Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.ID.ProjectileID Class Reference


class  Sets

Static Public Attributes

const short None = 0
const short WoodenArrowFriendly = 1
const short FireArrow = 2
const short Shuriken = 3
const short UnholyArrow = 4
const short JestersArrow = 5
const short EnchantedBoomerang = 6
const short VilethornBase = 7
const short VilethornTip = 8
const short Starfury = 9
const short PurificationPowder = 10
const short VilePowder = 11
const short FallingStar = 12
const short Hook = 13
const short Bullet = 14
const short BallofFire = 15
const short MagicMissile = 16
const short DirtBall = 17
const short ShadowOrb = 18
const short Flamarang = 19
const short GreenLaser = 20
const short Bone = 21
const short WaterStream = 22
const short Harpoon = 23
const short SpikyBall = 24
const short BallOHurt = 25
const short BlueMoon = 26
const short WaterBolt = 27
const short Bomb = 28
const short Dynamite = 29
const short Grenade = 30
const short SandBallFalling = 31
const short IvyWhip = 32
const short ThornChakram = 33
const short Flamelash = 34
const short Sunfury = 35
const short MeteorShot = 36
const short StickyBomb = 37
const short HarpyFeather = 38
const short MudBall = 39
const short AshBallFalling = 40
const short HellfireArrow = 41
const short SandBallGun = 42
const short Tombstone = 43
const short DemonSickle = 44
const short DemonScythe = 45
const short DarkLance = 46
const short Trident = 47
const short ThrowingKnife = 48
const short Spear = 49
const short Glowstick = 50
const short Seed = 51
const short WoodenBoomerang = 52
const short StickyGlowstick = 53
const short PoisonedKnife = 54
const short Stinger = 55
const short EbonsandBallFalling = 56
const short CobaltChainsaw = 57
const short MythrilChainsaw = 58
const short CobaltDrill = 59
const short MythrilDrill = 60
const short AdamantiteChainsaw = 61
const short AdamantiteDrill = 62
const short TheDaoofPow = 63
const short MythrilHalberd = 64
const short EbonsandBallGun = 65
const short AdamantiteGlaive = 66
const short PearlSandBallFalling = 67
const short PearlSandBallGun = 68
const short HolyWater = 69
const short UnholyWater = 70
const short SiltBall = 71
const short BlueFairy = 72
const short DualHookBlue = 73
const short DualHookRed = 74
const short HappyBomb = 75
const short QuarterNote = 76
const short EighthNote = 77
const short TiedEighthNote = 78
const short RainbowRodBullet = 79
const short IceBlock = 80
const short WoodenArrowHostile = 81
const short FlamingArrow = 82
const short EyeLaser = 83
const short PinkLaser = 84
const short Flames = 85
const short PinkFairy = 86
const short GreenFairy = 87
const short PurpleLaser = 88
const short CrystalBullet = 89
const short CrystalShard = 90
const short HolyArrow = 91
const short HallowStar = 92
const short MagicDagger = 93
const short CrystalStorm = 94
const short CursedFlameFriendly = 95
const short CursedFlameHostile = 96
const short CobaltNaginata = 97
const short PoisonDart = 98
const short Boulder = 99
const short DeathLaser = 100
const short EyeFire = 101
const short BombSkeletronPrime = 102
const short CursedArrow = 103
const short CursedBullet = 104
const short Gungnir = 105
const short LightDisc = 106
const short Hamdrax = 107
const short Explosives = 108
const short SnowBallHostile = 109
const short BulletSnowman = 110
const short Bunny = 111
const short Penguin = 112
const short IceBoomerang = 113
const short UnholyTridentFriendly = 114
const short UnholyTridentHostile = 115
const short SwordBeam = 116
const short BoneArrow = 117
const short IceBolt = 118
const short FrostBoltSword = 119
const short FrostArrow = 120
const short AmethystBolt = 121
const short TopazBolt = 122
const short SapphireBolt = 123
const short EmeraldBolt = 124
const short RubyBolt = 125
const short DiamondBolt = 126
const short Turtle = 127
const short FrostBlastHostile = 128
const short RuneBlast = 129
const short MushroomSpear = 130
const short Mushroom = 131
const short TerraBeam = 132
const short GrenadeI = 133
const short RocketI = 134
const short ProximityMineI = 135
const short GrenadeII = 136
const short RocketII = 137
const short ProximityMineII = 138
const short GrenadeIII = 139
const short RocketIII = 140
const short ProximityMineIII = 141
const short GrenadeIV = 142
const short RocketIV = 143
const short ProximityMineIV = 144
const short PureSpray = 145
const short HallowSpray = 146
const short CorruptSpray = 147
const short MushroomSpray = 148
const short CrimsonSpray = 149
const short NettleBurstRight = 150
const short NettleBurstLeft = 151
const short NettleBurstEnd = 152
const short TheRottedFork = 153
const short TheMeatball = 154
const short BeachBall = 155
const short LightBeam = 156
const short NightBeam = 157
const short CopperCoin = 158
const short SilverCoin = 159
const short GoldCoin = 160
const short PlatinumCoin = 161
const short CannonballFriendly = 162
const short Flare = 163
const short Landmine = 164
const short Web = 165
const short SnowBallFriendly = 166
const short RocketFireworkRed = 167
const short RocketFireworkGreen = 168
const short RocketFireworkBlue = 169
const short RocketFireworkYellow = 170
const short RopeCoil = 171
const short FrostburnArrow = 172
const short EnchantedBeam = 173
const short IceSpike = 174
const short BabyEater = 175
const short JungleSpike = 176
const short IcewaterSpit = 177
const short ConfettiGun = 178
const short SlushBall = 179
const short BulletDeadeye = 180
const short Bee = 181
const short PossessedHatchet = 182
const short Beenade = 183
const short PoisonDartTrap = 184
const short SpikyBallTrap = 185
const short SpearTrap = 186
const short FlamethrowerTrap = 187
const short FlamesTrap = 188
const short Wasp = 189
const short MechanicalPiranha = 190
const short Pygmy = 191
const short Pygmy2 = 192
const short Pygmy3 = 193
const short Pygmy4 = 194
const short PygmySpear = 195
const short SmokeBomb = 196
const short BabySkeletronHead = 197
const short BabyHornet = 198
const short TikiSpirit = 199
const short PetLizard = 200
const short GraveMarker = 201
const short CrossGraveMarker = 202
const short Headstone = 203
const short Gravestone = 204
const short Obelisk = 205
const short Leaf = 206
const short ChlorophyteBullet = 207
const short Parrot = 208
const short Truffle = 209
const short Sapling = 210
const short Wisp = 211
const short PalladiumPike = 212
const short PalladiumDrill = 213
const short PalladiumChainsaw = 214
const short OrichalcumHalberd = 215
const short OrichalcumDrill = 216
const short OrichalcumChainsaw = 217
const short TitaniumTrident = 218
const short TitaniumDrill = 219
const short TitaniumChainsaw = 220
const short FlowerPetal = 221
const short ChlorophytePartisan = 222
const short ChlorophyteDrill = 223
const short ChlorophyteChainsaw = 224
const short ChlorophyteArrow = 225
const short CrystalLeaf = 226
const short CrystalLeafShot = 227
const short SporeCloud = 228
const short ChlorophyteOrb = 229
const short GemHookAmethyst = 230
const short GemHookTopaz = 231
const short GemHookSapphire = 232
const short GemHookEmerald = 233
const short GemHookRuby = 234
const short GemHookDiamond = 235
const short BabyDino = 236
const short RainCloudMoving = 237
const short RainCloudRaining = 238
const short RainFriendly = 239
const short CannonballHostile = 240
const short CrimsandBallFalling = 241
const short BulletHighVelocity = 242
const short BloodCloudMoving = 243
const short BloodCloudRaining = 244
const short BloodRain = 245
const short Stynger = 246
const short FlowerPow = 247
const short FlowerPowPetal = 248
const short StyngerShrapnel = 249
const short RainbowFront = 250
const short RainbowBack = 251
const short ChlorophyteJackhammer = 252
const short BallofFrost = 253
const short MagnetSphereBall = 254
const short MagnetSphereBolt = 255
const short SkeletronHand = 256
const short FrostBeam = 257
const short Fireball = 258
const short EyeBeam = 259
const short HeatRay = 260
const short BoulderStaffOfEarth = 261
const short GolemFist = 262
const short IceSickle = 263
const short RainNimbus = 264
const short PoisonFang = 265
const short BabySlime = 266
const short PoisonDartBlowgun = 267
const short EyeSpring = 268
const short BabySnowman = 269
const short Skull = 270
const short BoxingGlove = 271
const short Bananarang = 272
const short ChainKnife = 273
const short DeathSickle = 274
const short SeedPlantera = 275
const short PoisonSeedPlantera = 276
const short ThornBall = 277
const short IchorArrow = 278
const short IchorBullet = 279
const short GoldenShowerFriendly = 280
const short ExplosiveBunny = 281
const short VenomArrow = 282
const short VenomBullet = 283
const short PartyBullet = 284
const short NanoBullet = 285
const short ExplosiveBullet = 286
const short GoldenBullet = 287
const short GoldenShowerHostile = 288
const short ConfettiMelee = 289
const short ShadowBeamHostile = 290
const short InfernoHostileBolt = 291
const short InfernoHostileBlast = 292
const short LostSoulHostile = 293
const short ShadowBeamFriendly = 294
const short InfernoFriendlyBolt = 295
const short InfernoFriendlyBlast = 296
const short LostSoulFriendly = 297
const short SpiritHeal = 298
const short Shadowflames = 299
const short PaladinsHammerHostile = 300
const short PaladinsHammerFriendly = 301
const short SniperBullet = 302
const short RocketSkeleton = 303
const short VampireKnife = 304
const short VampireHeal = 305
const short EatersBite = 306
const short TinyEater = 307
const short FrostHydra = 308
const short FrostBlastFriendly = 309
const short BlueFlare = 310
const short CandyCorn = 311
const short JackOLantern = 312
const short Spider = 313
const short Squashling = 314
const short BatHook = 315
const short Bat = 316
const short Raven = 317
const short RottenEgg = 318
const short BlackCat = 319
const short BloodyMachete = 320
const short FlamingJack = 321
const short WoodHook = 322
const short Stake = 323
const short CursedSapling = 324
const short FlamingWood = 325
const short GreekFire1 = 326
const short GreekFire2 = 327
const short GreekFire3 = 328
const short FlamingScythe = 329
const short StarAnise = 330
const short CandyCaneHook = 331
const short ChristmasHook = 332
const short FruitcakeChakram = 333
const short Puppy = 334
const short OrnamentFriendly = 335
const short PineNeedleFriendly = 336
const short Blizzard = 337
const short RocketSnowmanI = 338
const short RocketSnowmanII = 339
const short RocketSnowmanIII = 340
const short RocketSnowmanIV = 341
const short NorthPoleWeapon = 342
const short NorthPoleSpear = 343
const short NorthPoleSnowflake = 344
const short PineNeedleHostile = 345
const short OrnamentHostile = 346
const short OrnamentHostileShrapnel = 347
const short FrostWave = 348
const short FrostShard = 349
const short Missile = 350
const short Present = 351
const short Spike = 352
const short BabyGrinch = 353
const short CrimsandBallGun = 354
const short VenomFang = 355
const short SpectreWrath = 356
const short PulseBolt = 357
const short WaterGun = 358
const short FrostBoltStaff = 359
const short BobberWooden = 360
const short BobberReinforced = 361
const short BobberFiberglass = 362
const short BobberFisherOfSouls = 363
const short BobberGolden = 364
const short BobberMechanics = 365
const short BobbersittingDuck = 366
const short ObsidianSwordfish = 367
const short Swordfish = 368
const short SawtoothShark = 369
const short LovePotion = 370
const short FoulPotion = 371
const short FishHook = 372
const short Hornet = 373
const short HornetStinger = 374
const short FlyingImp = 375
const short ImpFireball = 376
const short SpiderHiver = 377
const short SpiderEgg = 378
const short BabySpider = 379
const short ZephyrFish = 380
const short BobberFleshcatcher = 381
const short BobberHotline = 382
const short Anchor = 383
const short Sharknado = 384
const short SharknadoBolt = 385
const short Cthulunado = 386
const short Retanimini = 387
const short Spazmamini = 388
const short MiniRetinaLaser = 389
const short VenomSpider = 390
const short JumperSpider = 391
const short DangerousSpider = 392
const short OneEyedPirate = 393
const short SoulscourgePirate = 394
const short PirateCaptain = 395
const short SlimeHook = 396
const short StickyGrenade = 397
const short MiniMinotaur = 398
const short MolotovCocktail = 399
const short MolotovFire = 400
const short MolotovFire2 = 401
const short MolotovFire3 = 402
const short TrackHook = 403
const short Flairon = 404
const short FlaironBubble = 405
const short SlimeGun = 406
const short Tempest = 407
const short MiniSharkron = 408
const short Typhoon = 409
const short Bubble = 410
const short CopperCoinsFalling = 411
const short SilverCoinsFalling = 412
const short GoldCoinsFalling = 413
const short PlatinumCoinsFalling = 414
const short RocketFireworksBoxRed = 415
const short RocketFireworksBoxGreen = 416
const short RocketFireworksBoxBlue = 417
const short RocketFireworksBoxYellow = 418
const short FireworkFountainYellow = 419
const short FireworkFountainRed = 420
const short FireworkFountainBlue = 421
const short FireworkFountainRainbow = 422
const short UFOMinion = 423
const short Meteor1 = 424
const short Meteor2 = 425
const short Meteor3 = 426
const short VortexChainsaw = 427
const short VortexDrill = 428
const short NebulaChainsaw = 429
const short NebulaDrill = 430
const short SolarFlareChainsaw = 431
const short SolarFlareDrill = 432
const short UFOLaser = 433
const short ScutlixLaserFriendly = 434
const short MartianTurretBolt = 435
const short BrainScramblerBolt = 436
const short GigaZapperSpear = 437
const short RayGunnerLaser = 438
const short LaserMachinegun = 439
const short LaserMachinegunLaser = 440
const short ScutlixLaserCrosshair = 441
const short ElectrosphereMissile = 442
const short Electrosphere = 443
const short Xenopopper = 444
const short LaserDrill = 445
const short AntiGravityHook = 446
const short SaucerDeathray = 447
const short SaucerMissile = 448
const short SaucerLaser = 449
const short SaucerScrap = 450
const short InfluxWaver = 451
const short PhantasmalEye = 452
const short DrillMountCrosshair = 453
const short PhantasmalSphere = 454
const short PhantasmalDeathray = 455
const short MoonLeech = 456
const short PhasicWarpEjector = 457
const short PhasicWarpDisc = 458
const short ChargedBlasterOrb = 459
const short ChargedBlasterCannon = 460
const short ChargedBlasterLaser = 461
const short PhantasmalBolt = 462
const short ViciousPowder = 463
const short CultistBossIceMist = 464
const short CultistBossLightningOrb = 465
const short CultistBossLightningOrbArc = 466
const short CultistBossFireBall = 467
const short CultistBossFireBallClone = 468
const short BeeArrow = 469
const short StickyDynamite = 470
const short SkeletonBone = 471
const short WebSpit = 472
const short SpelunkerGlowstick = 473
const short BoneArrowFromMerchant = 474
const short VineRopeCoil = 475
const short SoulDrain = 476
const short CrystalDart = 477
const short CursedDart = 478
const short IchorDart = 479
const short CursedDartFlame = 480
const short ChainGuillotine = 481
const short ClingerStaff = 482
const short SeedlerNut = 483
const short SeedlerThorn = 484
const short Hellwing = 485
const short TendonHook = 486
const short ThornHook = 487
const short IlluminantHook = 488
const short WormHook = 489
const short CultistRitual = 490
const short FlyingKnife = 491
const short MagicLantern = 492
const short CrystalVileShardHead = 493
const short CrystalVileShardShaft = 494
const short ShadowFlameArrow = 495
const short ShadowFlame = 496
const short ShadowFlameKnife = 497
const short Nail = 498
const short BabyFaceMonster = 499
const short CrimsonHeart = 500
const short DrManFlyFlask = 501
const short Meowmere = 502
const short StarWrath = 503
const short Spark = 504
const short SilkRopeCoil = 505
const short WebRopeCoil = 506
const short JavelinFriendly = 507
const short JavelinHostile = 508
const short ButchersChainsaw = 509
const short ToxicFlask = 510
const short ToxicCloud = 511
const short ToxicCloud2 = 512
const short ToxicCloud3 = 513
const short NailFriendly = 514
const short BouncyGlowstick = 515
const short BouncyBomb = 516
const short BouncyGrenade = 517
const short CoinPortal = 518
const short BombFish = 519
const short FrostDaggerfish = 520
const short CrystalPulse = 521
const short CrystalPulse2 = 522
const short ToxicBubble = 523
const short IchorSplash = 524
const short FlyingPiggyBank = 525
const short CultistBossParticle = 526
const short RichGravestone1 = 527
const short RichGravestone2 = 528
const short RichGravestone3 = 529
const short RichGravestone4 = 530
