes)
bool IsReference (XmlSchemaObject type)

Static Package Functions

static void Preprocess (XmlSchema schema)
static XmlQualifiedName GetParentName (XmlSchemaObject item)
static Exception CreateValidationException (XmlSchemaException exception, string message)
static void IgnoreCompileErrors (object sender, ValidationEventArgs args)

Package Attributes

Hashtable delayedSchemas = new Hashtable()


XmlSchema this[int index] [get, set]
XmlSchemathis[string? ns] [get]
SchemaObjectCache Cache [get]
Hashtable MergedSchemas [get]
Hashtable References [get]
XmlSchemaSet SchemaSet [get]
bool IsCompiled [get]
static XmlSchema XsdSchema [get]
static XmlSchema?? XmlSchema [get]
ArrayList InnerList [get]
IList List [get]
int Capacity [get, set]
int Count [get]
bool IList. IsReadOnly [get]
bool IList. IsFixedSize [get]
bool ICollection. IsSynchronized [get]
object ICollection. SyncRoot [get]

Private Member Functions

void AddName (XmlSchema schema)
void Prepare (XmlSchema schema)
void RemoveName (XmlSchema schema)
IEnumerator< XmlSchema > IEnumerable< XmlSchema >. GetEnumerator ()
void Merge (XmlSchema schema)
void AddImport (IList schemas, string ns)
void Merge (IList originals, XmlSchema schema)

Static Private Member Functions

static string ItemName (XmlSchemaObject o)
static string GetSchemaItem (XmlSchemaObject o, string ns, string details)
static string Dump (XmlSchemaObject o)
static string MergeFailedMessage (XmlSchemaObject src, XmlSchemaObject dest, string ns)
static XmlSchema CreateFakeXsdSchema (string ns, string name)

Private Attributes

XmlSchemaSet _schemaSet
Hashtable _references
SchemaObjectCache _cache
bool _shareTypes
Hashtable _mergedSchemas
bool _isCompiled
readonly ArrayList _list

Static Private Attributes

static volatile XmlSchema s_xsd
static volatile XmlSchema s_xml

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file XmlSchemas.cs.

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