Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.XsltLoader Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

void Load (Compiler compiler, object stylesheet, XmlResolver xmlResolver)
void ReportError (string res, params string[] args)
void ReportWarning (string res, params string[] args)
void CheckError (bool cond, string res, params string[] args)

Static Public Attributes

static int V1Opt = 1
static int V1Req = 2
static int V2Opt = 4
static int V2Req = 8

Static Package Functions

static XslNode SetInfo (XslNode to, List< XslNode > content, XsltInput.ContextInfo info)

Static Package Attributes

static QilName nullMode = AstFactory.QName(string.Empty)


bool V1 [get]

Private Types

enum  InstructionFlags { None = 0 , AllowParam = 1 , AllowSort = 2 , AllowFallback = 4 }

Private Member Functions

void Load (XmlReader reader)
void AtomizeAttributes (XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] attributes)
void AtomizeAttributes ()
Uri ResolveUri (string relativeUri, string baseUri)
XmlReader CreateReader (Uri uri, XmlResolver xmlResolver)
Stylesheet LoadStylesheet (Uri uri, bool include)
Stylesheet LoadStylesheet (XmlReader reader, bool include)
void LoadDocument ()
void LoadSimplifiedStylesheet ()
void LoadRealStylesheet ()
void LoadImport ()
void LoadInclude ()
void LoadStripSpace (NsDecl stylesheetNsList)
void LoadPreserveSpace (NsDecl stylesheetNsList)
void LoadOutput ()
void ProcessOutputSettings ()
void CheckUseAttrubuteSetInList (IList< XslNode > list)
void CheckAttributeSetsDfs (AttributeSet attSet)
void LoadKey (NsDecl stylesheetNsList)
void LoadDecimalFormat (NsDecl stylesheetNsList)
void LoadNamespaceAlias (NsDecl stylesheetNsList)
void LoadAttributeSet (NsDecl stylesheetNsList)
void LoadGlobalVariableOrParameter (NsDecl stylesheetNsList, XslNodeType nodeType)
void LoadTemplate (NsDecl stylesheetNsList)
void LoadMsScript (NsDecl stylesheetNsList)
List< XslNodeLoadInstructions ()
List< XslNodeLoadInstructions (InstructionFlags flags)
List< XslNodeLoadInstructions (List< XslNode > content)
List< XslNodeLoadInstructions (List< XslNode > content, InstructionFlags flags)
List< XslNodeLoadWithParams (InstructionFlags flags)
XslNode XslApplyImports ()
XslNode XslApplyTemplates ()
XslNode XslCallTemplate ()
XslNode XslCopy ()
XslNode XslCopyOf ()
XslNode XslFallback ()
XslNode XslIf ()
XslNode XslChoose ()
XslNode XslOtherwise ()
XslNode XslForEach ()
XslNode XslMessage ()
XslNode XslNumber ()
XslNode XslValueOf ()
VarPar XslVarPar ()
XslNode XslComment ()
List< XslNodeLoadContent (bool hasSelect)
XslNode XslProcessingInstruction ()
XslNode XslText ()
XslNode XslElement ()
XslNode XslAttribute ()
XslNode XslSort (int sortNumber)
XslNode LoadLiteralResultElement (bool asStylesheet)
void CheckWithParam (List< XslNode > content, XslNode withParam)
List< XslNodeLoadEndTag (List< XslNode > content)
XslNode LoadUnknownXsltInstruction (string parentName)
List< XslNodeLoadFallbacks (string instrName)
QilName ParseModeAttribute (int attNum)
QilName ParseModeListAttribute (int attNum)
string ParseCollationAttribute (int attNum)
bool ResolveQName (bool ignoreDefaultNs, string qname, out string localName, out string namespaceName, out string prefix)
QilName ParseQNameAttribute (int attNum)
string ParseNCNameAttribute (int attNum)
QilName CreateXPathQName (string qname)
XmlQualifiedName ResolveQName (bool ignoreDefaultNs, string qname)
void ParseWhitespaceRules (string elements, bool preserveSpace)
XmlQualifiedName ParseOutputMethod (string attValue, out XmlOutputMethod method)
void AddUseAttributeSets (List< XslNode > list)
List< QilNameParseUseCharacterMaps (int attNum)
string ParseStringAttribute (int attNum, string attName)
char ParseCharAttribute (int attNum, string attName, char defVal)
TriState ParseYesNoAttribute (int attNum, string attName)
void ParseTypeAttribute (int attNum)
void ParseValidationAttribute (int attNum, bool defVal)
void ParseInputTypeAnnotationsAttribute (int attNum)
void CheckNoContent ()
ISourceLineInfo SkipEmptyContent ()
void ReportNYI (string arg)

Static Private Member Functions

static void AddInstruction (List< XslNode > content, XslNode instruction)
static XslNode SetLineInfo (XslNode node, ISourceLineInfo lineInfo)
static void SetContent (XslNode node, List< XslNode > content)
static NsDecl MergeNamespaces (NsDecl thisList, NsDecl parentList)

Private Attributes

Compiler _compiler
XmlResolver _xmlResolver
QueryReaderSettings _readerSettings
KeywordsTable _atoms
XsltInput _input
Stylesheet _curStylesheet
Template _curTemplate
readonly HybridDictionary _documentUriInUse = new HybridDictionary()
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _stylesheetAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _importIncludeAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _loadStripSpaceAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _outputAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _keyAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _decimalFormatAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _namespaceAliasAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _attributeSetAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _templateAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _scriptAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _assemblyAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _usingAttributes
int _loadInstructionsDepth
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _applyTemplatesAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _callTemplateAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _copyAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _copyOfAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _ifAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _forEachAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _messageAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _numberAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _valueOfAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _variableAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _paramAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _withParamAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _commentAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _processingInstructionAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _textAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _elementAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _attributeAttributes
readonly XsltInput.XsltAttribute[] _sortAttributes

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file XsltLoader.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: