Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Console Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey ()
static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey (bool intercept)
static void ResetColor ()
static void SetBufferSize (int width, int height)
static void SetWindowPosition (int left, int top)
static void SetWindowSize (int width, int height)
static int int Top GetCursorPosition ()
static void Beep ()
static void Beep (int frequency, int duration)
static void MoveBufferArea (int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop)
static void MoveBufferArea (int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop, char sourceChar, ConsoleColor sourceForeColor, ConsoleColor sourceBackColor)
static void Clear ()
static void SetCursorPosition (int left, int top)
static Stream OpenStandardInput ()
static Stream OpenStandardInput (int bufferSize)
static Stream OpenStandardOutput ()
static Stream OpenStandardOutput (int bufferSize)
static Stream OpenStandardError ()
static Stream OpenStandardError (int bufferSize)
static void SetIn (TextReader newIn)
static void SetOut (TextWriter newOut)
static void SetError (TextWriter newError)
static int Read ()
static ? string ReadLine ()
static void WriteLine ()
static void WriteLine (bool value)
static void WriteLine (char value)
static void WriteLine (char[]? buffer)
static void WriteLine (char[] buffer, int index, int count)
static void WriteLine (decimal value)
static void WriteLine (double value)
static void WriteLine (float value)
static void WriteLine (int value)
static void WriteLine (uint value)
static void WriteLine (long value)
static void WriteLine (ulong value)
static void WriteLine (object? value)
static void WriteLine (string? value)
static void WriteLine (string format, object? arg0)
static void WriteLine (string format, object? arg0, object? arg1)
static void WriteLine (string format, object? arg0, object? arg1, object? arg2)
static void WriteLine (string format, params object?[]? arg)
static void Write (string format, object? arg0)
static void Write (string format, object? arg0, object? arg1)
static void Write (string format, object? arg0, object? arg1, object? arg2)
static void Write (string format, params object?[]? arg)
static void Write (bool value)
static void Write (char value)
static void Write (char[]? buffer)
static void Write (char[] buffer, int index, int count)
static void Write (double value)
static void Write (decimal value)
static void Write (float value)
static void Write (int value)
static void Write (uint value)
static void Write (long value)
static void Write (ulong value)
static void Write (object? value)
static void Write (string? value)

Static Public Attributes

static int Left


static TextReader In [get]
static Encoding InputEncoding [get, set]
static Encoding OutputEncoding [get, set]
static bool KeyAvailable [get]
static TextWriter Out [get]
static TextWriter Error [get]
static bool IsInputRedirected [get]
static bool IsOutputRedirected [get]
static bool IsErrorRedirected [get]
static int CursorSize [get, set]
static bool NumberLock [get]
static bool CapsLock [get]
static ConsoleColor BackgroundColor [get, set]
static ConsoleColor ForegroundColor [get, set]
static int BufferWidth [get, set]
static int BufferHeight [get, set]
static int WindowLeft [get, set]
static int WindowTop [get, set]
static int WindowWidth [get, set]
static int WindowHeight [get, set]
static int LargestWindowWidth [get]
static int LargestWindowHeight [get]
static bool CursorVisible [get, set]
static int CursorLeft [get, set]
static int CursorTop [get, set]
static string Title [get, set]
static bool TreatControlCAsInput [get, set]
static ? ConsoleCancelEventHandler CancelKeyPress

Static Private Member Functions

static TextWriter CreateOutputWriter (Stream outputStream)
static void CheckNonNull (object obj, string paramName)
static void HandlePosixSignal (PosixSignalContext ctx)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly object s_syncObject = new object()
static TextReader s_in
static TextWriter s_out
static TextWriter s_error
static Encoding s_inputEncoding
static Encoding s_outputEncoding
static bool s_isOutTextWriterRedirected
static bool s_isErrorTextWriterRedirected
static ConsoleCancelEventHandler s_cancelCallbacks
static PosixSignalRegistration s_sigIntRegistration
static PosixSignalRegistration s_sigQuitRegistration
static StrongBox< bool_isStdInRedirected
static StrongBox< bool_isStdOutRedirected
static StrongBox< bool_isStdErrRedirected

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file Console.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: