Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Text.Json.JsonElement Struct Reference


struct  ArrayEnumerator
struct  ObjectEnumerator

Public Member Functions

int GetArrayLength ()
JsonElement GetProperty (string propertyName)
JsonElement GetProperty (ReadOnlySpan< char > propertyName)
JsonElement GetProperty (ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8PropertyName)
bool TryGetProperty (string propertyName, out JsonElement value)
bool TryGetProperty (ReadOnlySpan< char > propertyName, out JsonElement value)
bool TryGetProperty (ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8PropertyName, out JsonElement value)
bool GetBoolean ()
stringGetString ()
bool TryGetBytesFromBase64 ([NotNullWhen(true)] out byte[]? value)
byte[] GetBytesFromBase64 ()
bool TryGetSByte (out sbyte value)
sbyte GetSByte ()
bool TryGetByte (out byte value)
byte GetByte ()
bool TryGetInt16 (out short value)
short GetInt16 ()
bool TryGetUInt16 (out ushort value)
ushort GetUInt16 ()
bool TryGetInt32 (out int value)
int GetInt32 ()
bool TryGetUInt32 (out uint value)
uint GetUInt32 ()
bool TryGetInt64 (out long value)
long GetInt64 ()
bool TryGetUInt64 (out ulong value)
ulong GetUInt64 ()
bool TryGetDouble (out double value)
double GetDouble ()
bool TryGetSingle (out float value)
float GetSingle ()
bool TryGetDecimal (out decimal value)
decimal GetDecimal ()
bool TryGetDateTime (out DateTime value)
DateTime GetDateTime ()
bool TryGetDateTimeOffset (out DateTimeOffset value)
DateTimeOffset GetDateTimeOffset ()
bool TryGetGuid (out Guid value)
Guid GetGuid ()
string GetRawText ()
bool ValueEquals (string? text)
bool ValueEquals (ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Text)
bool ValueEquals (ReadOnlySpan< char > text)
void WriteTo (Utf8JsonWriter writer)
ArrayEnumerator EnumerateArray ()
ObjectEnumerator EnumerateObject ()
override string ToString ()
JsonElement Clone ()

Static Public Member Functions

static JsonElement ParseValue (ref Utf8JsonReader reader)
static bool TryParseValue (ref Utf8JsonReader reader, [NotNullWhen(true)] out JsonElement? element)

Package Functions

 JsonElement (JsonDocument parent, int idx)
string GetPropertyName ()
ReadOnlyMemory< byte > GetRawValue ()
string GetPropertyRawText ()
bool TextEqualsHelper (ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Text, bool isPropertyName, bool shouldUnescape)
bool TextEqualsHelper (ReadOnlySpan< char > text, bool isPropertyName)

Static Package Functions

static JsonElement ParseValue (Stream utf8Json, JsonDocumentOptions options)
static JsonElement ParseValue (ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Json, JsonDocumentOptions options)
static JsonElement ParseValue (string json, JsonDocumentOptions options)


JsonTokenType TokenType [get]
JsonValueKind ValueKind [get]
JsonElement this[int index] [get]
string DebuggerDisplay [get]

Private Member Functions

void CheckValidInstance ()

Private Attributes

readonly JsonDocument _parent
readonly int _idx

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file JsonElement.cs.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: