Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.Processor Class Referencesealed


class  DebuggerFrame

Public Member Functions

 Processor (XPathNavigator doc, XsltArgumentList args, XmlResolver resolver, Stylesheet stylesheet, List< TheQuery > queryStore, RootAction rootAction, IXsltDebugger debugger)
ReaderOutput StartReader ()
void Execute (Stream stream)
void Execute (TextWriter writer)
void Execute (XmlWriter writer)

Package Types

enum  ExecResult { Continue , Interrupt , Done }
enum  OutputResult {
  Continue , Interrupt , Overflow , Error ,

Package Functions

XPathNavigator GetNavigator (Uri ruri)
void AddSort (Sort sortinfo)
void InitSortArray ()
object GetGlobalParameter (XmlQualifiedName qname)
object GetExtensionObject (string nsUri)
object GetScriptObject (string nsUri)
StringBuilder GetSharedStringBuilder ()
void ReleaseSharedStringBuilder ()
void Execute ()
ActionFrame PushNewFrame ()
void PushActionFrame (Action action, XPathNodeIterator nodeSet)
void PushActionFrame (ActionFrame container)
void PushActionFrame (ActionFrame container, XPathNodeIterator nodeSet)
void PushTemplateLookup (XPathNodeIterator nodeSet, XmlQualifiedName mode, Stylesheet importsOf)
string GetQueryExpression (int key)
Query GetCompiledQuery (int key)
Query GetValueQuery (int key)
Query GetValueQuery (int key, XsltCompileContext context)
string ValueOf (ActionFrame context, int key)
string ValueOf (XPathNavigator n)
XPathNodeIterator StartQuery (XPathNodeIterator context, int key)
object Evaluate (ActionFrame context, int key)
object RunQuery (ActionFrame context, int key)
string EvaluateString (ActionFrame context, int key)
bool EvaluateBoolean (ActionFrame context, int key)
bool Matches (XPathNavigator context, int key)
void ResetOutput ()
bool BeginEvent (XPathNodeType nodeType, string prefix, string name, string nspace, bool empty)
bool BeginEvent (XPathNodeType nodeType, string prefix, string name, string nspace, bool empty, object htmlProps, bool search)
bool TextEvent (string text)
bool TextEvent (string text, bool disableOutputEscaping)
bool EndEvent (XPathNodeType nodeType)
bool CopyBeginEvent (XPathNavigator node, bool emptyflag)
bool CopyTextEvent (XPathNavigator node)
bool CopyEndEvent (XPathNavigator node)
void PushOutput (IRecordOutput output)
IRecordOutput PopOutput ()
bool SetDefaultOutput (XsltOutput.OutputMethod method)
object GetVariableValue (VariableAction variable)
void SetParameter (XmlQualifiedName name, object value)
void ResetParams ()
object GetParameter (XmlQualifiedName name)
void PopDebuggerStack ()
XmlQualifiedName GetPreviousMode ()
void SetCurrentMode (XmlQualifiedName mode)

Static Package Functions

static bool IsRoot (XPathNavigator navigator)


XPathNavigator Current [get]
ExecResult ExecutionResult [set]
Stylesheet Stylesheet [get]
XmlResolver Resolver [get]
ArrayList SortArray [get]
Key[] KeyList [get]
RootAction RootAction [get]
XPathNavigator Document [get]
ArrayList NumberList [get]
IXsltDebugger Debugger [get]
XsltOutput Output [get]
XmlNameTable NameTable [get]
bool CanContinue [get]

Private Member Functions

XsltCompileContext GetValueOfContext ()
XsltCompileContext GetMatchesContext ()
void ElementValueWithoutWS (XPathNavigator nav, StringBuilder builder)

Private Attributes

ExecResult _execResult
readonly Stylesheet _stylesheet
readonly RootAction _rootAction
readonly Key[] _keyList
readonly List< TheQuery_queryStore
readonly XPathNavigator _document
readonly HWStack _actionStack
readonly HWStack _debuggerStack
StringBuilder _sharedStringBuilder
int _ignoreLevel
readonly StateMachine _xsm
RecordBuilder _builder
XsltOutput _output
readonly XmlNameTable _nameTable = new NameTable()
readonly XmlResolver _resolver
readonly XsltArgumentList _args
readonly Hashtable _scriptExtensions
ArrayList _numberList
readonly TemplateLookupAction _templateLookup = new TemplateLookupAction()
readonly IXsltDebugger _debugger
readonly Query[] _queryList
ArrayList _sortArray
Hashtable _documentCache
XsltCompileContext _valueOfContext
XsltCompileContext _matchesContext

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file Processor.cs.

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