Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.XsltInput Class Referencesealed


class  ContextInfo
struct  DelayedQName
struct  Record
struct  XsltAttribute

Public Member Functions

 XsltInput (XmlReader reader, Compiler compiler, KeywordsTable atoms)
bool FindStylesheetElement ()
void Finish ()
bool MoveToFirstChild ()
bool MoveToNextSibling ()
void SkipNode ()
void MoveToElement ()
bool MoveToLiteralAttribute (int attNum)
bool MoveToXsltAttribute (int attNum, string attName)
bool IsRequiredAttribute (int attNum)
bool AttributeExists (int attNum, string attName)
bool IsNs (string ns)
bool IsKeyword (string kwd)
bool IsXsltNamespace ()
bool IsNullNamespace ()
bool IsXsltKeyword (string kwd)
bool IsExtensionNamespace (string uri)
ContextInfo GetAttributes ()
ContextInfo GetAttributes (XsltAttribute[] attributes)
ContextInfo GetLiteralAttributes (bool asStylesheet)
void GetVersionAttribute ()
ISourceLineInfo BuildLineInfo ()
ISourceLineInfo BuildNameLineInfo ()
ISourceLineInfo BuildReaderLineInfo ()
string LookupXmlNamespace (string prefix)
void ReportError (string res, params string[] args)
void ReportErrorFC (string res, params string[] args)


XmlNodeType NodeType [get]
string LocalName [get]
string NamespaceUri [get]
string Prefix [get]
string Value [get]
string BaseUri [get]
string QualifiedName [get]
bool IsEmptyElement [get]
string Uri [get]
Location Start [get]
Location End [get]
DelayedQName ElementName [get]
bool CanHaveApplyImports [get, set]
bool ForwardCompatibility [get]
bool BackwardCompatibility [get]
XslVersion XslVersion [get]

Private Member Functions

void ExtendRecordBuffer (int position)
void FillupRecord (ref Record rec)
void SetRecordEnd (ref Record rec)
void FillupTextRecord (ref Record rec)
void FillupCharacterEntityRecord (ref Record rec)
bool ReadAttribute (ref Record rec)
int ReadTextNodes ()
bool ReadNextSibling ()
int ReadElement ()
bool MoveToAttributeBase (int attNum)
void SetVersion (int attVersion)
void SetVersion (double version)
void InsertExNamespaces (int attExPrefixes, ContextInfo ctxInfo, bool extensions)
void SetXPathDefaultNamespace (int attNamespace)
void SetDefaultCollation (int attCollation)
void ReportNYI (string arg)

Static Private Member Functions

static void EnsureExpandEntities (XmlReader reader)
static int PositionAdjustment (XmlNodeType nt)

Private Attributes

readonly XmlReader _reader
readonly IXmlLineInfo _readerLineInfo
readonly bool _topLevelReader
readonly CompilerScopeManager< VarPar_scopeManager
readonly KeywordsTable _atoms
readonly Compiler _compiler
readonly bool _reatomize
XmlNodeType _nodeType
Record[] _records = new Record[22]
int _currentRecord
bool _isEmptyElement
int _lastTextNode
int _numAttributes
ContextInfo _ctxInfo
bool _attributesRead
StringConcat _strConcat
XsltAttribute[] _attributes
readonly int[] _xsltAttributeNumber = new int[21]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file XsltInput.cs.

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