Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Text.Json.Nodes.JsonObject Class Referencesealed


class  DebugView

Public Member Functions

 JsonObject (JsonNodeOptions? options=null)
 JsonObject (IEnumerable< KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode?> > properties, JsonNodeOptions? options=null)
bool TryGetPropertyValue (string propertyName, out JsonNode? jsonNode)
override void WriteTo (Utf8JsonWriter writer, JsonSerializerOptions? options=null)
void Add (string propertyName, JsonNode? value)
void Add (KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode?> property)
void Clear ()
bool ContainsKey (string propertyName)
bool Remove (string propertyName)
IEnumerator< KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode?> > GetEnumerator ()
JsonArray AsArray ()
JsonObject AsObject ()
JsonValue AsValue ()
string GetPath ()
virtual T GetValue< T > ()
string ToJsonString (JsonSerializerOptions? options=null)
override string ToString ()
bool ContainsKey (TKey key)
void Add (TKey key, TValue value)
bool Remove (TKey key)
bool TryGetValue (TKey key,[MaybeNullWhen(false)] out TValue value)
void Add (T item)
bool Contains (T item)
void CopyTo (T[] array, int arrayIndex)
bool Remove (T item)

Static Public Member Functions

static ? JsonObject Create (JsonElement element, JsonNodeOptions? options=null)
static implicit operator JsonNode (bool value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (byte value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (char value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (DateTime value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (DateTimeOffset value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (decimal value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (double value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (Guid value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (short value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (int value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (long value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (sbyte value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (float value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (ushort value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (uint value)
static implicit operator JsonNode (ulong value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (bool? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (byte? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (char? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (DateTime? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (DateTimeOffset? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (decimal? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (double? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (Guid? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (short? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (int? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (long? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (sbyte? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (float? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (string? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (ushort? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (uint? value)
static implicit operator JsonNode? (ulong? value)
static operator bool (JsonNode value)
static operator bool? (JsonNode? value)
static operator byte (JsonNode value)
static operator byte? (JsonNode? value)
static operator char (JsonNode value)
static operator char? (JsonNode? value)
static operator DateTime (JsonNode value)
static operator DateTime? (JsonNode? value)
static operator DateTimeOffset (JsonNode value)
static operator DateTimeOffset? (JsonNode? value)
static operator decimal (JsonNode value)
static operator decimal? (JsonNode? value)
static operator double (JsonNode value)
static operator double? (JsonNode? value)
static operator Guid (JsonNode value)
static operator Guid? (JsonNode? value)
static operator short (JsonNode value)
static operator short? (JsonNode? value)
static operator int (JsonNode value)
static operator int? (JsonNode? value)
static operator long (JsonNode value)
static operator long? (JsonNode? value)
static operator sbyte (JsonNode value)
static operator sbyte? (JsonNode? value)
static operator float (JsonNode value)
static operator float? (JsonNode? value)
static operator string? (JsonNode? value)
static operator ushort (JsonNode value)
static operator ushort? (JsonNode? value)
static operator uint (JsonNode value)
static operator uint? (JsonNode? value)
static operator ulong (JsonNode value)
static operator ulong? (JsonNode? value)
static ? JsonNode Parse (ref Utf8JsonReader reader, JsonNodeOptions? nodeOptions=null)
static ? JsonNode Parse (string json, JsonNodeOptions? nodeOptions=null, JsonDocumentOptions documentOptions=default(JsonDocumentOptions))
static ? JsonNode Parse (ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Json, JsonNodeOptions? nodeOptions=null, JsonDocumentOptions documentOptions=default(JsonDocumentOptions))
static ? JsonNode Parse (Stream utf8Json, JsonNodeOptions? nodeOptions=null, JsonDocumentOptions documentOptions=default(JsonDocumentOptions))

Package Functions

 JsonObject (JsonElement element, JsonNodeOptions? options=null)
JsonNode GetItem (string propertyName)
override void GetPath (List< string > path, JsonNode child)
void SetItem (string propertyName, JsonNode value)
void AssignParent (JsonNode parent)


int Count [get]
ICollection< string > IDictionary< string, JsonNode >. Keys [get]
ICollection< JsonNode?> IDictionary< string, JsonNode >. Values [get]
bool ICollection< KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode > >. IsReadOnly [get]
JsonNodeOptionsOptions [get]
JsonNodeParent [get, set]
JsonNode Root [get]
JsonNodethis[int index] [get, set]
JsonNodethis[string propertyName] [get, set]
TValue this[TKey key] [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void DetachParent (JsonNode item)
bool ICollection< KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode > >. Contains (KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode > item)
void ICollection< KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode > >. CopyTo (KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode >[] array, int index)
bool ICollection< KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode > >. Remove (KeyValuePair< string, JsonNode > item)
bool IDictionary< string, JsonNode >. TryGetValue (string propertyName, out JsonNode jsonNode)
IEnumerator IEnumerable. GetEnumerator ()
void InitializeIfRequired ()

Private Attributes

JsonPropertyDictionary< JsonNode_dictionary
JsonNode _parent

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file JsonObject.cs.

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