const short RichGravestone5 = 531
const short BoneGloveProj = 532
const short DeadlySphere = 533
const short Code1 = 534
const short MedusaHead = 535
const short MedusaHeadRay = 536
const short StardustSoldierLaser = 537
const short Twinkle = 538
const short StardustJellyfishSmall = 539
const short StardustTowerMark = 540
const short WoodYoyo = 541
const short CorruptYoyo = 542
const short CrimsonYoyo = 543
const short JungleYoyo = 544
const short Cascade = 545
const short Chik = 546
const short Code2 = 547
const short Rally = 548
const short Yelets = 549
const short RedsYoyo = 550
const short ValkyrieYoyo = 551
const short Amarok = 552
const short HelFire = 553
const short Kraken = 554
const short TheEyeOfCthulhu = 555
const short BlackCounterweight = 556
const short BlueCounterweight = 557
const short GreenCounterweight = 558
const short PurpleCounterweight = 559
const short RedCounterweight = 560
const short YellowCounterweight = 561
const short FormatC = 562
const short Gradient = 563
const short Valor = 564
const short BrainOfConfusion = 565
const short GiantBee = 566
const short SporeTrap = 567
const short SporeTrap2 = 568
const short SporeGas = 569
const short SporeGas2 = 570
const short SporeGas3 = 571
const short SalamanderSpit = 572
const short NebulaBolt = 573
const short NebulaEye = 574
const short NebulaSphere = 575
const short NebulaLaser = 576
const short VortexLaser = 577
const short VortexVortexLightning = 578
const short VortexVortexPortal = 579
const short VortexLightning = 580
const short VortexAcid = 581
const short MechanicWrench = 582
const short NurseSyringeHurt = 583
const short NurseSyringeHeal = 584
const short ClothiersCurse = 585
const short DryadsWardCircle = 586
const short PainterPaintball = 587
const short PartyGirlGrenade = 588
const short SantaBombs = 589
const short TruffleSpore = 590
const short MinecartMechLaser = 591
const short MartianWalkerLaser = 592
const short AncientDoomProjectile = 593
const short BlowupSmoke = 594
const short Arkhalis = 595
const short DesertDjinnCurse = 596
const short AmberBolt = 597
const short BoneJavelin = 598
const short BoneDagger = 599
const short PortalGun = 600
const short PortalGunBolt = 601
const short PortalGunGate = 602
const short Terrarian = 603
const short TerrarianBeam = 604
const short SpikedSlimeSpike = 605
const short ScutlixLaser = 606
const short SolarFlareRay = 607
const short SolarCounter = 608
const short StardustDrill = 609
const short StardustChainsaw = 610
const short SolarWhipSword = 611
const short SolarWhipSwordExplosion = 612
const short StardustCellMinion = 613
const short StardustCellMinionShot = 614
const short VortexBeater = 615
const short VortexBeaterRocket = 616
const short NebulaArcanum = 617
const short NebulaArcanumSubshot = 618
const short NebulaArcanumExplosionShot = 619
const short NebulaArcanumExplosionShotShard = 620
const short BloodWater = 621
const short BlowupSmokeMoonlord = 622
const short StardustGuardian = 623
const short StardustGuardianExplosion = 624
const short StardustDragon1 = 625
const short StardustDragon2 = 626
const short StardustDragon3 = 627
const short StardustDragon4 = 628
const short TowerDamageBolt = 629
const short Phantasm = 630
const short PhantasmArrow = 631
const short LastPrismLaser = 632
const short LastPrism = 633
const short NebulaBlaze1 = 634
const short NebulaBlaze2 = 635
const short Daybreak = 636
const short BouncyDynamite = 637
const short MoonlordBullet = 638
const short MoonlordArrow = 639
const short MoonlordArrowTrail = 640
const short MoonlordTurret = 641
const short MoonlordTurretLaser = 642
const short RainbowCrystal = 643
const short RainbowCrystalExplosion = 644
const short LunarFlare = 645
const short LunarHookSolar = 646
const short LunarHookVortex = 647
const short LunarHookNebula = 648
const short LunarHookStardust = 649
const short SuspiciousTentacle = 650
const short WireKite = 651
const short StaticHook = 652
const short CompanionCube = 653
const short GeyserTrap = 654
const short BeeHive = 655
const short SandnadoFriendly = 656
const short SandnadoHostile = 657
const short SandnadoHostileMark = 658
