Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.GameContent.Achievements.AchievementsHelper Class Reference

Public Member Functions

delegate void ItemPickupEvent (Player player, short itemId, int count)
delegate void ItemCraftEvent (short itemId, int count)
delegate void TileDestroyedEvent (Player player, ushort tileId)
delegate void NPCKilledEvent (Player player, short npcId)
delegate void ProgressionEventEvent (int eventID)

Static Public Member Functions

static void NotifyTileDestroyed (Player player, ushort tile)
static void NotifyItemPickup (Player player, Item item)
static void NotifyItemPickup (Player player, Item item, int customStack)
static void NotifyItemCraft (Recipe recipe)
static void Initialize ()
static void NotifyNPCKilled (NPC npc)
static void NotifyNPCKilledDirect (Player player, int npcNetID)
static void NotifyProgressionEvent (int eventID)
static void HandleOnEquip (Player player, Item item, int context)
static void HandleSpecialEvent (Player player, int eventID)
static void HandleNurseService (int coinsSpent)
static void HandleAnglerService ()
static void HandleRunning (float pixelsMoved)
static void HandleMining ()
static void CheckMechaMayhem (int justKilled=-1)

Static Package Functions

static void OnPlayerEnteredWorld (Player player)


static bool CurrentlyMining [get, set]


static ItemPickupEvent OnItemPickup
static ItemCraftEvent OnItemCraft
static TileDestroyedEvent OnTileDestroyed
static NPCKilledEvent OnNPCKilled
static ProgressionEventEvent OnProgressionEvent

Static Private Attributes

static bool _isMining
static bool mayhemOK
static bool mayhem1down
static bool mayhem2down
static bool mayhem3down

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3 of file AchievementsHelper.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: