Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Serialization.ElementAccessor Class Referencesealed

Package Functions

ElementAccessor Clone ()
string ToString (string defaultNs)

Static Package Functions

static string EscapeName (string name)
static string EscapeQName (string name)
static string UnescapeName (string name)


bool IsSoap [get, set]
bool IsNullable [get, set]
bool IsUnbounded [get, set]
TypeMapping Mapping [get, set]
object Default [get, set]
bool HasDefault [get]
virtual string Name [get, set]
bool Any [get, set]
string AnyNamespaces [get, set]
string Namespace [get, set]
XmlSchemaForm Form [get, set]
bool IsFixed [set]
bool IsOptional [set]
bool IsTopLevelInSchema [get, set]

Private Attributes

bool _nullable
bool _isSoap
bool _unbounded
string _name
object _defaultValue
string _ns
TypeMapping _mapping
bool _any
string _anyNs
bool _topLevelInSchema
bool _isFixed
bool _isOptional
XmlSchemaForm _form

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3 of file ElementAccessor.cs.

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