const short SpiritFlame = 659
const short SkyFracture = 660
const short BlackBolt = 661
const short DD2JavelinHostile = 662
const short DD2FlameBurstTowerT1 = 663
const short DD2FlameBurstTowerT1Shot = 664
const short DD2FlameBurstTowerT2 = 665
const short DD2FlameBurstTowerT2Shot = 666
const short DD2FlameBurstTowerT3 = 667
const short DD2FlameBurstTowerT3Shot = 668
const short Ale = 669
const short DD2OgreStomp = 670
const short DD2DrakinShot = 671
const short DD2ElderWins = 672
const short DD2DarkMageRaise = 673
const short DD2DarkMageHeal = 674
const short DD2DarkMageBolt = 675
const short DD2OgreSpit = 676
const short DD2BallistraTowerT1 = 677
const short DD2BallistraTowerT2 = 678
const short DD2BallistraTowerT3 = 679
const short DD2BallistraProj = 680
const short DD2GoblinBomb = 681
const short DD2LightningBugZap = 682
const short DD2OgreSmash = 683
const short DD2SquireSonicBoom = 684
const short DD2JavelinHostileT3 = 685
const short DD2BetsyFireball = 686
const short DD2BetsyFlameBreath = 687
const short DD2LightningAuraT1 = 688
const short DD2LightningAuraT2 = 689
const short DD2LightningAuraT3 = 690
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT1 = 691
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT2 = 692
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT3 = 693
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT1Explosion = 694
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT2Explosion = 695
const short DD2ExplosiveTrapT3Explosion = 696
const short MonkStaffT1 = 697
const short MonkStaffT1Explosion = 698
const short MonkStaffT2 = 699
const short MonkStaffT2Ghast = 700
const short DD2PetDragon = 701
const short DD2PetGhost = 702
const short DD2PetGato = 703
const short DD2ApprenticeStorm = 704
const short DD2PhoenixBow = 705
const short DD2PhoenixBowShot = 706
const short MonkStaffT3 = 707
const short MonkStaffT3_Alt = 708
const short MonkStaffT3_AltShot = 709
const short DD2BetsyArrow = 710
const short ApprenticeStaffT3Shot = 711
const short BookStaffShot = 712
const short DD2Win = 713
const short Celeb2Weapon = 714
const short Celeb2Rocket = 715
const short Celeb2RocketExplosive = 716
const short Celeb2RocketLarge = 717
const short Celeb2RocketExplosiveLarge = 718
const short QueenBeeStinger = 719
const short FallingStarSpawner = 720
const short DirtGolfBall = 721
const short GolfClubHelper = 722
const short ManaCloakStar = 723
const short BeeCloakStar = 724
const short StarVeilStar = 725
const short StarCloakStar = 726
const short RollingCactus = 727
const short SuperStar = 728
const short SuperStarSlash = 729
const short ThunderSpear = 730
const short ThunderStaffShot = 731
const short ThunderSpearShot = 732
const short ToiletEffect = 733
const short VoidLens = 734
const short Terragrim = 735
const short BlueDungeonDebris = 736
const short GreenDungeonDebris = 737
const short PinkDungeonDebris = 738
const short GolfBallDyedBlack = 739
const short GolfBallDyedBlue = 740
const short GolfBallDyedBrown = 741
const short GolfBallDyedCyan = 742
const short GolfBallDyedGreen = 743
const short GolfBallDyedLimeGreen = 744
const short GolfBallDyedOrange = 745
const short GolfBallDyedPink = 746
const short GolfBallDyedPurple = 747
const short GolfBallDyedRed = 748
const short GolfBallDyedSkyBlue = 749
const short GolfBallDyedTeal = 750
const short GolfBallDyedViolet = 751
const short GolfBallDyedYellow = 752
const short AmberHook = 753
const short MysticSnakeCoil = 754
const short BatOfLight = 755
const short SharpTears = 756
const short DripplerFlail = 757
const short VampireFrog = 758
const short BabyBird = 759
const short BobberBloody = 760
const short PaperAirplaneA = 761
const short PaperAirplaneB = 762
const short RollingCactusSpike = 763
const short UpbeatStar = 764
const short SugarGlider = 765
const short KiteBlue = 766
const short KiteBlueAndYellow = 767
const short KiteRed = 768
const short KiteRedAndYellow = 769
const short KiteYellow = 770
const short KiteWyvern = 771
const short Geode = 772
const short ScarabBomb = 773
const short SharkPup = 774
const short BobberScarab = 775
const short ClusterRocketI = 776
const short ClusterGrenadeI = 777
