Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld.Compiler Class Reference


class  ErrorXPathExpression

Public Member Functions

string GetNsAlias (ref string prefix)
virtual ApplyImportsAction CreateApplyImportsAction ()
virtual ApplyTemplatesAction CreateApplyTemplatesAction ()
virtual AttributeAction CreateAttributeAction ()
virtual AttributeSetAction CreateAttributeSetAction ()
virtual CallTemplateAction CreateCallTemplateAction ()
virtual ChooseAction CreateChooseAction ()
virtual CommentAction CreateCommentAction ()
virtual CopyAction CreateCopyAction ()
virtual CopyOfAction CreateCopyOfAction ()
virtual ElementAction CreateElementAction ()
virtual ForEachAction CreateForEachAction ()
virtual IfAction CreateIfAction (IfAction.ConditionType type)
virtual MessageAction CreateMessageAction ()
virtual NewInstructionAction CreateNewInstructionAction ()
virtual NumberAction CreateNumberAction ()
virtual ProcessingInstructionAction CreateProcessingInstructionAction ()
virtual void CreateRootAction ()
virtual SortAction CreateSortAction ()
virtual TemplateAction CreateTemplateAction ()
virtual TemplateAction CreateSingleTemplateAction ()
virtual TextAction CreateTextAction ()
virtual UseAttributeSetsAction CreateUseAttributeSetsAction ()
virtual ValueOfAction CreateValueOfAction ()
virtual VariableAction CreateVariableAction (VariableType type)
virtual WithParamAction CreateWithParamAction ()
virtual BeginEvent CreateBeginEvent ()
virtual TextEvent CreateTextEvent ()
XsltException UnexpectedKeyword ()

Public Attributes

bool AllowBuiltInMode

Static Public Attributes

static XmlQualifiedName BuiltInMode = new XmlQualifiedName("*", string.Empty)

Package Functions

bool Advance ()
bool Recurse ()
bool ToParent ()
string GetUnicRtfId ()
void Compile (NavigatorInput input, XmlResolver xmlResolver)
void InsertExtensionNamespace (string value)
void InsertExcludedNamespace (string value)
void InsertExtensionNamespace ()
void InsertExcludedNamespace ()
bool IsExtensionNamespace (string nspace)
bool IsExcludedNamespace (string nspace)
void PushLiteralScope ()
void PushNamespaceScope ()
virtual void PopScope ()
InputScopeManager CloneScopeManager ()
int InsertVariable (VariableAction variable)
void AddNamespaceAlias (string StylesheetURI, NamespaceInfo AliasInfo)
bool IsNamespaceAlias (string StylesheetURI)
NamespaceInfo FindNamespaceAlias (string StylesheetURI)
string ResolveXmlNamespace (string prefix)
string ResolveXPathNamespace (string prefix)
void InsertKey (XmlQualifiedName name, int MatchKey, int UseKey)
void AddDecimalFormat (XmlQualifiedName name, DecimalFormat formatinfo)
bool GetYesNo (string value)
string GetSingleAttribute (string attributeAtom)
XmlQualifiedName CreateXPathQName (string qname)
XmlQualifiedName CreateXmlQName (string qname)
bool IsCircularReference (string href)
Uri ResolveUri (string relativeUri)
NavigatorInput ResolveDocument (Uri absoluteUri)
void PushInputDocument (NavigatorInput newInput)
void PopInputDocument ()
void PushStylesheet (Stylesheet stylesheet)
Stylesheet PopStylesheet ()
void AddAttributeSet (AttributeSetAction attributeSet)
void AddTemplate (TemplateAction template)
void BeginTemplate (TemplateAction template)
void EndTemplate ()
int AddQuery (string xpathQuery)
int AddQuery (string xpathQuery, bool allowVar, bool allowKey, bool isPattern)
int AddStringQuery (string xpathQuery)
int AddBooleanQuery (string xpathQuery)
void AddScript (string source, ScriptingLanguage lang, string ns, string fileName, int lineNumber)
ArrayList CompileAvt (string avtText, out bool constant)
ArrayList CompileAvt (string avtText)

Static Package Functions

static XPathDocument LoadDocument (XmlTextReaderImpl reader)

Package Attributes

StringBuilder AvtStringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
Stylesheet stylesheet
Stylesheet rootStylesheet


KeywordsTable Atoms [get]
int Stylesheetid [get, set]
NavigatorInput Document [get]
NavigatorInput Input [get]
Stylesheet CompiledStylesheet [get]
RootAction RootAction [get, set]
List< TheQueryQueryStore [get]
bool ForwardCompatibility [get, set]
bool CanHaveApplyImports [get, set]
string DefaultNamespace [get]
XmlQualifiedName CurrentMode [get]

Private Member Functions

string[] ResolvePrefixes (string tokens)
void AddDocumentURI (string href)
void RemoveDocumentURI (string href)

Static Private Member Functions

static void ValidateExtensionNamespace (string nsUri)
static void getTextLex (string avt, ref int start, StringBuilder lex)
static void getXPathLex (string avt, ref int start, StringBuilder lex)
static bool GetNextAvtLex (string avt, ref int start, StringBuilder lex, out bool isAvt)

Private Attributes

int _stylesheetid
InputScope _rootScope
XmlResolver _xmlResolver
TemplateBaseAction _currentTemplate
XmlQualifiedName _currentMode
Hashtable _globalNamespaceAliasTable
Stack< Stylesheet_stylesheets
readonly HybridDictionary _documentURIs = new HybridDictionary()
NavigatorInput _input
KeywordsTable _atoms
InputScopeManager _scopeManager
RootAction _rootAction
List< TheQuery_queryStore
readonly QueryBuilder _queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder()
int _rtfCount
readonly Hashtable[] _typeDeclsByLang

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file Compiler.cs.

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