Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.XsltOutput Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

void CompileAttributes (Compiler compiler)
void CheckEmpty (Compiler compiler)
void CheckRequiredAttribute (Compiler compiler, object attrValue, string attrName)
void CheckRequiredAttribute (Compiler compiler, bool attr, string attrName)

Package Types

enum  OutputMethod {
  Xml , Html , Text , Other ,

Package Functions

XsltOutput CreateDerivedOutput (OutputMethod method)
override void Compile (Compiler compiler)
override bool CompileAttribute (Compiler compiler)
override void Execute (Processor processor, ActionFrame frame)
virtual void ReplaceNamespaceAlias (Compiler compiler)

Static Package Functions

static string PrecalculateAvt (ref Avt avt)


OutputMethod Method [get]
bool OmitXmlDeclaration [get]
bool HasStandalone [get]
bool Standalone [get]
string DoctypePublic [get]
string DoctypeSystem [get]
Hashtable CDataElements [get]
bool Indent [get]
Encoding Encoding [get]
string MediaType [get]

Static Private Member Functions

static OutputMethod ParseOutputMethod (string value, Compiler compiler)

Private Attributes

OutputMethod _method = OutputMethod.Unknown
int _methodSId = int.MaxValue
Encoding _encoding = Encoding.UTF8
int _encodingSId = int.MaxValue
string _version
int _versionSId = int.MaxValue
bool _omitXmlDecl
int _omitXmlDeclSId = int.MaxValue
bool _standalone
int _standaloneSId = int.MaxValue
string _doctypePublic
int _doctypePublicSId = int.MaxValue
string _doctypeSystem
int _doctypeSystemSId = int.MaxValue
bool _indent
int _indentSId = int.MaxValue
string _mediaType = "text/html"
int _mediaTypeSId = int.MaxValue
Hashtable _cdataElements

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file XsltOutput.cs.

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