const short ClusterMineI = 778
const short ClusterFragmentsI = 779
const short ClusterRocketII = 780
const short ClusterGrenadeII = 781
const short ClusterMineII = 782
const short ClusterFragmentsII = 783
const short WetRocket = 784
const short WetGrenade = 785
const short WetMine = 786
const short LavaRocket = 787
const short LavaGrenade = 788
const short LavaMine = 789
const short HoneyRocket = 790
const short HoneyGrenade = 791
const short HoneyMine = 792
const short MiniNukeRocketI = 793
const short MiniNukeGrenadeI = 794
const short MiniNukeMineI = 795
const short MiniNukeRocketII = 796
const short MiniNukeGrenadeII = 797
const short MiniNukeMineII = 798
const short DryRocket = 799
const short DryGrenade = 800
const short DryMine = 801
const short GladiusStab = 802
const short ClusterSnowmanRocketI = 803
const short ClusterSnowmanRocketII = 804
const short WetSnowmanRocket = 805
const short LavaSnowmanRocket = 806
const short HoneySnowmanRocket = 807
const short MiniNukeSnowmanRocketI = 808
const short MiniNukeSnowmanRocketII = 809
const short DrySnowmanRocket = 810
const short BloodShot = 811
const short ShellPileFalling = 812
const short BloodNautilusTears = 813
const short BloodNautilusShot = 814
const short LilHarpy = 815
const short FennecFox = 816
const short GlitteryButterfly = 817
const short WhiteTigerPounce = 818
const short BloodArrow = 819
const short ChumBucket = 820
const short BabyImp = 821
const short KiteBoneSerpent = 822
const short KiteWorldFeeder = 823
const short KiteBunny = 824
const short BabyRedPanda = 825
const short KitePigron = 826
const short KiteManEater = 827
const short KiteJellyfishBlue = 828
const short KiteJellyfishPink = 829
const short KiteShark = 830
const short StormTigerGem = 831
const short StormTigerAttack = 832
const short StormTigerTier1 = 833
const short StormTigerTier2 = 834
const short StormTigerTier3 = 835
const short DandelionSeed = 836
const short BookOfSkullsSkull = 837
const short KiteSandShark = 838
const short KiteBunnyCorrupt = 839
const short KiteBunnyCrimson = 840
const short BlandWhip = 841
const short RulerStab = 842
const short KiteGoldfish = 843
const short KiteAngryTrapper = 844
const short KiteKoi = 845
const short KiteCrawltipede = 846
const short SwordWhip = 847
const short MaceWhip = 848
const short ScytheWhip = 849
const short KiteSpectrum = 850
const short ReleaseDoves = 851
const short KiteWanderingEye = 852
const short KiteUnicorn = 853
const short Plantero = 854
const short ReleaseLantern = 855
const short SparkleGuitar = 856
const short FirstFractal = 857
const short DynamiteKitten = 858
const short BabyWerewolf = 859
const short ShadowMimic = 860
const short Football = 861
const short ClusterSnowmanFragmentsI = 862
const short ClusterSnowmanFragmentsII = 863
const short Smolstar = 864
const short SquirrelHook = 865
const short BouncingShield = 866
const short Shroomerang = 867
const short TreeGlobe = 868
const short WorldGlobe = 869
const short FairyGlowstick = 870
const short HallowBossSplitShotCore = 871
const short HallowBossLastingRainbow = 872
const short HallowBossRainbowStreak = 873
const short HallowBossDeathAurora = 874
const short VoltBunny = 875
const short ZapinatorLaser = 876
const short JoustingLance = 877
const short ShadowJoustingLance = 878
const short HallowJoustingLance = 879
const short ZoologistStrikeGreen = 880
const short KingSlimePet = 881
const short EyeOfCthulhuPet = 882
const short EaterOfWorldsPet = 883
const short BrainOfCthulhuPet = 884
const short SkeletronPet = 885
const short QueenBeePet = 886
const short DestroyerPet = 887
const short TwinsPet = 888
const short SkeletronPrimePet = 889
const short PlanteraPet = 890
const short GolemPet = 891
const short DukeFishronPet = 892
const short LunaticCultistPet = 893
const short MoonLordPet = 894
const short FairyQueenPet = 895
const short PumpkingPet = 896
const short EverscreamPet = 897
const short IceQueenPet = 898
const short MartianPet = 899
const short DD2OgrePet = 900
const short DD2BetsyPet = 901
const short CombatWrench = 902
const short WetBomb = 903
const short LavaBomb = 904
const short HoneyBomb = 905
const short DryBomb = 906
const short OrnamentStar = 907
const short TitaniumStormShard = 908
const short RockGolemRock = 909
const short DirtBomb = 910
const short DirtStickyBomb = 911
const short CoolWhip = 912
const short FireWhip = 913
const short ThornWhip = 914
const short RainbowWhip = 915
const short ScytheWhipProj = 916
const short CoolWhipProj = 917
const short FireWhipProj = 918
const short FairyQueenLance = 919
const short QueenSlimeMinionBlueSpike = 920
const short QueenSlimeMinionPinkBall = 921
const short QueenSlimeSmash = 922
const short FairyQueenSunDance = 923
const short FairyQueenHymn = 924
const short StardustPunch = 925
const short QueenSlimeGelAttack = 926
const short PiercingStarlight = 927
const short DripplerFlailExtraBall = 928
const short ZoologistStrikeRed = 929
const short SantankMountRocket = 930
const short FairyQueenMagicItemShot = 931
const short FairyQueenRangedItemShot = 932
const short FinalFractal = 933
const short QueenSlimePet = 934
const short QueenSlimeHook = 935
const short GelBalloon = 936
const short VolatileGelatinBall = 937
const short CopperShortswordStab = 938
const short TinShortswordStab = 939
const short IronShortswordStab = 940
const short LeadShortswordStab = 941
const short SilverShortswordStab = 942
const short TungstenShortswordStab = 943
const short GoldShortswordStab = 944
const short PlatinumShortswordStab = 945
const short EmpressBlade = 946
const short Mace = 947
const short FlamingMace = 948
const short TorchGod = 949
const short PrincessWeapon = 950
const short FlinxMinion = 951
const short BoneWhip = 952
const short DaybreakExplosion = 953
const short WandOfSparkingSpark = 954
const short StarCannonStar = 955
const short BerniePet = 956
const short GlommerPet = 957
const short DeerclopsPet = 958
const short PigPet = 959
const short ChesterPet = 960
const short DeerclopsIceSpike = 961
const short DeerclopsRangedProjectile = 962
const short AbigailMinion = 963
const short InsanityShadowFriendly = 964
const short InsanityShadowHostile = 965
const short HoundiusShootius = 966
const short HoundiusShootiusFireball = 967
const short PewMaticHornShot = 968
const short WeatherPainShot = 969
const short AbigailCounter = 970
const short TentacleSpike = 971
const short NightsEdge = 972
const short TrueNightsEdge = 973
const short LightsBane = 974
const short BloodButcherer = 975
const short BladeOfGrass = 976
const short Muramasa = 977
const short Volcano = 978
const short WandOfFrostingFrost = 979
const short VenomDartTrap = 980
const short SilverBullet = 981
const short Excalibur = 982
const short TrueExcalibur = 983
const short TerraBlade2 = 984
const short TerraBlade2Shot = 985
const short FishingBobber = 986
const short FishingBobberGlowingStar = 987
const short FishingBobberGlowingLava = 988
const short FishingBobberGlowingKrypton = 989
const short FishingBobberGlowingXenon = 990
const short FishingBobberGlowingArgon = 991
const short FishingBobberGlowingViolet = 992
const short FishingBobberGlowingRainbow = 993
const short JunimoPet = 994
const short JuminoStardropAnimation = 995
const short MoonGlobe = 996
const short TheHorsemansBlade = 997
const short BlueChickenPet = 998
const short HiveFive = 999
const short Trimarang = 1000
const short HorsemanPumpkin = 1001
const short TNTBarrel = 1002
const short Spiffo = 1003
const short CavelingGardener = 1004
const short MiniBoulder = 1005
const short ShimmerArrow = 1006
const short GasTrap = 1007
const short SpelunkerFlare = 1008
const short CursedFlare = 1009
const short RainbowFlare = 1010
const short ShimmerFlare = 1011
const short Waffle = 1012
const short BouncyBoulder = 1013
const short LifeCrystalBoulder = 1014
const short SandSpray = 1015
const short SnowSpray = 1016
const short DirtSpray = 1017
const short DirtiestBlock = 1018
const short Fertilizer = 1019
const short JimsDrone = 1020
const short MoonBoulder = 1021
static readonly short Count = 1022
static readonly IdDictionary Search = IdDictionary.Create<ProjectileID, short>()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file ProjectileID.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: